Hi Steveo
I will begin with saying I have been taking Valium for the past 30 years. BUT...only 2-4 mg per panic attack/outing(agoraphobia)

I have just been to my doc this morning for my repeat prescribed of 28 x 2mg Valium. This usually lasts me 4 to 5 months.
Every time i go to the docs they give me a lecture about how they have been advised to cut down or stop prescribing valium.
so I have just recently researched the drug.

I thought I was being VERY careful, only taking a small dose (2-4mg) every week or fortnight when my aggrophobia was very bad. And I needed to go somewhere.

But it seems if I take 1x2mg Valium in a one off dose, the drug can stay in my system for nearly 30 days. (I have tested this with a benzo home test kit) and its true.
So the relaxation effect of the Valium = 4 hours
The drug in my body = 30 days!!!

My point is.... Even If I only take a very small dose and only every fortnight

So a tolerance to the drug COULD build up.
Tolerance is diff from addiction.

However. I recently forced myself to go 37 days without any Valium. Did the home benzo urine test and It was negative. And I did not have any withdrawal symptoms.
I was anxious eg when travelling etc, and at first my mind tried to tell me it WAS withdrawals, but when I got home I was totally fine, and had to admit it was 'just' anxiety!!

So I asked my doc today if he would prescribe me a benzo that had a short half life
(the time it takes to excrete HALF the amount of the drug from your body.)
one dose of Valium takes up to 100hours half life!!!
Because I only need a benzo to help me get out and about. Not all day sedation.
He said the other benzos had a very sedative effect and wouldn't be suitable for doing activities etc. and that Valium was the most suitable for my needs.
He also said I would not be addicted by the way I use it.

stevo, I have also researched withdrawing from the drug and the most successful way of doing it is really slowly and if you are experiencing withdrawals on day 4. Then Mabey you are cutting down too much too quickly. In have read stories when it is done VERY slowly, you CAN do it without any Withdrawal symptoms.
With regard to you collecting your belongings. I would def just ask your father to go on his own to collect your stuff. If your agoraphobia is very bad, this will be practically impossible for you.
I also don't believe the Valium is masking your antidepressants. Once your in withdrawal from Valium, you don't actually get ANY sedative effect cos your not taking enough to get any affect. That's why your getting the withdrawal symptoms.

So your anxiety is primarily your state if health at this moment in time
Side effects from your antidepressants
Withdrawal symptoms from Valium
(In my opinion and I AM NOT A DOCTOR!!

It is interesting reading your blog about this. Good luck, and keep posting about it xx