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Thread: Male breast cancer??? Or health anxiety gone too far?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Male breast cancer??? Or health anxiety gone too far?

    I've been having pain in my left man boob for quite a few weeks now, maybe about 2 months. I can feel quite a few lumps in there too. I do have breast tissue due to me being over weight. I told my GP and she examined both man boobs and said everything seemed fine. But to come back if it gets painful or the lumps get bigger. I've also been getting sharp achy pain in my left arm pit, well slightly lower than that actually, more rib area.

    As well as all this I've been getting left testicle pain for a few days, no 'new' lumps though. But I've been reading that testicular cancer can spread to the breast tissue and chest in men... :-(

    Apparently male breast cancer has a rate of 1 in 100 000, but I do have several risk factors, obesity and my grandmother had breast cancer TWICE, 15 years apart.

    Is this just health anxiety running away with me? I'm only 24 years old and the average age of diagnosis for male breast cancer is 70...
    Butterflies all the time!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Male breast cancer??? Or health anxiety gone too far?


    I am not a doctor so cannot give you much advice apart from chatting your GP if you are concerned.

    I am 29. I sorry to hear about your grandmother about breast cancer twice. It is good that you have been exam by your GP with your concerns with your breast area. I do also worry about male breast cancer and also testicular cancer, plus many more.

    Have you talked to your GP about your testicle pain. I know it is going to be very hard but please do not read these sites, I have frighten myself to death how cancer can spread and have now stopped reading daily mail sites and trying to slowly get myself of googling and cancer websites.

    We don't have any cancer in the family, but still worry.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Male breast cancer??? Or health anxiety gone too far?

    Hi unsure_about_this,

    I have had a testicular exam twice before, because of a couple of lumps I've found, I've never had pain before though. The last time I was checked was 2 years ago.

    I do have cancer in my family, 3 out of 4 of my grandparents have had cancer, my 2 grandfathers with prostate, and my grandmother with breast twice.

    No one in my immediate family has or has had cancer though.

    I've got an appointment with my GP in about 3 weeks, but I'm worried it's too late already and the cancer has spread... :-(
    Butterflies all the time!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Male breast cancer??? Or health anxiety gone too far?

    The chances of it being breat cancer are low to be honest, espcially if it was a secondary - you would be very ill by now and the cancer would have invaded the circulation in order to spread. Cellular-wise, the testicles and chest are a long way to travel! The sharp pain isn't typical of cancer pain, which usually causes pain by pressing against tissues or invading healthy tissue.
    All you can really do is follow the GP's advice and been seen if it gets worse.
    never use a long word where a diminutive confabulation will suffice.

  5. #5

    Re: Male breast cancer??? Or health anxiety gone too far?

    What was the conclusion ? I have the exact same symptoms as OP

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Male breast cancer??? Or health anxiety gone too far?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anxiety Jim View Post
    I've been having pain in my left man boob for quite a few weeks now, maybe about 2 months. I can feel quite a few lumps in there too. I do have breast tissue due to me being over weight. I told my GP and she examined both man boobs and said everything seemed fine. But to come back if it gets painful or the lumps get bigger. I've also been getting sharp achy pain in my left arm pit, well slightly lower than that actually, more rib area.

    As well as all this I've been getting left testicle pain for a few days, no 'new' lumps though. But I've been reading that testicular cancer can spread to the breast tissue and chest in men... :-(

    Apparently male breast cancer has a rate of 1 in 100 000, but I do have several risk factors, obesity and my grandmother had breast cancer TWICE, 15 years apart.

    Is this just health anxiety running away with me? I'm only 24 years old and the average age of diagnosis for male breast cancer is 70...
    When I read you post, I find it interesting. You state your fears initially, then rationalize why you wouldn't have such a rare disease, finally acknowledging your HA. After all, you are posting on an anxiety forum.

    If you read your post from an objective perspective, I think the answer to your fear is right there in front of you.

    Positive thoughts.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

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