Hi, I am intending to apply for JSA in the near future, and having depression and anxiety I thought this would be a good place to ask for advice. It's about a year since I became eligible for this benefit, but due to stubbornness/my conditions I've never completed an application (although I did apply in March but later withdrew it due to a bad bout of anxiety).

I have a few queries, like if it would be beneficial mentioning my mental health problems at the interview? I guess I don't have anything to lose in mentioning it. And what materials will I need to take with me? I'll need a CV, two forms of ID and bank statements, but might there be anything else? I'm aware of the work placement scheme, is it likely I could be forced onto that? Could anyone with personal experience of claiming this benefit give me any additional pointers or advice?

From what I've read, a lot of people on this benefit who are sincerely going about their business are facing problems with things like sanctions and warnings. From what I can gather, the advisers have been ordered to be more strict with claimants and are handing out sanctions seemingly randomly. This has fuelled a lot of anxiety over applying, worrying about becoming one of their victims. Just generally, thinking and reading about applying is quite anxiety inducing.

Thanks for any help you can give.