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Thread: worried about my heart

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    worried about my heart

    hi i just feel like i need to ask if anyone else feels like this im terrified im going to have a heart attack or my heart is going to suddenley just stop.My main anxiety symptoms at the min are surrounding my heart i.e chest tightness and palpitations even getting out of a bath makes my heart race...had heart tests etc but i still fear im on my way out i feel as though my heart is being squeezed at times..does anyone know what i mean? also i get ectopics im 26 and 8 stone why do i feel this way???
    any replies will be grateful thanx everyone

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    I think I can relate to what you mean.

    My latest symptoms are what I think must be palpitations. My throat closes up, my chest is tight and my heart is thudding. It's horrible but I seem (at the moment) to be able to accept this as yet another symptom of anxiety; although I don't understand why I am getting it when I am not consiously feeling anxious.

    I'm having a real bad afternoon of it, and I know its coz I'm having my sigmoidoscopy tomorrow. So all my symptoms are coming out at once (as well as the palpitations, its the pins and needles, nausea, dizziness, tummy pains, muscle pains ....)

    I don't understand them at all, but I do know they are such a common symptom of anxiety. Horrible though, and they make you more anxious so it's a viscious circle.

    I do find with mine that I don't get them when I'm distracted - ie in deep conversation, during eating, concentrating on something. It's when I'm just sitting around and my mind isn't on anything in particular, or like now when I'm supposed to be working but my head is elsewhere!

    I'm sure there'll be loads of people on here that can reassure you. I've not had mine checked out (yet) because they are very new to me and I'm sure related at the moment to my high stress levels.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    you could be talking about me and im sure many more. almost all of my symptoms are based around my heart and that is what i fear the most. i have had this fear for 5 years now and although i have been through sooo many tests nothing brings real comfort. even today i have neuralgia type pains down my chest and in my left arm but i also feel breathless so i am convinced my heart muscle is somehow affected

    you are not alone and our symptoms are so scary


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    You are definately not alone as i have this aswel but unlike all of you i am very over weight so that only makes this worse for me. im trying desperatley to lose weight but finding it very hard.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi ya,
    i also have these fears. i get pains in the chest and things and emideatly i think there is something wrong with my heart. then of course the panic gets worse. i've also had test and been told everything is fine.
    but it doesnt stop you from worrying though.
    sorry i cant give much advice but you're not the only one that has these thoughts , maybe that is a bit of comfort.
    take care

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    I to have this.

    I get the chest pains, which then makes the panic worrse and then I get all kinds of other symptoms.

    I always think im gonna have a heart attack

    love mandie x

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