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Thread: would serious side effects show up by now?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    would serious side effects show up by now?

    Hi all

    I have major health anxiety and last year tried pregabalin for 6 months and it worked really well....until I was convinced it was enlarging my heart and stopped it (it wasn't)

    Now my gp has persuaded me to try it again but at my own pace. Ive been taking 25mgs at night since sept 3rd so almost 2 months, and have felt ok, infact the 'shakes' I get in the mornings have gone pretty much.

    However, I am getting paranoid again. For info I am also having to slowly taper down my lorazepam (only on a tiny amount but my stupid drs made me take it as the anxiety was so bad at one point), and I also have gastritis.

    Here's what Im wondering is down to pregabalin:

    • Since last week ive been getting an odd 'lump' feeling in my throat where it feels hard to swallow.
    • For the past 2 days when I take it I feel under my nose itch and my chin and eyes itch... Im not sure if im being paranoid tho :(
    • I keep hyperventilating where I feel I cant breathe IN and have to force myself. Then I get dizzy and chest starts hurting (my heart has been checked and is ok)
    • Blurred vision and dizziness and headaches
    Im worried that I shouldn't be taking pregabalin. Im worried these are side effects that are dangerous. My gp thinks im a paranoid nutter (which I am!) but I am just concerned. Ive been on it almost 2 months and was on it for 6months last year(at a higher dose) no problems.

    Do these sound concerning? is it more likely panic? anxiety? the lorazepam withdrawal?

    Please any advice would really help me

    Charlotte x

  2. #2
    SarahH's Avatar
    SarahH is offline Most Naughty-ish Member Ever
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    Re: would serious side effects show up by now?

    Ho Charlotte,

    As you were on pregabalin last year I doubt these are SE's and I think you probably know this already

    The "lump in the throat" Globus Hysterius......very common with anxiety

    The "Itchy" feelings are also a symptom of anxiety but also a possible SE....BUT if prgabalin is helping with anxiety then maybe you can put up with a little itchyness!!

    Dizziness and hyperventilating is anxiety!
    NONE of these SE's are fact most of what you are experiencing is "anxiety"....try to relax as much as you can............this is a GOOD drug and you are on a tiny dose!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: would serious side effects show up by now?

    I agree with Sarah but would just add it could also be because you are withdrawing from loraz.Heightened anxiety etc.Those Gaba receptors that the loraz binds to may be becoming more active.The preg is a good medication to take alogside the withdawal from loraz.It works on the same receptors but does not bind to them as strongly and its full of amino acids which will help restore them.Double check with your doc,but this has been what I have learned.All the best.(magnesium is good to take when withdrawing from a benzo says my pharmicist .)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: would serious side effects show up by now?

    While I agree with Barnabas about increased anxiety from lorazepam withdrawal, the pharmacology is a bit shaky. Benzodiazepine withdrawal means GABA receptors become less active, since GABA is the body's natural "brake" neurotransmitter.

    Pregabalin (despite the name) has no effect on GABA receptors. It works by slowing down the release of excitatory neurotransmitters (but the overall effect is similar). So, again, I agree with Barnabas, it's a good drug to take if you are stopping lorazepam.

    The lump in the throat sensation is a common result of anxiety, as are many of the other symptoms you describe. The best thing to do would be to work on the idea that they are likely due to Health Anxiety and lorazepam withdrawal, and the pregabalin should help relieve that rather than cause it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: would serious side effects show up by now?

    Thanks Hanshan,I am always willing and gratefull to learn.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: would serious side effects show up by now?

    Thankyou all. Your advice really helped me at the time

    Now though Im feeling VERY wheezy and am having palpitations and have had so now for 4 days almost every other minute. This is worrying me as last time I was on pregabalin I had a chest xray and it said my heart was 'large' on the upper limits of normal, and the echocardiogram said it was again on upper limits. I didn't have any of these same symptoms then, and even tho I blamed this heart size on the pregabalin then, the drs didn't agree and weren't at all worried. I stopped taking it anyway, convinced it must be. Now am scared that THIS time, me being back on it (since beginning of Sept), its affected my heart :(
    ECG is fine, fast but fine with ectopics.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: would serious side effects show up by now?

    Hi Charlotte

    I have been taken pregabalin for about 3 months now and twice during that time I thought I was getting bad side effects but both times it has just been my anxiety playing tricks with me.

    Firstly I was convinced the pregabalin was effecting my breathing-I was constantly worrying about my breathing which of course meant I was always focusing on it which then made my anxiety worse. My sister and nephew came to stay for the weekend and I was so preoccupied with them I forgot to think about my breathing and guess what-the bad feeling went away. This was not a side effect it was my anxiety.

    The second time was recently I was convinced there was a problem with my throat which I assumed was a side effect. It got really bad to the point I could barely eat as I felt I couldn't swallow properly and I was almost 99% sure I was going to stop taking my meds as I couldn't cope with this side effect. I then got a really bad tooth ache-it was agony and it meant I had to be really careful not to eat on the right side of my mouth. I was so focused with how I was chewing my food I completely forgot about the problem I had with swallowing it, so guess what-that issue went away as well! This was not a side effect it was my anxiety.

    Both times I got so close to stopping pregabalin but I'm so glad I didn't. Anxiety can mess with our heads so much and when on meds it is always easiest to blame them first. Try and stick with it and hopefully things will start getting better for you soon.

    Best of luck

    Kelly xXx

    If you can't handle me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: would serious side effects show up by now?

    I agree with Kelly, your symptoms are most likely due to anxiety.

    The only symptoms you mention are wheeziness and palpitations. Then you say the ECG is fine, only fast beat and ectopics.

    Do you do moderate exercise every day? I don't mean training for a marathon, but, say walking one or two kilometres at a steady rate. This will help with heart rate.

    I have had wheeziness from time to time. I think it came from my bronchial tract becoming over-sensitized after a dose of cold or flu. However, your doctors can prescribe inhalers to calm it if necessary. There is no necessary link between wheeziness and any medication you are taking.

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