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Thread: IBS pain feel like period cramps?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: IBS pain feel like period cramps?

    Have you read the above page ? It would be a good idea to avoid certain foods..these are on the list .Also take some Baclofen it will alleviate the symptoms and pain .You can buy it from Chemists and supermarkets .Hope you find this useful.T/c Sue

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: IBS pain feel like period cramps?

    Yes I get that. Alot of times my IBS symptoms feels kind of period pain related. But then when I get my period it feels like a very very bad pain of IBS esp in the lower back area and my bowels hurt so bad that it makes me think I need to go toilet and I dont really.

    But yes I know what you mean I dont know if its normal but because I am getting tested for endometriosis to hopefully rule it out then I wouldnt know if its fully IBS or not.

  3. #13

    Re: IBS pain feel like period cramps?

    Hi, I'm new here ,( this is my first post!)
    I have had horrible pain for a few months and have had extrays , blood tests, ultrasounds and put on many pills but still feel horrible,
    I have had bad constipation (I know eeeeww! )
    Bad reflux and intergestion, period-like cramps near the lower abdomin they feel like your getting stapped yeah and really sore stomach near my ribs and inbetween them. I get pain when I eat and bad reflux then to, I get trapped wind and have bubble like things in my stomach that hurt and it hurts when they pop!
    I have really sore hibs legs and back and have had REALLY bad head aches and nausea.
    I have lost Heaps of weight !
    It's keeping me from sleeping , eating and even school so
    I would much appreciate it if someone reply because this is HORRIBLE thanks x

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: IBS pain feel like period cramps?

    Hi all, I have the same problem with period type pains. I was worried it was ovarian C but when I asked my doc how IBS could give these crampimg pains, she just said that it's ALL muscle which can cramp. I take Lansoprazol for stomach and also take Buscopan for the cramping which helps a bit. Still get acid and feeling of having a lump in chest/throat and not sure if this is what they call reflux.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: IBS pain feel like period cramps?

    I have every single thing you've mentioned but also a really bad pain in my lower back when I bend I also think I have bowel/ovarian cancer my anxiety levels are so high I even have bruises on my side because I'm continually pressing on my side to see where the pain is coming from . I can't live like this I feel so alone with it .

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: IBS pain feel like period cramps?

    i also worry about Bowel cancer.. i get rid pain and stomach craps that have made me sick at some points. its good to see that other people have lost weight since this was one of the signs of it not being caused my IBS which sent me straight into panic mode. I guess we just have to trust the doctor.. i guess we cant all have bowel cancer

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: IBS pain feel like period cramps?

    I also worry about Ovarian but mainly BOWEL cancer.. The doctor has put it down to IBS, but i went into panic mode when i found a small amount of blood in stool :( I have also lost a lot of weight which i also worry about.. but im stressing out so much about it

  8. #18

    Re: IBS pain feel like period cramps?

    Wow I'm so glad others can relate to what I've been going through?! I've been thinking was dying for months lol!! I had all the same symptoms and I just keep assuming the worst.. But the doctors keep saying it's IBS.. I still don't believe them, it's basically took over my whole life.

  9. #19

    Re: IBS pain feel like period cramps?

    Hello! First poster here. I know this problem, I have colitis ulcerosa and it causes alot of symptoms equal to IBS. I cannot eat gluten, onions, artificial sweeteners, etc. Still often I have pain especially in the lower bowel areas. One help I have found is a constipation medicine that is NOT based on pressure. Duphalac is one of sugar based medication that increases the natural moisture in the bowel. Works for me in an hour, in the best cases. Of course there are pains on which it does not work, but I imagine at least some of you may find help from that.

    I am not english and my language probably is really bad, and I apologise for that. Also, about the medicine, I do not have to take the whole treatment but only a large sip to help unless I really have a block in there.

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