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Thread: Think I'll fail uni due to depression & anxiety :(

  1. #1

    Think I'll fail uni due to depression & anxiety :(

    My moods have been up and down since I can remember, but having a really hard time recently.

    I'm in my final year of university and I'm really struggling at the moment. Throughout the course, my work has been greatly affected by these negative thoughts I have. Whether it's that my mood is low (or very low), or I'm anxious about something, I can't concentrate on my work. I sit down to work and I can't stop thinking about whatever is on my mind. So I try to distract myself with other things (I find reading trashy celebrity stories works surprisingly well :/), but this doesn't last long. Even so, usually I manage to get *some* words down on paper, but something has happened recently that has left me feeling so low that I just can't stop crying, can't sleep at night but don't want to get out of bed in the morning, let alone go to uni. I'm really thinking that I'm going to fail, which will send me further into depression. Fell so helpless, I don't know what to do :(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Think I'll fail uni due to depression & anxiety :(

    See a doctor to document your problems with anxiety and depression (and get treatment!)

    Take a note from the doctor to a student counsellor at university to explain how your state of health is affecting your study. It's an illness just like any other, and you should be able to get special leave to delay assignments and exams until you feel well.

    Good luck with it. I worked in a student support unit for a number of years, and guarantee that they will be sympathetic to you if you are doing your best in a difficult time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Think I'll fail uni due to depression & anxiety :(

    Sorry to hear you're struggling. Please print out a copy of your post above and take it when you see your doctor as soon as possible. They should let you try some new medication and refer you for therapy. It's just a matter of finding what works for you. I've had success with citalopram. Also make your university student services aware you're struggling so they can arrange extra help. I hope you feel better soon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Think I'll fail uni due to depression & anxiety :(

    Hi Scaredy-cat,
    thought I'd send you a reply due to being in the same position as you - last year of uni, anxiety and depression more heightened then ever etc. Finding work really hard due to inability to concentrate, can't read anything and take it in ever and my attendence at uni is awful because most days I really can't face going.
    Actually plucked up the courage a few weeks ago to speak to a tutor,explaining my situation and found it very helpful. She let other tutors know so I could get extra help and also explain my lack of attendence. She also mentioned that I can get mitigating circumstance for essays and exams, she suggested I bring in a GP letter so this would be easy to do.
    She also reffered me to university councelling service which I had my first session with today. With me they are unable to help as the sessions available will not last long enough to help me apparently, but the counsellor did recommend deffering a year of uni. I'm still thinking of this, because final year half way through and everything - but she said in many cases this helps alot an can help sort yourself out in the mean time.
    Hope this helps you and feel free to message me any time if you just wanna talk about it (Know I'd appreciate it!)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: Think I'll fail uni due to depression & anxiety :(

    i'm in my last year of uni too! totally the same feelings only i hit a low last year, i stopped going into uni altogether for a few months because i hid away from the problem and avoided anything that would set off my panic, i agree with the posts above, seeing student support was the best thing i did, counselling is usually free in uni and it really helps to talk to someone about it, also have you heard about CBT? it would be worth asking about it ...i found finding someone you trust to talk to about it helps too, someone you can go to when your feeling low ...universitys are pretty good with this and as long as your tutors and student support know, its very unlikely you'll fail! send me a message on here if you have any questions x
    panic disorder and a large amount of experience with anxiety and depression, but i'm back to work and taking every day as it comes

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Think I'll fail uni due to depression & anxiety :(

    Quote Originally Posted by mgw View Post
    Hi Scaredy-cat,
    thought I'd send you a reply due to being in the same position as you - last year of uni, anxiety and depression more heightened then ever etc. Finding work really hard due to inability to concentrate, can't read anything and take it in ever and my attendence at uni is awful because most days I really can't face going.
    Actually plucked up the courage a few weeks ago to speak to a tutor,explaining my situation and found it very helpful. She let other tutors know so I could get extra help and also explain my lack of attendence. She also mentioned that I can get mitigating circumstance for essays and exams, she suggested I bring in a GP letter so this would be easy to do.
    She also reffered me to university councelling service which I had my first session with today. With me they are unable to help as the sessions available will not last long enough to help me apparently, but the counsellor did recommend deffering a year of uni. I'm still thinking of this, because final year half way through and everything - but she said in many cases this helps alot an can help sort yourself out in the mean time.
    Hope this helps you and feel free to message me any time if you just wanna talk about it (Know I'd appreciate it!)
    You've probably heard this before, but by avoiding going to your lectures, you are feeding the fear that keeps panic disorder going. Try to go to every lecture, regardless of how bad you're feeling - then you will prove to yourself that nothing bad will actually happen. What you fear will not occur. Have you looked at the CBT4Panic program on this site? It will explain those concepts in much more detail.

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