Great post Tessar

I'm normally quite like you in the way that I wont usually let is overcome me, but I'm finding that a bit hard right now.

I have two "me's" in my head, probably like we talked about before, there's the little me and the big me, at the moment the little me is shouting a lot louder and she's getting the upper hand a bit!! lol

Just like you, I cannot bare to watch the news!! it really effects me and I can't deal with it all. Trouble is, my other half, rather likes the news and documentaries and because we only live in a one bedroom flat, we're both in the living room together, I'm usually on my computer, he's usually watching the TV, so I get to be subjected to it all!!! If I'm feeling particularly out of sorts, I normally plant myself in the bedroom, put my radio on or my CD's and just float away

Oh well, tomorrow's another day eh