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Thread: Looking for a girl for a date must have same hobbys as me anxiety :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Looking for a girl for a date must have same hobbys as me anxiety :)

    hi every one been a while since ive posted like us all here im an anxiety sufferer so i though i would look for a girl with the same intrests as me for a 3 way relationship me her and anxiety .

    A little about my self !

    I like going to the gym that i usually don't make in to but i get some good exercise trying to get out like the place is on fire then a brisk run home straight in to bed on the internet to make sure google says i'm ok

    On a weekend i like to go shopping this entails going as fast as i can through tesco forgetting everything i came for feeling a strange pull to anything relaxation orientated so i usually go home with books slippers and werthers originals i also spend 5 minutes looking for a real small que

    I keep slim because i always buy light from the supermarket this is because at the checkout i feel like a drunk man on a ship on a rough sea i do a bit of a wobble as my stuff is checked through i aways hope i can last long enough

    I like to eat out but im to scared to do it Nandos is my particular favorite food is quick you can get as many refills as you need and i need allot of water when out and about helps me stopping choking to death apparently or so i think it does

    i think if i even knew some one with anxiety we would have allot to talk about where sometimes i feel like im talking to a brick wall !!!!! achally no not a brick wall because that wouldent think im mad like some people do

    so im looking for a girl who likes the following things

    Staying in allot
    Eating out occasionally (but if it looks busy in there lets run attitude )
    Loves to read anything anxiety related
    over questioning everything
    over thinking everything

    im sure you ladies will have your own anxiety stupidities as i call it but im up for running out of asda screaming our heads off

    my reckoning is 2 people with anxiety will rock im sick of telling people you wont understand how i feel mabe its time to get some one who will i reckon it can make for some laughs !!

    Inbox me

    and im not looking for some one to hop on the foot and do the bad thing with just some one with common intrests

    i'm 32 by the way and male
    when i am asleep is the only time i am free

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Looking for a girl for a date must have same hobbys as me anxiety :)

    Totally get where you are coming from but are you sure that reinforcing each others' anxieties would really be the best thing for either of you?

    Unless it's that you feel you could tackle your problems together in which case I am misreading you.

    Good luck though

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Looking for a girl for a date must have same hobbys as me anxiety :)

    think you fit the bill reading more in to it, its a bit of light hearted fun

    dont you get sick of people not knowing how it can be you know them days its just a bit to much where everything you do is forced be nice just on THAT day for some one to understand
    when i am asleep is the only time i am free

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Looking for a girl for a date must have same hobbys as me anxiety :)

    Ha ha, no, I'm spoken for

    But yes, I do know what you mean.

    Having said that I got over my panic attacks completely and the way I did it was by gradual exposure. Sometimes it was OK to get off the tube and walk, sometimes it was OK not to want to go out at the weekend but it wasn't allowed all the time.

    I was never going to miss work and if avoiding something was going to affect other people that wasn't allowed either.

    Next time you're in the supermarket make a list. And when you've got everything on it just tell yourself there's no hurry and look at a few more things before you go and pay.
    You can find plenty of ways to trick yourself into staying longer in other situations too, you just have to be inventive.

    The only exception is if you see an empty checkout - you'd be mad to pass that up!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Looking for a girl for a date must have same hobbys as me anxiety :)

    1 min i think im dying agian for the 10th time today phew glad thats over !!!!!!

    Im not as bad as i was in busy places no one knows about me love affair with anxiety except me and any way who cares

    im so glad you got over it so theres hope for us all because ive come to terms with the fact that ive got to live with it.

    Im not even going to say this and that about how im feeling in a super market there is 10000000 other threads on here about that the only other more popular thread is cetralopam good for anxiety

    I like work aswell gets me out of the house to be honest between me and i thing 50% of the anxiety is because of work but a bit young to retire i have thought about it though but my boss didnt like the idea

    when i am asleep is the only time i am free

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Looking for a girl for a date must have same hobbys as me anxiety :)

    Brunette,...just got to say that that is a brilliant post! I have managed to control my panic attacks by having much the same "rules" as you but you have put them into words so well! I still sometimes have a panic attack, but usually in the middle of a period of recognisable anxiety/depression when I am aware that it might happen and have the coping mechanisms in place to a certain extent! Again well said hon!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Looking for a girl for a date must have same hobbys as me anxiety :)

    Is this post for real?... Looking for a date on an anxiety forum?

    So then I thought about it... there's a dating website for just about everything out there. I did a quick search and lo and behold there is a dating site for people with anxiety! Might want to look it up and give it a shot.

    Positive thoughts
    Last edited by Fishmanpa; 05-12-13 at 19:05.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Looking for a girl for a date must have same hobbys as me anxiety :)

    why can't it be for real !!!!! any one with anxiety and i dont mean im scared of the doctor anxiety the type where it affects you life 24-7.... people look for people with similar lives so why not some one with anxiety !!!!
    when i am asleep is the only time i am free

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Looking for a girl for a date must have same hobbys as me anxiety :)

    Thanks valleybear

    Scrog - as long as you keep turning up for your job you can work round everything else. If you are worn out with the effort at the end of the day it's fine to go home and crash out. It was all I was fit for some days.

    Just keep chipping away at it. Challenge yourself one day, be gentle on yourself the next. Remember some people actually like fear. They like it so much they jump out of planes and do other dangerous things. Just pretend you are one of those people - even if it is only on a trip to Tescos

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Looking for a girl for a date must have same hobbys as me anxiety :)

    Quote Originally Posted by scrog80 View Post
    why can't it be for real !!!!! any one with anxiety and i dont mean im scared of the doctor anxiety the type where it affects you life 24-7.... people look for people with similar lives so why not some one with anxiety !!!!
    I see your point but honestly, it reads like a sarcastic joke profile one might put up on or some other dating website. In reality it's kind of sad :(

    It would be like me posting an ad looking for a woman who had oral cancer.

    "Looking for a gal to hold hands with and enjoy our gravity drip into our PEG tubes while we practice our swallowing exercises.......... Do you have nueropathy? lymphedema? (turkey neck) Well then Gobble Gobble, we'll have a lot in common! Previous heart attack experience welcomed and encouraged"

    See my point?

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

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