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Thread: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    Most of the posts made valid points and only one member was insulting and I stand by what I posted to him.

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  2. #72
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    Quote Originally Posted by snowgoose View Post
    Hi UK 23
    hope the replies have helped to reassure you that no harm will happen to you x

    Just read this thread and am no doubt will be ran out of town for saying
    but although the OP was out of order no doubt ...........was there any reason for the witch hunt that followed ? the abuse ?
    He had his reasons to post which although not nice did not need the replies after it.......... which were in my eyes equal to what he was being accused of .

    Dont mean the funny ones though ....... re studs and horses and flies :

    The post had calmed down so the only reason i see for your comment is to stir things up again.

    Admin stepped in and the conflict ended. Like i said to a previous poster, if you don't have anything constructive to add to this thread then please keep your opinion to yourself.
    "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice". Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself and you won't go far wrong.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    Hi UK23

    I hope you are not worrying to much now. You will be fine.

    mandie x

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    hey uk23
    I hope you are feeling better about your situation now. I also want to let you know that you aren't alone in this worry and don't feel stupid for having such a worry...I know I once lost a hairclip out of my hair and was convinced that I'd swallowed it somehow even though I don't recall swallowing it at all...I found it on the floor the next day hehe anxiety presents itself in irrational fears, although at the time i fully understand that those fears feel so so real and not irrational at's just your worrying going in over drive really
    i hope you are ok
    turn that frown upside down

  5. #75

    Unhappy Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    Well Well Well...I would like to say that I have horrid anxiety along with OCD. I have swallowed a 1/4" of a plastic spork today and I have freaking out. My body seems to be telling me I have pain in my throat/chest but I dont know how to differenetiate between true pain or my mind over thinking this situation. I called my DR who told me to visit the Imaging office who closed 30 minutes after I arrived due to the New Year holiday..... So then my DR says to hang on and he calls an ER DR and Radiologist. He was advised to have me monitor my symtpoms as even being that small perforation can still happen and be very serious. I am sorry but having anxiety how am I suppose to monitor when I am constantly obessessing over things or worrying due to my issues?? My family is saying I am nuts because I will probably be just fine but how can anyone say that when everyone is different to each situation on life? What hurts to one doesnt hurt another... I need help to calm down...what happened to the person who started this feed about swallowing the fork? Are they still here? Any update? This may sound silly to some and really you need to look at it like this as an example there was a woman who was pregnant and her fetus fingernail came loose in her and got into her blood stream and killed the mom....something VERY I right?

    Help :/

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Krystyn View Post
    This may sound silly to some and really you need to look at it like this as an example there was a woman who was pregnant and her fetus fingernail came loose in her and got into her blood stream and killed the mom....something VERY I right?
    Goodness, Krystyn, you're definitely having a tough time right now. I'm sorry--that's really difficult.

    However, you ask if you're right, and you're not right. For one thing, the mother didn't die in the story you refer to--she's fine now. For another, this was an allergic reaction to fetal protein, not something perforating her, so unless you're pregnant with a bouncing baby spork, you're not at risk for this--it has nothing to do with what you swallowed.

    Sure, freak things happen, but most everything else you did today was riskier than swallowing a little piece of plastic. If you spend every moment of your life worrying that you're the rare case, that's a lot of life you'll be wasting.

    Kids eat stuff like this a lot, and they're still running around! Did the doctor give you any suggestions about eating or drinking in the meantime?

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    What a shame that a member had to be so negative.

    I hope it hasn't stopped you from posting. Anxiety is anxiety full stop, we all worry over different things and that's what anxiety is. I am scared to death that I will have the big C because family members including my own father lost their lives due to it, but days I can worry over things that may seem so small to others.

    I understand your fears, but I would think your be fine and it will pass as normal.

    One of my children swallowed a small piece of lego. How he didn't choke I will never know, we only knew about it because he told us. we took him to our a&e , they reassured us it would pass.. two days later it passed!

    happy new year to you x

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