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Thread: Decorating....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.


    I have been painting my daughters bedroom,a quick lick of paint and a new border................NOT
    When ever I decide to brighten up a room it always takes so long.
    My daughters room was cream and cherry and I decided to do it cream and lilac,easy you would think.
    The edges have to be neat even under where the border will be,my partner says its under the border what difference does it make,and yes I know he is right but cant just slap it on.
    On the skirting Ive tried masking tape but nothing gives me a neat edge like a fine brush.
    The last room I did was my bathroom its tiny and wood at the bottom it took me 6 weeks to finish it.
    My partner offered to pay for someone to come do it,I said no it wont take long [V]
    Does anyone else have issues around decorating [?]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    hey so you are a perfectionist,what's wrong with that?I love stufff to be neat and in order when i have decorared but i never manage it and i get frutrated too.When you have a house full it's hard to keep everthing 'just so'.If you saw my house you would have a blue fit,ha ha ha!!Bet the room looks fab tho mate,love mary.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    , , Australia.
    I say do you enjoy what you did or not if not maybe it more than just perfectionisim if you enjoy i go with it. If it interfears with other things you like to do or need to do them it's proberly more than perfectionisim if not just enjoy it for what it is to you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    mum2 four thankyou for your reply.
    Id have to say I enjoy the finished result
    But hate the mess and disruption it causes,it does sometimes interfer with other things I need to do.
    Most of the time if there is something I need to do I will do that first.
    I love seeing the clean and tidy finished result all the hard work is worth that finished feeling.
    Today it will be finished...
    Mary you know me so well,I am a perfectionist in everything I do.
    My theory is if Im gonna do it I may as well do it right.

    love Dawn

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Dawn,

    I am in the process of decorating my daughters bedroom too, and of course a weekend job is now a job that seems to be taking forever. My Dog died a couple of weeks ago, she actually passed away in my daughters bedroom, she had a bad heart. My daughter was so upset she had died in her bedroom that i decided to decorate it for her. Last weekend me and my hubby stripped the wallpaper off to find the bare walls where all cracked and in a terrible state, so we are having to get a plasterer to come and re-skim the walls, so what was going to cost around 40 pounds in wall paper is now going to cost 300 pounds for plastering !!
    It looks like i am going to have to get a few more work shifts in to pay for it !!!.

    Love Andrea

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    , , Australia.
    Hunny bee sorry to hear about you dog I hope you daughter feel better now or soon. I sure at least with a newly decortaed room she will bealbe to think more about the good memory rather than then negativeness about the dog passing in her roon. We will do anything to put that smile back on childs face again wont we.

    My duaghter rabbit recently passed away and I had to tell her about it and she took it hard. We are going to get her to decorate box and make a nice place in the back yard for her to think happy thought about her rabbit. what make it worse for my daughter is that out of anger one day weeks ago she let it out of the cage and we had not gotten round to catching it and putting it back in it's cage thinking it was safe and long as it had food a water. I really worried she'll blame her self for this happening trying real hard to help her understand it not her fault she has let it run around to yard heaps in the past and it's always been ok.

    It all about helping kids remeber the good memorie not the bad one's.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    , , Australia.
    I have decorating issues I never finish anything I start lol cause I get so worried about not doing right that I cant start or a make a minor mistake that seem to make the whole thing feel real bad and I can no longer continue. I get so involved with making somthing perfect that I take the fun out doing it and when nthere is no fun in doing something there is no motivation for me. I wuld love my own home to decorate my way but i know if I had it I would not beable to decorate if with out my family misable in the process. I'm getting better noe that I'm on med's. I'm still finding my self some day get stressed out seeing my kids do things different or not fast enought or not to my standard and I hate it when I hear my self thinking like that I dont want to be like my mum when I was growing up. It like having my mum in my head and I hate it so bad. I usely dont verberlie what's in my head but the stress is very noticalbe to the kids or other around at the time. It alway worse when we have visitor speacilly my mum. I away feel like I trying win the attenstion of my kids when my mum is around cause the kids seem to go in to this dreamy state as if she only one in the room and Im just seem to become invisablem and not seen or heard by them. Doing craft with my mum is alway harder still I try to teach my kids to use there own imaginaion and to not stress about mistakes like I find my self doing in my head but my mum will take over and make it all perfect for them and I feel that set a high standard in there eyes to achive and it make task of trying not to have history repeat it self even harder. I dont need to be making thing harder for kids to be productive people as thay grow up. Thay are already extreamly resistant to trying to doing thing's on there own when it come to imagination and effort to try on there own with little help. I will help them but I never do things perfect for them I dont want to set a negative standard I try to make a little neater than maybe thay can do but I never do it so good that I dont feel that could never do it for them self. Thay cant be expected to some perfect right the get go and nor sould thay feel the need to ahave thing perfect thay are kids thay are meant to have fun not get all serious about getting right first time. When my mum is around my kids loose all there independance to try it for them self. As much as I hear my my self wanting to take the tast from my kids and helo them achive what thay want to achive I cant do it I would hurting there progress in the long run you cant teach a child by taking over for them. I even can dilberatly make messy caotic stuff just to show the kids it's fun and seeing the relaxed and happy look on thert face when i do is so much more enjoyable then when my mum show's them how to make things look 'just right'. Thay never seem to touch or add there own true thought and idea to there Crafty item. That make me sad to my mum trying to teach my kids the way she did with us which never worked but she cant admit any wrong thinking about the way she interact and when I ask her to let them do for them self or encorage my kids to think for them self she usely had some sort of negative thing to say to me or she'll say something about the past and me hating the way she rasie me. Which I do and she knows but I have gotten over the idea that she's at fault for the way I am blame wont fix me only therapy and time. I dont want to stop my mum from being apart on my life and my kids life but I do want to stop the negative impact on my life and my kids. I'm getting closer to laying down the rule for her interaction with me and my kids. I able to tell her to stop picking on me when she doing it and not argu back when she bites back at me. I'm able to have my say and know better that I am right and not just thinking and hoping I'm right. I have a poor understanding of who I am as person and I think that has become clear to my phycologist very quickly in a short time lol. I have trouble knowing who I am cause my mum never let be who I beleaved my self to be as a child and

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