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Thread: Bleeding during bowel movement (TMI ahead)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Bleeding during bowel movement (TMI ahead)

    I didn't know where else to post this besides here. I know this isn't my HA causing my symptoms and it's actually real. Anyway, about a week ago I was kinda backed up off and on and had a day where I had to strain a bit and when I did it hurt and there was blood in the toilet. This didn't alarm me because I have hemorrhoids since having my kids and this happens from time to time. Plus the pain involved made sense. This kept happening for several days and then by Saturday things seemed to have gotten back to normal. Well anyway, yesterday I had a bowel movement in the evening and there was blood again and some buring/pain feeling so again, it didn't alarm me too much. When I went to (TMI) wipe there was a bright red blood clot on the toilet paper. Not very big about the size of my pinky finger nail but it definitely alarmed me. I know the bleeding is from my hemorrhoids but the blood clot is nothing I've had before. What should I do? I'm kinda freaked out over it as in the past I've had colon cancer health anxiety before and I don't want it hauling back!! Thanks!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Bleeding during bowel movement (TMI ahead)

    Our blood clots to stop bleeding so it makes total sense that there would be a clot from a previous bleeding hemorrhoid or fissure. The reason you never saw one before is that it probably passed in your poo.

    Positive thoughts and poo threads
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Bleeding during bowel movement (TMI ahead)

    I've had this a few times when I have strained on the toilet. It just means the tear or hemmoroid had bled a bit more last time and had formed a clot between then and your next poo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Bleeding during bowel movement (TMI ahead)

    Hi hun

    I have had hemorrhoids since having my kids too, I am 50 years young in march and I still bleed from time, to time, I don't even have to have problems with my stools, it can just happen. I have also had clot too.

    I did in the past go to the gp over this, just to get advice and if they can be left alone or does something have to be done.
    He said I can leave well alone as long as they are not bothering my quality of life, but he could re-fair me to have them done.... you guest it, I am leaving well alone and they still bleed on and off.

    Hun, if your really worried please go and have a chat with your gp,

    Peace of mind goes along way.


    Fear is the darkroom
    where negatives are developed.....


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    Pay attention to stuff that bring you
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  5. #5

    Re: Bleeding during bowel movement (TMI ahead)

    I've had this too a couple of times and it was because of a fissure. They can take up to 6 weeks to heal fully so just take something to make your movements looser . If you go to gp they can do a quick check though

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Bleeding during bowel movement (TMI ahead)

    Thanks everyone, you really gave me reassurance.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Bleeding during bowel movement (TMI ahead)

    The bleeding was better today, just a little with a BM earlier but now I noticed (TMI ahead) one of my hemorrhoids is swollen and bluish looking and it's poking out and it's kinda painful. I'm freaking out!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Bleeding during bowel movement (TMI ahead)

    Hi Hun

    Hemorrhoids can get very painful. Can you go to the chemist and get something for them. You can get cream. My gp gave me some spray, oohh boy, it was good, it shrunk it and it went back in.


    Fear is the darkroom
    where negatives are developed.....


    "Every thought you think changes your
    Your hormones are effected by your
    Pay attention to stuff that bring you
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