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Thread: Read this if you're worried about jolts or "brain zaps" when falling asleep!

  1. #31

    Re: Read this if you're worried about jolts or "brain zaps" when falling asleep!

    Really good advice, guys. I get these some times, but I always fall asleep right after and by the time I wake up I've forgotten all about the experience.

  2. #32

    Re: Read this if you're worried about jolts or "brain zaps" when falling asleep!

    i am also experiencing “brain zaps” but not sure if its the same type that everyone here experiences. id appreciate if people could let me know if they experience the below and if so, what they think the cause was/is:
    1. zaps localised to the forehead just above the eyes, rather than deep inside the head
    2. zaps that get worse when hearing noise – any kind of noise loud or quiet. and zaps that almost fully disappear with ear plugs in
    3. zaps that stop completely when you get up and move around, or even move your hands or legs gently, but then return full force once you return to a still position
    4. zaps that seems to almost completely disappear with alcohol
    5. zaps which are present almost 24/7 rather than coming in episodes

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Read this if you're worried about jolts or "brain zaps" when falling asleep!

    Hi, I'm just coming off Fluoxetine. I have read about zaps and they obviously vary. I am herring just a sharp pain in my now and again, no 'bubbling brain' or anything... Could that be a
    version of zaps?
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  4. #34

    Re: Read this if you're worried about jolts or "brain zaps" when falling asleep!

    Hello all, I'm new to No More Panic, and I can't tell you what relief it is to find this thread.

    I've been feeling sick with worry since experiencing these shocks, which seem to happen if I lie down to sleep or sit feeling relaxed.

    I took Citalopram for 7 years, but finally came off it in Feb this year after tapering for 2 years. The GP doesn't think I should be getting any side effects now I'm off the meds, but I never had these symptoms before Citalopram!

    I find the sensation seems to originate from behind my left eye, and is like a little jolt that leaves me dizzy and anxious. Last night, I had one when I'd dropped off to sleep, which made me very disorientated and short of breath.

    Although I keep trying to rationalise this as something to "ride out", I am now wondering whether to take the symptoms back to the drs? Be good to hear if anyone's had any luck with their GP acknowledging this?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Read this if you're worried about jolts or "brain zaps" when falling asleep!

    I was getting gasps and jolts, i just let them pass and then it subsides. I also found not fearing them and using some deep relaxation helps to fall asleep without them. Search 'The Honest Guys guided meditation' on Youtube I've found these really help for nights where i can't relax without the panic gasps.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Read this if you're worried about jolts or "brain zaps" when falling asleep!

    I had this when i woke this morning at 4 to let my cats out i fell back to sleep but while falling a sleep i got the exploding head syndrome .

  7. #37

    Re: Read this if you're worried about jolts or "brain zaps" when falling asleep!

    djami, I have not experienced your zaps exactly but I note you write:

    4. zaps that seems to almost completely disappear with alcohol

    One of the ways I got out of my (recent) HA spiral was I noticed whenever I had alcohol, my symptoms would be non existent. I was having liquor enough times that it became apparent to me that if something really was wrong with me (brain tumor, MS, heart issues was the current range) then something should appear even if I had had a couple of beers. The fact that it didn't was not coincidence but because with alcohol I was truly relaxed...and most of the rest of the time I was anxious whether I felt the anxiety or not and that led to the symptoms and hyper sensitivity.

    Now I have stopped drinking too as hang overs made anxiety worse!

    I am the ex king of body zaps, everywhere. Brain included but more legs, feet and hands. I also had brain vibrations at night...Scary stuff until the neurologist told me it was not my brain but a muscle. Came back twice since but I didn't care when it did. Now gone for weeks.

  8. #38

    Re: Read this if you're worried about jolts or "brain zaps" when falling asleep!

    I have had this happen a couple times in the past. Each time it luckily went away the next night, but I never got any sleep because every time I tried to sleep I would get a jolt and even trouble breathing. Scared the crap out of me! The whole next day I was also convinced that this would be permanent and I would never go to sleep normally again, and I also thought I may have had a brain bleed. I was so relieved when I slept normally that night. It happened again a fell months later, I noticed both times I was extremely tired the night it happened, but luckily never happened since. To those who also get this sometimes, I am almost sure that it isn't anything bad, just some type of exhaustion.

  9. #39

    Re: Read this if you're worried about jolts or "brain zaps" when falling asleep!

    I get brain zaps but I also get whole body zaps which feel like my body has been touched with an electric prod - does anyone else get these body zaps?

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Read this if you're worried about jolts or "brain zaps" when falling asleep!

    Had several of these last night while trying to fall asleep. Just kind of spasmed and jolted awake. Unfortunately it triggered insomnia and additional anxiety for me today. Now I am having little electrical zaps all over my body during the day. My mind keeps thinking ALS, MS, or Parkinsons.

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