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Thread: Changing tablets!! feeling scared :-(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Changing tablets!! feeling scared :-(

    Hi all

    Ive been on citalopram 40mg for nearly 2 years now, i did have improvements at first but its been at a stand still for a good while now

    Been the docs today and hes decided maybe a change in tablets, so hes lowering my does of citalopram to 20mg every day for the next 7 days and then giving me something new, i have no idea what !!

    Im very nervous about the whole thing but if its going to make me better then ill give it ago!! I suffer bad from panic attacks and major anxiety :-(!!

    Anybody eles been in this situation and how did it go for you! Please get in touch

    Thank you Kim xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Changing tablets!! feeling scared :-(

    Hi Kim

    How are you doing? Have you found out what the doc is prescribing you instead of Citalopram? I'm about to switch from Citalopram to Venlafaxine. I have to halve my dose down to 10mg for 2 days and then nothing for 2 days and then start the Ven. I'm pretty scared about it. Would love to hear how you are doing and how you've been with tapering down.
    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Changing tablets!! feeling scared :-(

    I've been on venlafaxine for quite a long time but at some point it stopped working. I went on a higher dose but it made me even worse. My GP decided to put me on Citalopram 10 mg and that means that last week I dropped down to the lowest dose of venlafaxine 37.5 mg and today I took first citalopram pill. Last week wasn't so horrible as I expected - I was feeling the same as for the last three months on wrong tablets or doses- still horrible but not worse. I haven't died, I didn't have a heart attack, I haven't landed in mental hospital so these are good news I'm scared of Citalopram as I read many horror stories about it but at the moment I' ve got nothing to lose. I know I have to do something with my meds so I just took the first pill and I will see what happens next. I hope everything will be ok for you and for me. I'm scared as hell but that's nothing new for me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Changing tablets!! feeling scared :-(

    Hi Dudka

    It looks like you and I are doing opposite switches of medication! It is really scary changing from something you've been on for a while. I've been on Citalopram for nearly 9 years! Today is my first day of cutting it in half and taking 10mg. I am terrified. Already feel really anxious but I'm sure that must be my mind and nothing to do with the medication at this point.

    It's a long time ago that I started Citalopram but from what I remember, it wasn't too bad at all. I'd been on Fluoxetine and did a straight swap. Everyone is different in terms of side effects of course, but for me I had difficulty sleeping and eating, although that was much worse on Fluoxetine.

    Anyway, good luck with it Will be interested to hear how you get on.
    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Changing tablets!! feeling scared :-(

    Dying Swan,
    I exactly know what you mean- I'm so anxious right now that I don't even know if that's the first pill of Citalopram or it's just my mind I don't know how I'll survive next two weeks to see if Citalopram is doing anything good for me. so scared- horrible. I can stand any side effects but I just hate being depersonalized and derealized- and that feelings been for so long with me now that I can't really say when the real reality starts and when it's just that horrible feeling. I hope we both will be fine. good luck and let me know how are doing

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: Changing tablets!! feeling scared :-(

    Hi finally somebody has got back too me....thank you :-))))!!

    So this is my 5th day of 20mg of citalopram and i was taking 40mg before and had been for 2 years, ive gotta say it hasn't made any difference to me apart from im really tired and sleep alot more!! Im surprised really!!

    Doctor hasnt told me what meds he changing me too :-/// so im a worried mess about that, but ill find out thursday morning!! I know im going to be panicky about taking something new!!

    When i first started citalopram it was bloody awful and thats what im fearing about this!! If i have to go back to the feeling and thoughts i had when i first started meds i would actually rather not be here atall!!

    I do struggle everyday now with major panic attacks and being alone and much more but when i started tabs it was to a whole other level!! I was convinced i was insane and self harm was definitely going to happen but luckily i had someone to stop me!!

    Meds really are 1 off my worse fears awell as loosing control, ending up in a mental home, going to die and not being able to breath or focus!! ETC.....

    Please message me back or private message me


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Changing tablets!! feeling scared :-(

    Hi Kim

    Totally understand how scary it is! I'm bloomin' petrified too! Today was my first day of halving the Citalopram and I felt weird all day, but I'm sure it was just in my mind. It's great to hear that you've felt ok with halving your dose.

    I understand about being scared of trying a new medication too. It's been nearly 9 years for me and I'm dreading it, but trying to be positive about it too. I'll be interested to hear what your GP is going to prescribe. Mine mentioned Sertraline, then upping Citalopram, and then settled on Venlafaxine. I hear what you're saying about your fears of going mad etc. Those thoughts have been worrying me recently too, but I know now its the anxiety. Do you have someone around at home? I am guessing your GP will see you fairly soon after you switch over?

    Anyway, do keep us posted. Maybe we can support each other a little through our swap in meds

    Dudka - good luck too! Depersonalistion/derealisation - Yuck! Had it today. Hope you get on ok! Let us know!
    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: Changing tablets!! feeling scared :-(

    Hiya i will find out in the morning what hes going to give me!! So as soon as i can i will let you know.

    Im feeling terrible today think its slowly getting into my system that ive only got 20mg of citalopram going into me rather than 40mg!! Ive been awake half the night and cried that much to fill a paddling pool!!

    Ive pulled myself together this moring for my daughters sake, shes young and i dont want it effecting her!!

    Hope you okay! Yeah we should defiantly stick with each other sharing our experiences!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Changing tablets!! feeling scared :-(

    let us know about the tablets. I know what you mean as I also have a lovely daughter ( 3 and half years old). I feel so guilty, I'm trying to be the best mum but it's so hard sometimes. I really hope that I will be myself soon.
    Today it's a second day on Cit. feeling weird but maybe it's just I don't know what to expect and I'm expecting the worst of course
    Dying Swan, how are u today?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Changing tablets!! feeling scared :-(

    Hi Kim and Dudka

    I'm sorry you are feeling rough today Kim. You guys both have the added worry of children - I just have a cat! Although last week I was feeling so awful that I thought she would be better off going to an animal shelter! I can only imagine the worries that having a child brings, but I am sure you are both doing a great job

    Dudka - I was feeling v weird yesterday but I think it was my imagination. It is hard to tell though. Today is my second day of 10mg Citalopram and at the moment I feel kind of ok, have a slight headache and have slept for England. It's difficult to know what is the medication and what is anxiety.

    Oh well, keep us posted. The 3 of us will get through this!
    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

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