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Thread: How can you learn to believe in yourself?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    How can you learn to believe in yourself?

    I have previously come very close to getting over my anxiety but one thing always holds me back. Myself. I recognise completely that the only way to overcome anxiety is do it yourself. There is no magic pill or treatment there is only YOU. But my problem is I don't believe in ME. All my main worries this second are fuelled by the belief that any minute I could make the decision to do something. I could choose to hurt myself or someone around me, I could choose to laugh myself to death, I could choose to hold my breath until I passed out its just the fact that I could do this stuff that right this second I could do it that scares me. I constantly worry that I might lose my mind and actually do this stuff or that ive already lost my mind for even thinking about it! How do I get more faith in myself and my strength? I feel almost like theres two Beckys and Im scared of the other! Any advice?

  2. #2

    Re: How can you learn to believe in yourself?

    You tell yourself that you are as good as anyone else.
    It's easy to look at other people & think that their lives seem perfect & they don't have issues. Everyone has issues some of the people you think have everything sussed and can cope with anything sometimes turn out to be the ones who can't. You are probably stronger than you think because it takes courage to come on to this forum & talk about how you feel.
    Do what you want to do & not what others want you to do.
    Travis x :-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: How can you learn to believe in yourself?

    I have this problem, believing in myself. I have low confidence which doesn't help.

    It's almost like you're scared to feel better or normal? You've got so accustomed to feeling anxious that when you're not anxious you feel there's something wrong?

    I'm going through an obsessive thinking patch at the moment & it's HORRIBLE! My whole life feels like it's been flipped on it's axis, I hate not being in control of my life & I hate feeling this low.

    Are you receiving any Therapy for your obsessive thinking?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: How can you learn to believe in yourself?

    Hi thank you both from you replies. I am the same but for me Its more like a fear that if i do accept and ignore something bad will happen just to prove me wrong :( I have counselling x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: How can you learn to believe in yourself?


    I know I hold myself back too. I've felt like this for so long I don't know how to feel any different.

    I don't like myself and I believe that everyone else is more important. I know that shouldn't be the case.

    I feel that if I'm not anxious about something, I'll forget about something and then something bad'll happen. Or I'll be too relaxed, caught off guard and it'll be really bad. Sometimes it feels safer to be anxious.

    I'm afraid I don't have any answers.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: How can you learn to believe in yourself?

    Hi BeckyBop, I feel similar. I have very low confidence and self esteem and dont believe in myself. The cause was been bullied at school and been neglected by my dad. It has stuck with me ever since that people thought I was weird or different so I then believe I am weird or strange and I don't deserve a happy, normal life . I don't get out much and feel I cant do any social activities at the moment due to my anxiety ( I suffer from OCD, GAD, depression and social phobia ). So then my mind starts criticising me and I think 'Im pathetic' or 'other people would think you are weird'.

    Due to my low confidence I worry of what people I know think of me Recently I've started thinking I don't deserve to own my dog thinking to myself 'Im not good enough for her' and she deserves someone better than me. Im also scared about my future and feel Im powerless over everything .

    I also feel scared that if Im like this for the rest of my life I may worry I might commit suicide or just lose interest in life.

    You were close to getting over your anxiety before so you sound like a strong person to me . Its very difficult to beleive in ourselves when our thoughts and worries, fears, anxiety take over .

    Are you seeing a therapist or taking any medication ? This can help

    Ive had CBT and Im currently taking sertraline.

    Hope you find this helpful

    Hope you feel better soon

    With courage and hope, we can conquer our fears and do what we once believed impossible.”
    ― Juliet Marillier, Heart's Blood

    “The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I'm not going to let myself pull me down anymore.”
    ― C. JoyBell C.

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