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Thread: getting my kids a kitty!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    getting my kids a kitty!!

    In about 3 weeks our kitten will be ready to come home, it was born about 2 weeks ago!
    I have no clue on how to be a mommy to a kitty!
    Can someone please help me on what to do when i bring her home and how to raise her with a 5month, 2,3 and 5 year old children!?
    My husband is worried about it pooping in the house, im worried about how she will act with the kids vs verse !!

    All honestly i love animals, 5 years ago my dog died and it hurt so much, my dad who also just passed 2 months ago got her for me, she was like my siter and my parents daughter!
    I'm not great on losing things, with my anxiety and things i just have trouble getting close to things because of the fear of losing them!
    I want a comfort pet, i'm tired of ANXIETY HOLDING ME BACK!!!!!!
    There Is Hope Here EXHALE💜

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: getting my kids a kitty!!

    If you are buying your kitten from a good breeder it should be litter trained by the time you get it. Just make sure you have the litter tray in a place the kitten can easily get to. This site might be helpful to you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: getting my kids a kitty!!


    That is a very young age to be getting a kitten, normally the breeder keeps them longer than that.

    You are going to have you hands full between your kids and a kitten. I would suggest having a space that she can get to away from your kids.

    Are you having her as an indoor cat?

    This will mean having litter tray etc, again best kept away from the children but needs to be easily accessible for the cat.

    Can the breeder not give you any ideas? Keeping her on the same food to start with is also a good idea to avoid any upset tums.

    It would be a good idea to get it checked over by your vet just to ensure that everything is ok.

    I am sure that others will be on with other suggestions and good luck with your new addition.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: getting my kids a kitty!!

    Oh yes Elen I just noticed the age :( They really should not go from their mothers until about 8 weeks old.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: getting my kids a kitty!!

    Minimum age for a kitten to go to it's forever home is 8 weeks as mentioned. Even at that. It will be tiny. I'll be repeating what has been said but it's worth repeating. Definitely take it to the vet for a check up after you bring it home. Our boy had already gotten his first set of shots and came with health certification and papers.

    With 4 little ones in the house it will be a big and scary place for that little fuzzball. It's best you have an area or room where it can become acclimated and feel comfortable for the first few weeks. Have a litter box (covered is best), food and water ready to go. Ask what the kitten has been eating and stick with that food. Most kittens, if they're from a breeder are litter trained or at least have an idea of what to do. In any case, when you bring it home, one of the first things to do is put it in the litter box. They get the idea really quick.

    I suggest you introduce it to the children slowly. Little ones don't really know how to handle a cat properly so you'll have to teach them and have supervised time with them and the new baby. The kitten has to learn how to interact as well. They have sharp teeth and claws and play to them is basically hunting so you'll have to be careful on both fronts.

    When I got my Pixie Bob, he was 8 weeks old. I kept him in my bedroom for the first week or so. He had his litter box in the bathroom and food and water nearby. When I was at work, He stayed in the bedroom. I did that until he was about 4 months old. After that he had run of our home.he's never had an accident, even when traveling (we put a litter box in the back seat of the truck and he can go if he needs to). Our boy is totally an indoor cat. We have him chipped as well just in case.

    Keep in mind that cats are pretty sensitive to your moods. If you're stressed, it will sense that so having a calm and loving demeanor helps greatly in helping your kitty adjust and grow into a loving and affectionate companion. There are many books and videos on Youtube about raising a kitten. The more you know, the better the experience will be.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: getting my kids a kitty!!

    Well i must have mixed up the dates, i called her and brought to her attention, there 5 weeks old now!
    Sorry guys for the scare lol
    This is the message.
    "The kittens were born about 5 weeks ago, i will be dropping her off at your home at 2! Thank you for giving her a great home, i just do not have enough time for them because of my crazy work hours! See you soon!

    Thank you for all the reply's, i was thinking of having her inside but what is something great to keep the fleas and tics away?
    I guess YouTube will be my best friend on this to learn more about a kitten!
    There Is Hope Here EXHALE💜

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: getting my kids a kitty!!

    I don't know if you can get it in USA but most people here use this
    If you are keeping her inside though fleas and ticks won't be so much of a worry.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: getting my kids a kitty!!

    Yes, i think i have heard of it! thank you!
    There Is Hope Here EXHALE💜

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: getting my kids a kitty!!

    Hi, Eve! I agree with Fishmanpa, poor wee baby will be overwhelmed, and you will want each of the children to have a chance to bond with it, which won't happen if it's just sort of thrown into the fray, lol! So will the kitten be 8 weeks by then? That's usual. They will have just been weaned and be able to be handled (gently) for short periods. Affection is of course, important for them and they will be lonely when awake, and mew. Missing mommy and siblings. Maybe the oldest child can be left for a little visit alone on the bed with it? Then the oldest can watch the others while you sit in the other room with a smaller child and the kitten and show her how to comfort the kitten with gentle strokes and talking to it. Kitty will sleep a LOT anyway for awhile, hope they're not too disappointed! Your youngest is so little she can probably wait til last turn (ooo, mean!) Lol, you know what I mean, she will be interested, but not clamouring so much and can be distracted to do something else! So maybe you can set up a take-turns schedule, and the "next" child can occasionally listen for the kitten's mew from your bedroom. I don't know how that will work, just a suggestion! It may seem easier just to let it all happen at once, but you do want the kitten to be a good companion and not just run and hide from the kids all the time (or run away!!) The investment of a good start for them all will pay off! ... I have a preference to keep our cats indoors. Safe from dogs, cars, fights with other cats, and being made sick from things they will encounter. Nonetheless, you will still need to have it fixed. A male will "roam" otherwise and spray (EWWW! talk about stink!), and a female will try to run off too. And attract spraying males to your door whenever she's in heat. You'll need to have an appointment set up for a little less than 6 months of age. We thought we had a few extra weeks, but our little kitten went into heat first and we had to pay double for her surgery. Also, she was really hateful afterwards and needed to be put back in the bedroom while she healed. Hissed at everyone. In fact we put her in a big kennel and covered it with a blanket, and put it back in the bedroom. Put her food and litter in there and took her out to stretch her legs while we would clean it and straighten up. One of us would watch her so she didn't jump. It was a couple of weeks before she was her normal self again and safe to let out to jump on furniture etc. Is your kitty a male or female?
    So excited for you! Cats are fabulous pets!
    Marie xx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: getting my kids a kitty!!

    I knew you would be here for me like always!!!!!
    its a girl!! She is a pretty stone looking almost blue color with baby blue eyes!!
    All that sounds like a great idea, i cant wait for her to get here, our vet is right down the street from were i live so i will take her there for a check up! then when she is ready to get fixed, lord knows we dont need no more babies round here !!! lol
    Thanks for the reply!!!!!
    There Is Hope Here EXHALE💜

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