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Thread: I think I may have Candidiasis???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    I think I may have Candidiasis???

    Could that explain why I am :-
    Craving packet after packet of sugary sweets/mints???
    Craving alcohol on a daily basis???... Candidiasis is a yeast infection and what is alcohol full of??? YEAST!!!
    Constantly Dry Heaving and Retching???

    Candidiasis can also cause horrendous anxiety and emotional issues as well!!!
    I intend to research this much further in a bid to find a solution for this disgusting affliction...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: I think I may have Candidiasis???

    Tell your doctor. Can you test for it ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: I think I may have Candidiasis???

    Quote Originally Posted by Oosh View Post
    Tell your doctor. Can you test for it ?
    I am not sure... But I feel very optimistic that I may have this condition. It causes bizarre fears and horrific anxiety and retching and it is closely linked to diabetes and I had a diabetes scare last year when I had erratic blood sugar levels so I am just wondering if it is all linked...

    Like I have said before I could never understand why I only get the retching in the day time... How comes when I drink alcohol it stops?? Well I now reckon that its because the alcohol is full of yeast and when I drink my daily lager then that is obviously going into my gut where the yeast is and the gut it absorbing the yeast... Maybe???????

    Check out this link

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: I think I may have Candidiasis???

    Hi Cal,

    The fungus that causes Candidiasis more often than not results in oral thrush. I know because I dealt with it several times during cancer treatment. It's actually quite painful but easily treated with anti-fungal medication. It's the basic candida fungus that affects women "south of the border" if you know what I mean.

    I'm not sure where you garnered your information but I would beg to differ. This is not the cause of your retching (although the meds I had to take to get rid of it made me want to gag!). I believe at this point you know what the source is and treating the real illness (anxiety) will point you toward healing. Self medicating with alcohol will just exacerbate your issues.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: I think I may have Candidiasis???

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    Hi Cal,

    The fungus that causes Candidiasis more often than not results in oral thrush. I know because I dealt with it several times during cancer treatment. It's actually quite painful but easily treated with anti-fungal medication. It's the basic candida fungus that affects women "south of the border" if you know what I mean.

    I'm not sure where you garnered your information but I would beg to differ. This is not the cause of your retching (although the meds I had to take to get rid of it made me want to gag!). I believe at this point you know what the source is and treating the real illness (anxiety) will point you toward healing. Self medicating with alcohol will just exacerbate your issues.

    Positive thoughts
    Oh No!!! So its unlikely to be my cause then???
    Do you mind if I ask you something Fishmanpa???
    I cant remember if you told me this or if I saw it on another post but you said when you were young you drank like a fish...
    Can you tell me why you did?? Was it to cover up anxiety?? Was it peer pressure???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: I think I may have Candidiasis???

    Quote Originally Posted by calumcco View Post
    Oh No!!! So its unlikely to be my cause then???
    Do you mind if I ask you something Fishmanpa???
    I cant remember if you told me this or if I saw it on another post but you said when you were young you drank like a fish...
    Can you tell me why you did?? Was it to cover up anxiety?? Was it peer pressure???
    Yep... from the time I was in my late teens and into my twenties, I partied hardy! I was a musician traveling on the road and lived the lifestyle for sure. Not just drinking either. When I look back, I'm surprised I didn't do more damage to myself (ended up with heart problems and cancer) and that my kids are normal!

    I never suffered from anxiety nor was I pressured. I was just crazy I guess. So when I tell you what the deal is, it's because I've been there and done it and I know what the drinking is doing to you. I laid off the partying in my late twenties but suffered a bit of a relapse after my first heart attack. I began drinking again as a means of self medicating due to depression issues.

    I remember going into work one day feeling like poo from the night before (having downed a bottle of wine) and my manager telling me he could smell me from 6 feet away. I stopped that day! Now?... I had a 2nd heart attack and cancer. I couldn't drink if I wanted to for a long time. And now, while I can enjoy a good beer with a meal, I do so only on special occasions and never to excess.

    Cal... Let's look at the obvious here...

    1. You're on an anxiety website
    2. Your symptoms appear to be psychosomatic in nature and are alleviated by a depressant (alcohol).
    3. Your anxiety increases in the mornings because you've abused yourself the night before and your body is dehydrated which only fuels the gagging and retching.

    At least to me (and I venture to say many others), this issue is anxiety related. You're in a viscous cycle that you need to get out of. Do it before this totally takes over your life. Don't make the mistakes so many others have made including myself. I was lucky... you may not end up being so lucky.

    Positive thoughts

    ---------- Post added at 16:53 ---------- Previous post was at 14:17 ----------

    Pertaining to that article?.... That's basically a scare tactic and it's not nearly as "epidemic" as they're making out. Most people get oral thrush due to antibiotics that unfortunately can kill off healthy pro biotics in our body. Dry mouth, as I encountered due to lack of saliva from radiation caused my issues and a yeast infection in women is a more common form of candida.

    What they're talking about is common sense anyway. Eat healthy, avoid processed high sugar/high glycemic carbs (processed foods). The article specifically says not to drink which is again, common sense in maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.

    Eat properly and exercise. The better your body feels, the better you will feel and the better your body will deal with stress and anxiety.

    Positive thoughts
    Last edited by Fishmanpa; 02-06-14 at 20:28.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

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