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Thread: Sore Nose staph infection so scared about MRSA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Sore Nose staph infection so scared about MRSA

    Hi all
    I've had problems with a sore crusty nose for a while. Around a year ago my GP prescribed Naseptin, it's an antibiotic antifungal antibacterial cream. I used it and the problem seemed to go away. It came back about 4 months ago. My nose keeps feeling sore and dry. My GP prescribed Naseptin again. It came back almost straight away. I just saw an ENT specialist who said it's probably a Staph infection and suggested doing a decolonisation. You use the cream but also antibacterial body, face and hair wash and an anyibacterial gargle. Also need to change your bedding and towels every day. Also hoover and clean all hard surfaces with antibacterial stuff. You do that for 5 days and it should be gone. I really hope it goes as I've read it's related to MRSA and I worry it's already in my blood stream and that I'll end up really really ill or die. I know it doesn't respond well to antibiotics. I'm so scared. I wonder what the next stage is if I can't get rid of it.
    Has anyone else had this problem or got any ideas?
    Thanks for reading.
    Nighttime Pacer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Sore Nose staph infection so scared about MRSA

    I have had many staph infections in my nose. Theyre actually quite common and easily treated without all that crazy decontaminating you have done!! Lol
    Mine are always a resistant strain and I use the ointment designed for that ahd do nothing else other than keeping my fingers out my nose. I just had one of these a couple of weeks ago. I am also a total clean and neat freak so it has nothing to do with cleanliness either. This staph actually lives inside the nose of a high number of the population and sometimes only takes a scratch to infect the lining. Just keep your fingers out of your nose and it should help avoid any further infection in future!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Sore Nose staph infection so scared about MRSA

    Hi Kelley
    Thanks for that.
    I'm half trying the decolonisation thing but to be honest I'm pretty sure it came back last time because I blew my nose too hard before it had completely healed and slightly broke the skin. I guess it must take a while for the skin to recover and if the nose gets dry or you blow your nose too hard it can probably start the infection off again. Also, this time I'm using cotton buds to put the ointment in there not the end of my finger as they must be more hygienic even if you've just washed your hands.
    Thanks for the reply it calmed me down.
    Best wishes
    Nighttime pacer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Sore Nose staph infection so scared about MRSA

    I've decided after reading Kelly's post not to bother with the decolonisation. It's such a faff and apparently from what I've read a lot of people are recolonized in under 3 months. I think it's mainly used for people about to have serious operations. I'll just wash my hands lots and lots of general hygiene and keeping my home clean and stick to the nose cream. Washing towels and bedding everyday is too much!
    Nighttime pacer

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Sore Nose staph infection so scared about MRSA

    This is so annoying. I used the naseptin cream and took the flucloxacillin and did a partial irradication with the antibacterial wash. All was fine for about a week or so and now it's come back. My nose feels dry and sore. Whenever I blow my nose it's dry with hardened yellow mucus and now tonight it feels sore and there's a tiny cut inside my nose. I'm so frustrated after living with this on and off for over a year. I feel like it's yet another part of my body which will never be normal again.
    I get so depressed with all my minor ailments as so many people I know seem to be perfectly healthy all the time. I guess I need to go to yet another ent consultant though it all feels like a waste of time and money as no-one seems to have any idea how to sort this.
    Depressed and frustrated. Why is my life so difficult?
    Sorry for moaning,
    Nighttime pacer

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Sore Nose staph infection so scared about MRSA

    I'll have to make another appointment with another ent specialist as I can't stop worrying about this problem. I'm scared it's an infection that won't respond to antibiotics. What happens then? I'm sick of such a minor problem. Can it become life threatening? I can't spend much more of my life worrying. I'm sick of it all!

    Nighttime pacer

  7. #7

    Re: Sore Nose staph infection so scared about MRSA

    Hi Nighttime pacer. I've never had the problem you're describing but I can empathise with the anxiety that a relatively minor problem can sometimes cause. The feeling that things are outside your control and that harmless thing that's really not really causing much trouble is about to sprout two heads and turn your life upside down is a feeling I know very well.

    It sounds like you've got the appropriate help and no doubt it's just a matter of time before the issue is resolved. For your piece of mind, the sooner the better.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Sore Nose staph infection so scared about MRSA

    I saw the ent again. I mentioned it was sore and (too much info coming up) getting hard mucus and a smell in my nose. He put a camera up my nose and said everything looks ok. He's prescribed a different antibacterial and steroid cream and an allergies nose spray in case it's that. He said there's nothing else be can think of to try. I may have to make an appointment with another ent as I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere.
    I wondered if anyone else has solved their sore or infected nose problem.
    I'm fed up with this!
    Thanks for reading.
    Nighttime pacer

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Sore Nose staph infection so scared about MRSA

    Hi all
    I've had another appointment with a different ent specialist who said that staph infections in your nose don't go crusty and he thinks it's allergies. It's now been going on about a year and I'm sick of it and starting to feel really drained and depressed by it. I've been reading online about crusty noses and all the time it says a staph infection so I know the new ent specialist is wrong. I'm about to make another appointment with yet another ent specialist. My GPs surgery is useless and all the ent specialists seem to offer no answers either. All I know is I can't live like this forever as if it gets into my system I could die.
    I never thought I'd ever feel this depressed and scared and hopeless.
    Nighttime Pacer

  10. #10

    Re: Sore Nose staph infection so scared about MRSA


    Hi - for anyone reading this and still looking for a treatment for Staph bacteria in the nose - use Mupirocin.

    I had this issue for years and Naseptin never made it go away for more than a couple of weeks. Always came back.

    Used Mupirocin once and it hasn't returned yet (3 months and counting)


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