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Thread: Taking Amitriptyline 50mg but not sleeping

  1. #1

    Taking Amitriptyline 50mg but not sleeping

    Hi all,

    I've been on 10mg for two weeks, upped to 50mg and taken that dose for 2 weeks. I'm having real trouble sleeping, as in more often than not I'll be waking up throughout the night! Last night I woke about 9 times and was convinced someone was standing at my bed (they weren't!).

    I've tried taking it early in the evening and later, but I seem to have a moment 2 hours after when I feel a bit drowsy and then it passes. No matter when I take it, I don't seem to have a good sleep through most nights.

    I've just had it upped again to 75mg, but brain fog in the mornings is frightening and I need to go back to work, which I can't do like this, I have to drive.

    Has anyone else found they can't sleep on it?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Taking Amitriptyline 50mg but not sleeping

    I am on these too and they don't help me to sleep either so I am going back to gp and gonna see if he will help me

  3. #3

    Re: Taking Amitriptyline 50mg but not sleeping

    Thanks spuder, everywhere I looked people seemed to be sleeping with only 10mg, so I thought I was the only person immune to them!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Taking Amitriptyline 50mg but not sleeping

    Not sure what mg I am on but nope they don't help me at all

  5. #5

    Re: Taking Amitriptyline 50mg but not sleeping

    I have been on Amitriptyline for about 12 years, I am now thinking of going to see my psychiatrist and asking him to prescribe something else. Don't get me wrong Amitriptyline was a life saver when I was getting my anxiety/panic attacks but I am feeling a lot better so I am going to explore the possibilities of A new medication B coming of medication. Anybody done this already?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Taking Amitriptyline 50mg but not sleeping

    Hi all,
    I've been taking Amitriptyline 10mg for quite a while now to help with migraines. They have definately helped but I also find I'm not sleeping well. I take tablet at around 7pm and by 10pm I'm beginning to feel tired. When I go to bed I fall aleep straight away but keep waking up. I can drop off again, but this is happening all night. It takes me ages to wake up in the mornings as I feel groggy for ages. Also I have the most vivid dreams every night...anyone else get this side effect?
    I know I'm on a low dose and was considering asking my G.P. to up it but by the sounds of it upping them will work to start with then I'll be back to square up and possibly feeling even more groggy in a morning :(
    Don't know what to do for the best really.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Taking Amitriptyline 50mg but not sleeping

    I'm the same, I am on 50mg and slept an hour last night before waking up feeling panic. I had to take some Ambien so managed to fall asleep again but still wake at 5am feeling very nervous. My next Gp appointment is on Tuesday so I am going to ask to jump up to the therapeutic dose for depression and GAD of 75mg and see if that helps. If not a week later I will increase again until I see if this meds will ever work but I am super sensitive to SSRI's. Headaches good now, it's just night panic I get waking up and so I take 20mg of my dose earlier in the day to see if that also helps a surge of panic I get around lunchtime. But feeling really good at some points of the day, no particular grogginess, just been on two week from 10 to 20 to 40 to 50 very fast because so far I am tolerating this quite well. I never sleep any how so if I can just reach the point where if I wake up and at least feel chilled, that will be good enough for me which is where I WAS at on Lexapro full dose and 2mg Lorazepam but hardly any sleep. I'd write as I was working on a book at the time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Taking Amitriptyline 50mg but not sleeping

    I'm up to 75mg now and though I feel quite clam, I do get spikes of anxiety still but it's only my second day on this dose so I wasn't expecting any miracles.
    I am splitting my dose during the day so do feel a bit out of it. I manage to fall asleep easily but then wake up again and again but am usually calm and drop back off again. My doctor wants me to stick at this dose now until he says and see's if I need any more. Only side effect is the groggy feeling and a headache but my headaches soon passed last time I went up a dose.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Taking Amitriptyline 50mg but not sleeping

    I'm on 75mg too and constantly wake up but also have anxiety quite a bit, not more than I already had but def no improvement yet. So worried this is going to be another bad AD that fails me. Then I also know every AD have ever been on has come with anxiety.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Taking Amitriptyline 50mg but not sleeping

    My anxiety has settled down a lot at 75mg but I just could sleep forever, hope this side effect soon goes away. I slept from 6pm yesterday until 7.30 this morning and I am off out tonight with my bf so been drinking coke trying to be alert

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