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Thread: Holiday

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.


    Hi everyone,

    I'm going on holiday to Spain early on Sunday (Saturday night really) and really I dont know why I bother booking holidays. I've managed to keep a lid on things but now everythings threatening to spill over. The 'what ifs' are here with a vengeance.

    What if I forget something really important (not packed yet)? what if I've read the tickets wrong and we miss the flight, maybe theres something wrong with the passports and they wont let us board, what if someone gets ill (hubbys been not well recently), what if the house gets burgled while we're away, dog dies? in-laws die? hotels lost the booking? hotels horrible?plane crash? hijacked by terrorists? luggage lost? money stolen? plane crash and terrorists again?

    God I know I'm crazy and these thoughts are crazy but this is just an
    example of whats whirling around my head. I've got so much to do and think about and I dont feel in control at all. I cant let my husband or any of the kids do anything cos I'm woriied they'll forget something so I'm responsible for all 5 of us.

    I've got to work today and thats really busy too and I need to try and be organised so I can hand over important stuff to a colleague while I'm away and I'm nowhere near ready to do that. And to top it off I've got an interview for a new job when I come back (which should be good as I hate my job) except its first thing in the morning after we get home and I've to do a Presentation!!!! My worst nightmare anyway but how on earth can I prepare when I'm away and I only found out yesterday evening??? And I cant pull out cos I might never get another chance but I'm sure I'll mess it up and never get another chance anyway! And I SO need to get another job.

    Oh god I thought holidays were meant to be fun and relaxing....I feel like cancelling the whole thing!

    I know I'm rambling, but my adrenaline is pumping big style, so much that I have a woolly head now and cant think clearly. Any tips please? Can I use rescue remedy with antidepressants?

    Coni X

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Coni,

    It's only natural to worry like that hun. I get exactly the same.

    Firstly do a tick list and write down all what you need to take. Then tick it of as you pack it. If your like me you will check it over and over though! LOL

    Phone your in-laws before you go check there ok.

    Try to prepare for your interview as much as you can beforehand. Then you don't have so much preasure on return.

    Pack an anxiety bag. Rescue remedy, Claire Weekes book calming aromatherapy oil relaxation cd. etc... Or whatever you find helps you. So you have something there if needed.

    Lastly Have FUN!

    I'm sure you will be fine. It's surprising how we cope when the event is here. Antisapatory anxiety is often alot worse.

    I hope you have a lovely time.

    Take Care,

    Love PIP'S X X

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hope you have a great holiday!!!!

    Take care



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi guys,

    thanks for the replies. At least works over....think my colleagues were glad to see the back of me as I've driven them mad all day. I have remembered something I forgot to do, but I'll write it down tonight and maybe post it in over the weekend.

    Still havent packed....hubbys working tonight so hopefully I'll get that done while the kids are out playing, or at least some of it. Have rechecked the tickets at least four times and I have definitely got the dates and times right....I think!

    I think i will make a list Pips, or maybe 5...thats the problem trying to remember everything for everyone. My husband keeps telling me theyre so civilised in Spain they even have shops for the things we forget lol!!!

    Actually I think he's trying to tell me something as he's left the rescue remedy sitting out where I cant fail to see it.

    I wish I could just skip the next few days and wake up to find we're there already.....with me fully prepared for the interview afterwards. actually I think the interview and presentation were the final straw.

    Thanks again everyone. Sorry for forcing you to share my jitters lol!

    Coni X

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    i dont know if you have read my sucess story that i posted recently but i too like you have just returned from holiday in turkey and before i went i was exactly the same, what if this what if that, kept thinking i dont want to go. but guess what i went and had a fantastic time and i have even booked again for october. i know that it is hard but try and think positive and and i am sure once you are there you will be fine

    have a good holiday and i want to see a sucess story on here when you come back

    take care

    ruth x x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    One trick my councillor taught me was to sit and think about what is exactly is the worst that can happen? Then you do all you can to avoid it. Making a list is the best way to ensure you don't miss anything. The list can be added to daily and ticked off when tasks get completed. So you forget your knickers - buy some in Spain. Have a wonderful time. Be sure to take some time in Spain by the sea or in a peaceful place alone for 5 minutes and do some breathing exercises in through the nose hold for 5 secs out through the mouth and mouth the word calm calm calm on the out breath and enjoy the scenery. You can then use this place to visualise if you have jitters later in life - take a pepple from that place and it can be your reminder. Most of all eat too much and have fun.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thank you Ruth and Weaner,

    Almost ready. Been awake since about 4.30 so I'm probably going to be shattered later. I've got major butterflies but I'm trying to keep busy. I've got my lists and I'm trying to work through things methodically (and resist the urge to unpack it all just to check that Ive packed it all!!!)

    Ruth, you did so well, I'll try and do the same.

    I probably wont be back on tthe forum today so thanks again and I'll see you all in a fortnight (gulp).

    Coni X

    p.s my 12 year old told me this morning he dreamt we forgot all our luggage and the plane 'driver' (there was no pilot,just a driver) drove us home in the plane to collect it. Unfortunately He destroyed our whole street with the wings on the way lol!!! Wonder who my son takes his vivid imagination from ?!?

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