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Thread: 7weeks in and I dont want to carry on.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    7weeks in and I dont want to carry on.

    Im 7weeks in on this med and its made me worse! My Dr has upped my dose from 20mg to 40mg but to be honest I dont even want to carry on with taking it anymore! Surely I should have seen some improvement in 7weeks? Almost 8? The only positive I think I can say is that the side effects hace died down now but I still am more anxious than before the meds and am on sleeping pills as I cant sleep because of these pills, somthing I didnt have a huge problem with before!! I think I have gave them fair chance xx
    Everyday I am heartbroken a new.
    I am not broken anymore nor fractured I am dust.

    Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

    I will live again.

  2. #2

    Re: 7weeks in and I dont want to carry on.

    Hi Rochelle121, I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad and understandably discouraged. I don't know if you've read any of my posts or my history but I can't help but feel you are about to turn the corner. I hate that your Dr has changed your dose as that is almost like starting over. I would stick it out at the 20mg a little longer. You've come so far , I can't help but feel that you're almost there. Go back and read my experience and how dosing effected it, if you are interested. I was the same as you , I couldn't sleep at all. Then when I started to sleep better I would wake up very early. Just pop wide awake and not be able to go back to sleep. Now I sleep like a baby. I've been through start up twice. The second time was worse and even though I knew it had worked before I had doubts. It wasn't until I listened to my pharmacist, who said that 20mg works for the majority of people, that I left my dose at 20 mg, stuck it out and finally leveled out. I'm doing so well now , I'm turning into a workaholic , trying to catch up from my unproductive spell. Please don't give up quite yet. Stick it out 2 more weeks on the 20mg. At least the side effects have subsided. Keep a journal to look back on, so you can see the improvement , even though it's gradual. You may not be 100% in two weeks but you should be much better. You're just at that turning point. I found that I continued to improve, even after I thought I was doing well, for months. You've come so far , it would just be heartbreaking to see you lose all that effort and be back at square one. I'm so sorry if I sound pushy but I've been there and just want you to feel like I feel now. I know how hard it was for me to hang in there and be confident that it would work and I had been on it with great success. So I know it's got to be hard when you have only hope to go on. Wishing you all the best !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: 7weeks in and I dont want to carry on.

    Thank you busymum
    Ive been on 40mg for two days now :(
    So what should I do? Just take 20mg from now on or stick with the 40 :/ its so confusing to me xx
    Everyday I am heartbroken a new.
    I am not broken anymore nor fractured I am dust.

    Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

    I will live again.

  4. #4

    Re: 7weeks in and I dont want to carry on.

    Rochelle121, If it were me , I would go back to the 20mg and just stick it out at that. Just remember the extra anxiety is a side effect and can be the last to go. I'm on it for peri-menopausal extreme , non-functioning anxiety and it got bad with the start up. But it will start lessening so gradually that it's almost like you realize hey I haven't had a spell in a while. It seems like you just so gradually get back to where you are focusing on other things in your life , not how you are coping or feeling all the time. I wish you could do more than yell at me if I'm wrong but I just, so hope , for your sake , I'm right and you'll turn that corner and keep feeling better and better. I know how hard it is to feel it's going to work and that was part of my problem. I kept feeling like it should be working by now and would not leave the dose alone. That made it take me much longer to level out. Once I decided I was going to stick it out at 20mg for at least two more months,(just had the mind set that I would leave it alone) I leveled out, though it didn't take that long for me to feel better. As long as you are seeing improvement, hang in there. After looking back, I felt I continued to improve for over a year the first time I was on it. I was doing well but still needed a natural supplement around my cycles. My issues are hormonal to start with. After 2 1/2 years, I realized I hadn't needed it in the past 9 months or so. Unfortunately, I thought I didn't need the Prozac either. ( I am actually on the generic Fluox but spell check doesn't like that word) Keep us posted , we're all pullin' for you !
    Last edited by BusyMom12; 28-06-14 at 17:12.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: 7weeks in and I dont want to carry on.

    Hi Rochelle, Seems like we are about at the same stage. I've been on flux for 7 weeks tomorrow. Much better than a few weeks ago, but I still have a ways to get back to my old self. Are you still on the 40mg?

    ---------- Post added at 20:16 ---------- Previous post was at 20:08 ----------

    Last edited by betterdays; 01-07-14 at 21:27.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: 7weeks in and I dont want to carry on.

    I'd also like to hear an update as you haven't posted for a few days.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: 7weeks in and I dont want to carry on.

    Miss you, Rochelle. Hope you are feeling better.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: 7weeks in and I dont want to carry on.

    Thank you Debra.
    I have been abit up and down lately but my sleeping is alot better and I dont wake up with the constant panic attacks now as I did before.
    I decided to stay on the 40mg as my sleeping improved strair away xx
    Everyday I am heartbroken a new.
    I am not broken anymore nor fractured I am dust.

    Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

    I will live again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: 7weeks in and I dont want to carry on.

    So good to hear from you, Rochelle! Very happy to hear your sleep improved straight away. That is a huge improvement! Hugs and blessings!


  10. #10

    Re: 7weeks in and I dont want to carry on.

    Rochelle121, I'm so glad to hear you are sleeping better and not having such constant panic. I hope this continues for you and your adjustment is smooth. Just getting sleep will help you so much. Keep us posted , all the best , Lisa

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