Hi All,

As you well know I've been on this anxiety journey for nearly 2 years now and I can tell you its been hell however I've had my ups like getting engaged and married

Throughout this time like many of you I've had dizziness, tingling, numbness, chest tightness etc etc...

I have also had a huge amount of tests - MRI's, ECGS, Balance testing etc all of which have come out normal.

Over the past few months I've been seeing one of the leading physiotherapists in the country at the Queen Elizabeth - shes been a god send! What I wanted to share was something really common that shes diagnosed me with yesterday -

Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome - I didn't think I ever hyperventilated as never really felt like I was breathing to quick etc but whats he said is over time after a stressful period or being generally anxious your body starts breathing badly. You can test whether you are over breathing really easily by counting how many times you breathe in a minute - most people who breathe properly take under 15 breathes per minute. To give you an idea of how bad my breathing is (considering I thought it was normal) I take 22-28 breathes per minute when I am just sat down.

I found this article online from the NHS regarding it: http://www.dchs.nhs.uk/assets/public...20Syndrome.pdf

I really think it can attribute to a number of peoples symptoms on here and it may be worth a shot at just taking some deep breathes and following the exercises to see if it helps improve anything.

The most common thing we all suffer from is anxiety and as I said above this can develop into chronic hyperventilation from being an anxiety sufferer.

I hope it helps at least some one