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Thread: Just coming down from terrible panic -feel awful!! Please help me feel better!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Just coming down from terrible panic -feel awful!! Please help me feel better!

    So my husband and I just went out to the canal, couldn't get a more peaceful place but because it's about a 1/2 hour drive from home my anxiety levels tend to rise as we ride there I have noticed.. however I didn't think I would have a panic there.
    I noticed my body felt funny standing when I got out the car -I'm 6 months pregnant for 1st time and I get worried about what's going on and whether my body is coping. I was feeling kind of pressure in my body when walking along. Then my husband said something and I totally overreacted -got emotional which started my heartrate going up, which started me feeling I couldn't sit still by the bank (which my hubby tried to coax me to do) I decided I wanted to go back -there was a fishing match on and as I fought my escalating breathlessess etc I realised we had to walk back past all these fishermen, which somehow made me feel trapped, and I got more and more breathless as I waddled along (must have looked weird as I'm only slim!) -my heart was racing and I was sure it was bad for the pregnancy.

    When we got to the car it continued after a brief reprieve. My hands started to get pins and needles and I felt I couldn't get my breathing or chest to feel right -really wondering how I would cope even with the drive home at this point and thinking of hospitals!.. then I got a sudden chest pain and that was it -I couldn't wait an longer so my kind and forbearing hubby drove us home with me shaking like a leaf!

    Anyway now we are home and I still don't feel right though over the worst, my chest feels overworked somehow and I feel awful that my husband's trip got cut short - we were only there a few minutes! =( Please help me feel a bit better and tell me I'm not alone in this sort of experience!
    Really struggling to cope right now and think I'm going to have go try a diff antidepressant (been took off citalopram because of pregnancy)

    All this stuff about 'sticking it out' through a panic attack but I have found it impossible so far I get in such a bad state!!
    Last edited by VioletWings; 13-09-14 at 17:21.
    "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" - Jesus

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Just coming down from terrible panic -feel awful!! Please help me feel better!

    What you must do now is just forget what happened today and don't dwell on it or feel bad about it.

    Tomorrow get in the car and go back to the exact same spot and keep on doing it to reinforce that nothing bad will happen to you.

    In time it will become easier.

    Are you doing any self-help as well?

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Just coming down from terrible panic -feel awful!! Please help me feel better!

    Straight after that I was thinking 'I'm not doing this again' (until I'm in more control) but yeah, maybe that's why I should go back tomorrow.. I'll suggest it to hubby.
    Thank you, I am finding it hard to forget it right now -I wanted to go out to something tonight and just hoping I'll manage there without having to come home!!
    "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" - Jesus

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Just coming down from terrible panic -feel awful!! Please help me feel better!

    Hi congratulations on the forthcoming event, your chest will feel strange you are basically carrying a big lump under your organs, also your hormones are all over every where, but you are also obviously very anxious and are finding it difficult to believe that this is all anxiety(which it sound as if it is) my worst panic attack took place in Tesco's, took me ages to go back in there but how silly was I because I used asda for ages, both large shops and nearly the same but felt safer in asda than in Tesco's, how illogical does these panic attacks make us, going back is most definitely the right thing to do, your panic button needs desensitising if you see what I mean, hope you feel better now, you are lucky to have a hubby who try's to understand what you are going through

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Just coming down from terrible panic -feel awful!! Please help me feel better!

    Thanks for the replies, I did go back to the canal with my hubby two days later -though I had just seen the midwife with a good report which I think set me in a good frame of mind (and no fishing match this time!!) Thankfully it was a nice trip this time
    "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" - Jesus

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Just coming down from terrible panic -feel awful!! Please help me feel better!

    Well done for braving it and pushing yourself through to have another visit, overcoming these things is a great step.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Just coming down from terrible panic -feel awful!! Please help me feel better!

    Well done for revisiting the spot! That must have taken some real courage and the fact it went well hopefully reassures you.

  8. #8

    Re: Just coming down from terrible panic -feel awful!! Please help me feel better!

    You are not alone! I am the same way. I found pregnancy hard too...many years ago, but your post sounded like I could have written it myself. I’ve had panic just as you described and I am still here. You’ll be okay. Hang in there. God has you in His hands.

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