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Thread: Will it ever get better?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Question Will it ever get better?

    Would someone please tell me it won't always be like this?

    I mostly suffer from general anxiety. But for the past week I have been (what feels like) constantly on the verge of a panic attack. It's so hard to take. I had a CBT session yesterday and it was determined that my parents (namely my mother) should just leave me alone when I am panicking, even if I am curled up in a ball unable to do anything. That's scary enough in itself, but what if I just stay like that? If my brain was going to realise there's nothing to worry about, surely it would have by now? I feel like the only way to deal with this is to die. But I am a coward. So I need to try and stay calm. But it's so hard. Especially at home by myself at the moment (I am currently living with my ex until the end of the month, but might as well be alone).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Will it ever get better?

    Hi Brie
    keep going with the CBT and practising what you have learnt and I promise it will get better.CBT was a life saver for me ,keep going and try and be strong
    dont panic ,put the kettle on

  3. #3
    SarahH's Avatar
    SarahH is offline Most Naughty-ish Member Ever
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Will it ever get better?

    It will get better....really

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Will it ever get better?

    The fight or flight response which triggers panic is autonomic, like breathing, you can't control it when it happens, so in one sense it's nothing to do with your brain.

    On the other hand what your brain can do is think rationally and therefore reassure you that nothing bad will happen to you. The more you believe it, the less your fight or flight response will be triggered.

    Think of it as resetting your fear levels. It take practice it but can be done.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Will it ever get better?

    Hi MRandy do like the dont panic put the kettle on... I drink so much cammamile tea
    I really should be fighting fit. Must be doing something wrong !!!!!!! Hopey

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Will it ever get better?

    Quote Originally Posted by hopey View Post
    Hi MRandy do like the dont panic put the kettle on... I drink so much cammamile tea
    I really should be fighting fit. Must be doing something wrong !!!!!!! Hopey
    Cut down on the sugar lumps
    dont panic ,put the kettle on

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Will it ever get better?

    I just feel like things will never get better. I am trying to so hard but I am so irrationally scared. I *know* I won't stop breathing or die, and being sick isn't the end of the world. But I am still scared it will happen. I am scared that I will never stop panicking. I am scared I will get stuck in a rut where I am not eating and not getting out of bed. I have only just started eating again after a week of being completely off my food. I really hope this CBT works because it's the only hope I have.

  8. #8

    Re: Will it ever get better?

    Psychadelic-brie, it does get better I promise! I'm going through a bit of a blip at the moment but I've been through it and it does get easier. I've been at that stage where it's like continuous panic and you think I'm always going to be like this and it will never get better, but it will! It's horrible, truly horrible but just remember it's all adrenaline and can't harm you! I find telling myself that I will be fine and that it will pass helps me a bit! Do you drink camomile tea, it takes some getting used to so I add a bit of honey but of an evening sometimes it helps me to calm myself a little. Are you taking any medication? Anyway I hope you're feeling a little better and if you need reassurance then message me anytime! xx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Will it ever get better?

    That's very kind of you Fuzzyhead, thank you. I am on Seroxat which doesn't seem to do much but I am worse when not on it. I occasionally take Diazepam when I am desperate. I have been trying to tell myself all the positive things I can and it does seem to help a little. It just seems everything is happening at once so I don't even feel relaxed at home because it won't be mine for much longer
    I do drink camomile but I struggle to drink right now. I am trying to though so I will try some. I find peppermint tea is good for my stomach as well. I will try to remember that it does pass when I am in a panic. I won't be paralysed with fright forever. Or so I hope not. I hope it's just not possible!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Will it ever get better?

    Just to echo what everyone else is saying. Yes, it will get better. The Anxiety seems to come to a peak period and then it slowly subsides without you even noticing. I found making a list of all the symptoms and checking them each day to see if there was any improvement or if any had disappeared and the list does get shorter, believe me. My list was about 40 symptoms long. I am living a reasonably normal Life now, so you have to hold on in there and the support on here is brilliant. One other thing not to do , is Google your symptoms, it just makes things worse.

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