Hi UrbanMark,
I just read your thread. Sounds very similar to me. I've been on cipramil for coming up 6 years. It changed my life. I was able to cope better, go out again and have some semblence of a life. When things get good I want to come off them as I have no libido and it affects my relationship. I typically reduce by 5mg and usually I get a bad migraine for a couple days but I feel really quite good.
I was off totally for over a week until BANG. I thought i was doing ok but my family said I wasn't. I was snappy, impatient, angry and stressed out like I used to be. It usually culminates in me not coping and going back on them again feeling defeated.
At this stage I don't know where I stand with them. I am on 15mg but still suffer daily with anxiety. I don't know if I should go up to 20mg or try and work with what I have here.
I really understand the shit that comes with going up and down on them.
I try to think that I am a very lucky person to have found something that actually works for me though.
Take care and thanks again for your posts and your insights.