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Thread: Omg first panic attack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Omg first panic attack

    I think. I just had my first panic attack . It came on all of a sudden I wasn't even worrying !

    I swear I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance I couldn't breath I'm trembling all over I feel sick

    This has terrified me even thought I have worried for three years this is the first time which can only mean I'm taking a step in the wrong direction

    I still feel really short of breath and shaky can anyone offer some tips to calm me down

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Omg first panic attack

    Yes, breathing. (Breath slowly and gently counting 5 in through and count 7 breathing out through the mouth, relaxing the shoulders as you do this). When you have a Panic Attack your Breathing rate goes up causing possible dizziness, chest pains, rushes up and down the legs. shivering, feeling sick, fuzzy eyesight, a feeling that you may pass out, hot and cold rushes, sweating and agitation. Breathing calms you down and gets your heartbeat back on track. Do not drink any Caffeine; Tea, Coffee or Alcohol. Just a glass of tap water. The Panic Attack will subside, you are not going to die; even though it feels like it. You can move about when this happens, because you are having an Adrenaline rush. You are Panicking and you are not actually in Danger. A lot of people have Panic Attacks when they are not even doing anything. The Mind sometimes wanders without you even realizing it and then causing a Panic Attack. You must remember that no harm will come to you and you are best distract yourself when this happens. I used to go outside and breath in the fresh air until it subsided.
    Don't think you are going in the wrong direction, you may have come to a peak as I did and the only way now is to recovery. And, you can recover, you must listen to your body, get plenty of relaxation, your body and mind need to repair themselves. This also doesn't mean you will have another one. Some people only have the one, but are left with Anxiety symptoms. If you ever feel the need to talk to a professional; 111 are very good and will talk you through whatever you are feeling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Omg first panic attack


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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Omg first panic attack

    Carnation thank you so so so much for this !!! I literally experience all of that's symptoms for about three minutes I think I m okay now ! I had a lot of caffeine today maybe that brought it on that and the fact I am a complete mess at to the moment I have a lingering pain in my shoulder and feel like I can't swollow hopefully it passes .

    Thanks for being here


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Omg first panic attack

    You are very welcome. Try getting some Green Tea and Camomile Tea, they really help to calm the nervous system. Takes some getting use to, put if it works; hey, it's worth it. The swallowing problem is also an Anxiety symptom. When you tense up, your throat tightens; it can also cause jaw ache because unknowing to yourself, you automatically tighten the jaw when scared or anxious. The throat can feel weird; I felt every liquids and morsel of food tight as I swallowed and panicked it would get stuck and I would choke. You won't choke; your body can function even though it feels weird and scary. Try to distract yourself when you eat by watching the TV or reading a book/magazine. You may get a lot of trapped wind due to the gulping of air which causes the pain in the shoulder. Try to get a relaxation period where you just lie on the bed doing nothing. Walking and Yoga is also very good for recovery.

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