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Thread: Herpes HSV Type 2 symptoms... Help Please :(

  1. #1

    Herpes HSV Type 2 symptoms... Help Please :(

    Hi everyone....
    Life was great.... got hold of my severe anxiety/HA/OCD... Removed myself from nmp as a member for over 6 years as i felt i was strong enough & felt it was time to move on and have a happy positive anxiety free lfe.. i still am very close to some wonderful people i met here those years ago and we all still speak regulary on facebook or by phone. been meds free for a good year or so... tried and tested it all. Mirtazipine/Sertraline/Risperidone/Diazepam/CBT Therapy/Herbal Remedies the bloody lot!!

    Then.... 2 weeks ago i started getting itching on the left side of my groin... i thought nothing of it and just had a little scratch... 2 days later i was red raw and had blisters and the pain was absoloute hell
    i ended up going to a&e in my halloween nurses uniform ( very embarrassing ) because i couldnt cope with the pain anymore and i was feeling so unwell and run down... like i had the flu... doctor said it was thrush and i felt a right dope and sent me off with some canesten cream... that made it worse!! the pain got worse and my buttocks and down the backs of my legs ached and i was started to get really panicky... all my feelings of how i would feel when i had awul anxiety came rushing back and i had my first panic attack for nearly 2 years which exhausted me...
    i went to the doctors the next day and my doctor took one look and said i think you have a fungal infection and took a swab... she put me on fungal tablets and sent me off.... few days past and still i was feeling awful ... another panic attack that i had aids or some awful disease and i demanded at reception in the doctors for someone to please see me.... the thoughts were taking over my life that i was going to die again... i havent had these thoughts for over 2 years and i was distraught... i have a 5 year old little boy and i dont want him to see me in such a state...
    my doctor saw me and she took one look at it and said it looks like you have herpes... i burst out crying... mumbled about it being my 30th birthday in 2 weeks and i was going to never get better :(
    she prescribed me with 800mg Aciclovir 1 tablet 5x a day and also zovirax cream 5 times a day...
    the tablets seem to be working and the blisters have gone down so much... the aching and strange feelings in my legs and bottom are still there and i dont know if this is normal or not :(

    I cant do anymore googling ive frightened myself to death again and i can remember clear as day how terriflying Dr Google is !!!! :(
    today the doctor called with my swab results and said the previous doctor who took them only sent them off to be tested for fungal and bacterial infections and they came back negative, she said you have to specifically take swabs from one of the blisters and check for herpes which she did not.... so.... im in a state of limbo... do i have herpes? dont i?

    i guess what im asking is that has anyone else had these symptoms... i feel quite alone and have gone through the motions of feeling dirty, horrified, how can i ever tell someone...

    im still petrified i have a disease and its being missed and im going to end up very sick... ive gone mad and disinfected everything in my house but thats just my ocd gripping hold again ...

    feeling pretty down at the moment if im honest i was having such a wonderful and positive time

    Thank you for reading all my mumbo jumbo

    Carly Lou xx
    Last edited by CarlyFarley84; 10-11-14 at 22:14.

  2. #2

    Re: Herpes HSV Type 2 symptoms... Help Please :(

    Can anyone help? :( xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: Herpes HSV Type 2 symptoms... Help Please :(

    Doctors who make off-the-cuff comments like that should be smacked.

    I had a similar incident happen to me a few years ago. Thought I would take a relaxing bath and used Johnson and Johnson's baby wash. Turns out I was allergic to something in it and got the worst, itchy rash of my life--huge welts around my stomach and traveling down to lady parts.

    My doc put me on prednisone for a week or so and cleared it up.

    Not a doctor of course, but what you have sounds like some kind of dermatitis.

    Damn things always start around the belly groin and take the path along the lymph system.

    Maybe ask your doc for a script of prednisone.

    And don't worry--pretty sure you have a pesky but benign condition.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Herpes HSV Type 2 symptoms... Help Please :(

    The only way to know for sure is to do a culture of the open sores. Herpes, type 1 and type 2 are probably the most commonly sexually transmitted diseases out there. Neither are serious as in fatal but both are certainly inconvenient and yes, painful.

    You only get it from sexual activity. And yes, that means oral and otherwise. You can get type one south of the border but rarely if ever type two north of the border. If you've not not engaged in unprotected sex, then there's no chance of contracting it.

    Type two south of the border can cause the symptoms you describe. Flu like, sciatica type pain and just plain miserable. If anti viral meds relieve the issues then it does lean toward that diagnosis, but until an actual sample is taken, you won't know.

    If it turns out you do? Rest assured to know that close to a third of the population is right there with you whether they know it or not. That cold sore you see on a friend or relative? Herpes! No biggie...

    I know a bit about this subject so feel free to message me.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  5. #5

    Re: Herpes HSV Type 2 symptoms... Help Please :(

    I have herpes on my genitals. A shock at first, but no biggie can only be sure you have it by blood work or specimen from ur sore..

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