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Thread: Misdiagnosed right-sided stomach pain. The full story

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Misdiagnosed right-sided stomach pain. The full story

    I am a healthy (don't drink, don't smoke, no drugs) 30 year old woman with a history of very very mild self-diagnosed IBS around menstruation time. The only sickness I have had in my life is a kidney infection, a bout of campylobacter food poisoning in 2012 and norovirus last year. Recovered from all quickly.

    It is worth mentioning before I start (don’t want it to get lost in the main text) I have had bloods taken twice, urine three times and stool checked in lab. All clear. Pelvic ultrasound all clear. Now awaiting x-ray results.

    3 weeks ago, I was told by my Doctor to go to A&E with suspected appendix pains in my lower right hand side. It wasn’t my appendix, but was told it could be diverticulitis. I was given antibiotics which didn’t agree with me (nausea, tremor) and was advised to stop taking them. After this, I had persistent nausea and developed a stitch-like pain in my lower right hand side (where my original pain started the first time I went to A&E). But, the pain was different this time, more of a pinching, stabbing pain.

    I visited the out-of-hours doctor with severe nausea and just general panic over what was wrong with me. He told me he thought it could be an ovarian cyst and sent me back to A&E, very angry that they had told me I had diverticulitis, 'ridiculous and he'd never seen it in a healthy 30 year old woman'. I was checked by both a surgical doctor and a gynae doctor who both said nothing was wrong with me - i was healthy. I didn't feel it - I had to be pushed into a&e in a wheelchair. I was sent home with anti-nausea drug metoclopramide and codeine, and was told that 30% of stomach aches ‘’just disappear’’. Took them for about a week and a half, felt no different besides being a codeine zombie.

    I went privately for a pelvic ultrasound to settle the score, found out I had polycystic ovaries (not really bad and no cysts) so problems there, so it is NOT a gynae problem. I'm also not anxious about this problem.

    By week 2 I was still worried, still had the pinching in my side, but the main thing affecting me by this point was my anxiety due to numerous misdiagnoses or lack of knowing what was wrong. I went to my Doctor who checked my urine, he told me I had a mild UTI and gave me trimethoprim for it. It gave me horrible D but I finished the course and felt no different to before.

    So, I returned to the doctor who told me this time that I probably had a nasty virus which could potentially take up to 6 weeks to go away. He said that I probably felt ill because I am usually healthy. He also told me to have my anxiety levels sorted out and I could be suffering from IBS – ‘’take some buscopan’’ he said. I wish Buscopan made me less anxious. I’m not keen on taking medication for anxiety as my brother takes it and has had many, many adverse reactions to many types.

    Now, I have changed from being a healthy, outgoing and life-loving person to someone who doesn’t even want to leave the house or get out of bed in the morning. It is all due to these sketchy diagnoses’ and what I believe to be a total lack of care. Has anyone else experienced some pain in the lower right abdomen (due to IBS or otherwise) which was difficult to diagnose and sounds similar to me? Who do I listen to when I'm getting so many mixed messages!? Thanks and sorry for the long message.

    ---------- Post added at 22:35 ---------- Previous post was at 22:32 ----------

    May also be worth adding that 2 weeks prior to getting the pain in my right hand side I had D at work and suffered a terrible panic attack. First one I'd ever had that bad.

    After that, I became obsessed with not eating for fear of getting D and have hardly eaten a proper meal since, so 5 weeks ago. I was wondering if this could have upset my stomach....I've lost a stone and developed quite an unhealthy relationship with food/no appetite.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Misdiagnosed right-sided stomach pain. The full story

    as far as the pain side ive not had it that bad! but I have had d! a lot the last week but I am taking sertraline! I also feel very tired a lot of the time and also get very gasey! I lost a lot of weight due to no appetite and im eating now and putting weight on but don't seem to enjoy it or crave it! I also start to feel sick around 9pm don't know why but it gose after a while! but now I think about it this all started with a pain in the lower right side and belly button which is strange as now its gone!

    ---------- Post added at 23:29 ---------- Previous post was at 23:28 ----------

    will also add I seem to wake up with aching limbs most mornings but this gets better as the day gose on!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Misdiagnosed right-sided stomach pain. The full story

    I wouldn't call it a ''pain'' so much as a cramp, pinch, general uncomfortable feeling... i'm super bloated too. all signs do point to IBS. I feel like I have colic and all I need to do is get the gas out!

    I have a fear of vomiting but apparently if you vomit at the start of a bug you are 50% more likely to recover and not get IBS after the bug! I wish I didn;t try to hard to hold in my puke!!! Haha

    As you felt like it, maybe it is a virus!! There's a lot going about. Just don't know who to listen to as I'm getting a different diagnosis from everyone!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Misdiagnosed right-sided stomach pain. The full story

    from what ive been told full blood tests show a lot and if there any inflammation in the body it shows up and markers are raised but I am not a doctor and also suffer bad HA my self but a lot of people have helped me on here! do you think you could manage a slow jog maybe a mile? I find this has helped me a bit? I pushed my self really hard the other day though and have been in agony in my legs for 2 days so don't over do it! stop and walk if you get tired its not a race after all

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Misdiagnosed right-sided stomach pain. The full story

    Oh my Katki this sounds exactly what has happened to me. It all started with a kidney infection on the 5th June of this year which then became a long drawn out process which resulted in me being in hospital for over a month having various meds and tests. I lost over stone a half in weight and panic attacks were happening several times a day.mi was then diagnosed with severe inflammation in my descending colon as well as an ovarian cyst rupturing and having faecal compaction up to my chest. I am frightened to go out, be on my own. My nervous system is hyper sensitive.

    Please feel free to private message me and maybe we could have a chat. Everything you are saying sounds like what I have gone through for the lady 7 months xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Misdiagnosed right-sided stomach pain. The full story

    Quote Originally Posted by lukeneal26 View Post
    from what ive been told full blood tests show a lot and if there any inflammation in the body it shows up and markers are raised but I am not a doctor and also suffer bad HA my self but a lot of people have helped me on here! do you think you could manage a slow jog maybe a mile? I find this has helped me a bit? I pushed my self really hard the other day though and have been in agony in my legs for 2 days so don't over do it! stop and walk if you get tired its not a race after all
    Went on the wii today and felt shattered from doing step aerobics lol.... but it was alright. When I am especially panicky I do feel almost like I could go out for a 10 mile run actually.....

    ---------- Post added at 23:51 ---------- Previous post was at 23:46 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by LauraWoo84 View Post
    Oh my Katki this sounds exactly what has happened to me. It all started with a kidney infection on the 5th June of this year which then became a long drawn out process which resulted in me being in hospital for over a month having various meds and tests. I lost over stone a half in weight and panic attacks were happening several times a day.mi was then diagnosed with severe inflammation in my descending colon as well as an ovarian cyst rupturing and having faecal compaction up to my chest. I am frightened to go out, be on my own. My nervous system is hyper sensitive.

    Please feel free to private message me and maybe we could have a chat. Everything you are saying sounds like what I have gone through for the lady 7 months xx
    I don't think I have inflammation anywhere (or not badly imflamed) as my stool and bloods were clear. Were yours? Will private message you anyway.

    Very interesting. Want to know what tests you had done xx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Misdiagnosed right-sided stomach pain. The full story

    If anyone reads this post, want to update that I have been in hospital for 3 days undergoing tests. I have a clean bill of health, however, I need to return to hospital for a colonoscopy to rule out crohns and IBD, the doctors do think these are highly unlikely though given my history as well as my families history in terms of illness. So, they are saying it's IBS. So IBS really can be hell. Don't underestimate the power of IBS - and don't panic if you have symptoms like mine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Misdiagnosed right-sided stomach pain. The full story

    Sorry, I was trying to edit part of my reply re appendix but the screen was different to normal for some reason and wasn't able to so had to delete all of it sorry

    ISB x
    Without fear there cannot be courage - Christopher Paolini

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