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Thread: Panic Disorder/Generalized Anxiety Disorder led to Health Anxiety?

  1. #1

    Panic Disorder/Generalized Anxiety Disorder led to Health Anxiety?

    Hi all, I'm new here so this will be my first post. It may be quite lengthy since I feel I have a lot to cover and there are a lot of dynamics to this. Thanks in advance to anyone who is able to provide any information/support!

    It all started on December 1st. I was a frequent marijuana smoker during the past two school years (once a day from September - April). On this day I had a Monster energy drink about 3/4 hours before smoking, and I ended up having a panic attack while I was high. The next day I felt fine but I didn't smoke. On December 3rd, I decided to give it a try again and had another one. Since then I have not smoked or had any caffeine and I have had about 20 bad panic attacks and 5-10 minor ones. Needless to say I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder and I wouldn't hesitate to say I also have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (I worry about every. single. thing.).

    The panic attacks seem to have calmed down a bit (as has my constant worry about them), I have mainly had minor ones/none at all in the past 4 days or so. However, I am left now with a constant sense of worry and the following symptoms:
    - Fast heart beat (I went to the gym and just walking/doing light weights I was reaching 101-111. I've been an athlete all my life, and even when running/doing a heavy weight routine I would only reach 70s/80s).
    - Worrying about my heart all the time, especially at night. I can't fall asleep at night because I feel/hear my heart beat and it disturbs me far too much. After hours of this and I finally fall asleep, I wake up 6-10 times every night.
    - Constantly yellow/dark yellow urine, occasional diarrhea
    - Sweaty & Cold feet and hands
    - Chest pains
    - Constant burping/belching
    - Trembling of hands and random bodily twitches
    - Constantly red eyes
    - Restlessness, constantly have to be moving something/tapping

    For reference, I have had a thyroid blood test and it came back normal, as well as an ECG which was apparently normal (my quivering from anxiety just caused wobbles between each heartbeat).

  2. #2

    Re: Panic Disorder/Generalized Anxiety Disorder led to Health Anxiety?

    Also, I should add, if anyone else has panic disorder/generalized anxiety disorder have you experienced any similar symptoms?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Panic Disorder/Generalized Anxiety Disorder led to Health Anxiety?

    Hi and welcome to NMP

    I think the question is, do you obsess over a fear that there is a more serious physical composing involved eg someone with HA may find a lump and then focus on cancer which increases their fear.

    I have GAD, various forms of OCD and depression and I have found I am very symptom focused. However, I know my symptoms due to this or could be some physical illness, deficiency or intolerance that contributes but I don't view the physical side as serious so my thoughts stop there. I can also research physical issues to determine this without focusing on something serious and obsessively exhibit fear over it.

    I had the issues with hearing heartbeats too or the head pulse in my eyes stopping me sleeping. I regard this as a sensitivity issue because as you recover, this goes away.

    You could always have all three disorders bit GAD can simulate elements of the others to varying degrees eg I had agoraphobia and social anxiety disorder too but they were more easily resolved hence I view them more as GAD exhibiting the symptoms (not sure that's how the medical world view it though)

  4. #4

    Re: Panic Disorder/Generalized Anxiety Disorder led to Health Anxiety?

    Thanks for the reply Terry! I think I certainly do worry about there being something wrong with my heart.

    I think what scares me the most is that my heart rate is constantly higher than it used to ever go (as I said in the original post). That right there tells me that something has to be wrong, in combination with all the other symptoms I listed.

    By the way when you said "as you recover, this goes away" were you referring to recovering from anxiety disorder(s)?

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