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Thread: Starting Duloxetine

  1. #211

    Re: Starting Duloxetine

    Hi. I'm 26yrs old and just yesterday I was prescribed cymbalta for anxiety...even tho I still can't accept it is anxiety...I've suffered with dizziness, shakiness, heart racing, fear that something wrong with heart/brain, fear of heart attack or tumor etc..for the last 6 wks .all bloods, ct, X-ray, holter monitor, ECGs clear...but I can't seem to accept it.

    Anyways, I went to doc yesterday cos I just couldnt calm myself - safe to say I was a mess! He prescribed cymbalta. I've never been on any other meds and safe to say I am stressing and probably even more anxious about side effects of it.

    I'm on 30mg once a day and first dose was this morning. I already felt yuck I've had no appetite and have pains that I went to hospital for last night that they couldn't explain..ECG, bloods, X-ray fine aside from slightly elevated heart rate...I keep fearing I'm gonna have a heart attack again today and these pains which are in my ribs shoulder back and occasional harm and centre chest are the lead up to it.

    I am feeling strange in the head like dizzyish or something but don't know if that's normal or a side effect of cymbalta...has anyone not had side effects? Is it working for anyone? I see my gp again on Thursday so I can be referred to a psychologist. Freaking out!

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Starting Duloxetine

    When I took my first 30mg dose, I was next to the toilet within 20 minutes with nausea. Then I was really tired. The next day was similar but the nausea want quite as bad. After that it stopped.

    After a few days I had a period where I felt a bit better but this didn't last and the anxiety started reverting back to how it was before. This was probably the sign to move to move to the regular 60mg dose.

    The side effects going to 60mg were completely different for me, more adrenaline based. However, from talking to others on here, their experience was very different so mine seems more likely a more sensitive reaction because of my GAD sensitivity to physical symptoms.

    Give it a few days and see how it changes.

    It sounds like you have HA or panic disorder so getting support on here, on the relevant boards, will be a great help to you in working through but also in braving it through the side effect period.

  3. #213
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Starting Duloxetine

    Hi I've been on duloxetine since I started this thread - so over 2.5 years. It gave me back my life!
    I think I'm going to come off it starting from next month.

    "What you resist, persists." - C. G. Jung

  4. #214
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Starting Duloxetine

    Good to hear positive things about this medication I have been put onto 60mg today (start tomorrow morning) on mirtazapine at the moment and am stopping that over next few days whilst taking the duloxetine. I hope I will be ok...

  5. #215
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Starting Duloxetine

    Quote Originally Posted by Beeble View Post
    Good to hear positive things about this medication I have been put onto 60mg today (start tomorrow morning) on mirtazapine at the moment and am stopping that over next few days whilst taking the duloxetine. I hope I will be ok...

    Hi, I swapped from Mirtaapine too - be careful coming off it, and do so slowly. I took a week to come off it and that was probably a bit too quick.

    Good luck with the duloxetine! I started on 30mg for a couple of weeks before going up to 60.

    "What you resist, persists." - C. G. Jung

  6. #216
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Starting Duloxetine

    Thank you MrRedShirt for your reply. I did feel a bit sicky today but put it down to hunger. I am taking half a Mirtazipine tablet every other day until weekend. If feel rough at least it's the weekend.

  7. #217
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Starting Duloxetine

    Am doing ok so far on the 60mg dose....I take it in the morning. Is that when others take it?? I'm also on amitriptyline...10mg for pain.

  8. #218

    Re: Starting Duloxetine

    I gave up the Cymbalta 2days in. I found I couldn't sleep, was extremely nauseas, dizzy, completely flat mood wise, had terrible diarreah, and was very shaky. That was 30mg starting dose. I felt absolute rubbish and couldn't continue past that to see if it got better - didn't help that I never wanted medication anyway but anxiety got to the point I know I needed to try something...

    Strangely enough after I stopped taking it and those symptoms cleared up I had two awesome weeks symptom/anxiety free and felt back to my normal self. Unfortunately it was short lived and im suffering with anxiety but mainly my head feeling completely weird...I can't explain it but whatever my head is be it dizzy, lightheaded, brain fog I seems to b what sets the anxiety off cos if my head feels normal I'm fine.

    I think I'll speak to doc bout it but dunno what he could offer that's not medication. I'm due to have my first appointment with a psychologist on Feb 4

  9. #219

    Re: Starting Duloxetine

    Hi Panicky

    Duloxetine made me feel dreadful for a few days when I first went on it but it did pass and then really helped me. It took me a few years and a few failed attempts over the course of years before I managed to stick with medication as it scared me. I am not anything now but I would go back on for sure if I needed to.

    However, if medication is not the way for you then I really recommend CBT as this also really helped me and still helps me.

    And boringly I also do loads of exercise and try and get good sleep as these things help me stay on an even keel.

    all the best
    Sarah x

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