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Thread: Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Unhappy Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(

    Hi all

    After a bit of advice and support on how I deal with my cancer fear...

    I had a bladder infection almost 3 weeks ago and even though the infection has gone now (had this confirmed by having urine tests) I am still experiencing burning. I saw a Dr on Monday who gave me some steroid cream to use down there as she said I am probably irritated (I had suspected thrush too) and if it isn’t calmed down in a week to go back and she will examine me. It burned after I had a wee late yesterday morning then the burning went off, and the same happened today but its still burning! I haven’t been drinking much water though so just downed a load now hoping that will help.

    Anyway I am panicking cause I am on day 4 of the cream now and I am still burning after I wee and the opening to my urethra feels really sore! I am scared I have some sort of cancerous growth up there that is causing it or something is seriously wrong.

    I am paranoid I have bladder or urethra cancer, or I have kidney cancer that is blocking my tubes. The Dr who tested my urine on Monday said it was healthy with no infection or blood etc... but I just can’t stop worrying. Why am I STILL burning down there?!

    I have been feeling so tired lately too which I am now thinking is because I have cancer!

    Basically I just feel like I can’t enjoy my life cause every time I have any sort of illness, however minor it may seem, I diagnose myself with cancer and really seem to focus on all the symptoms... it’s like the symptoms feel worse cause I know they are there so they are all I think about! I just want to stop.

    I am only 30 and my boyfriend has said he is going to propose this year and we’ve got a lovely holiday planned and allsorts, my job is going great etc... I have everything in the world to be happy about and look forward to but I am just CONVINCED I will have it all snatched away from me by getting cancer and being seriously ill! I just can’t cope with this CONSTANT fear!!!

    Sorry to go on, but I just can’t concentrate on anything else at the mo and I needed to get this off my chest.

    Can anyone offer some tips of how I get through this please?

    Thanks xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(

    UTI symptoms like burning can go on for a while, even after the infection has been treated, however when you mention burning, is it the SKIN that is burning or a burning sensation when you wee? I assume that it's the skin outside, as you mention the opening to your urethra.

    If it is the skin/labia when you wee, yep, that sounds like thrush. If it is a kind of internal burning pain when weeing, that is still UTI symptoms.

    Thrush is a nightmare, and can take a while to clear up, and consistent treatment. I use Canesten cream. I find it the best for calming down symptoms, and the terrible burning you sore. It can be bought over the counter....but I am also not sure what the doctor gave you? Is it an antifungal like Clotrimazole with a steroid in it? I only ask as a steroid cream alone (I doubt) will help if it is thrush. Thrush needs an antifungal cream. Does your doctor think it may just be irritated/inflamed skin and not thrush? In that case, I can see why they would prescribe a steroid.

    Anyway, I don't believe at all that you have anything sinister as you are worried about. C does not show itself that way. It is far more likely to be thrush. It is extremely common and very uncomfortable as you describe.

    You fears are just anxiety driven. What you have is not untreatable, and does not sound anything serious at all to me. Instead of thinking the worst, you must replace those thoughts with, 'I had an infection, this is just the same, and it will clear up'. Nothing indicates anything dodgy.x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(

    Thanks Debs

    It is a bit of both really, it burns a bit when I wee – but after I wee the skin burns a bit too.

    My labia were swollen and itchy before Christmas a few days after my UTI started and the Dr had a look and said she couldn’t be sure as it wasn’t ‘presenting’ as thrush as I’ve had no discharge, but to use Canesten Combi (pessary and cream) which I did and it settled a little then came back, was using the cream for about a week and it just wasn’t shifting. She said to use condoms with my partner for a week too which I did.

    When I saw the Dr on Monday and explained my symptoms she said she thinks the skin is irritated from the UTI and the possible thrush and has given me Nystaform cream which is a mild steroid and anti fungal cream which she said should help settle it down. She said if it isn’t better in a week to come back and she will examine me. Her saying this has worried me cause now I am thinking she will be looking for signs of cancer...

    Both yesterday and today its burned after weeing and I haven’t really drank much water so I think that could be a factor too.

    It’s a bit red/swollen down there too and I am a silly girl cause I have been having sex the last few days (it doesn’t hurt during or after at all though) so perhaps that is irritating it?

    I agree my fears are anxiety driven and I am trying as best I can to rationalise it... just sometimes the idea sets in and I can’t think of anything else.

    My HA has just got worse and worse lately and I think I imagine a lot of my symptoms to be WORSE than they are because I am focusing solely on them. For example, I woke up this morning with a lot of pain and stiffness in my back so was worrying about that, I can STILL feel the sensations there but less so because now I am panicking over my burning sensation.

    I am just scared of having tests and if they want to put a camera or there or do a swap or anything I will go to pieces. I cannot cope with waiting on test results L


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(


    I can't comment on the female symptoms but I can comment on how to get some of the worry under control. It's what I've said as well as many others have said. We can say it, but it comes down to you acting on it.

    After my illnesses I suffered from some depression and "scanxiety". It's understandable and rather common in cancer survivors. I knew what was going on just like you do. Deep down you know you have anxiety and don't have cancer but the HA dragon prevents you from moving on. I couldn't do it on my own and while forums and words on a screen can be comforting, they don't physically address the problem. It's like looking at a bottle of medicine but not taking it.

    Seek out a therapist that can talk to you about the worries you're feeling and address ways to deal with them, enable you with tools and techniques and perhaps even recommend a medication that can help while you're working on this.

    You have a life ahead of you to live. Don't live it in fear.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(

    Thanks Fishmanpa

    My Mom suffers with depression and health anxiety after having cancer two years ago. I agree with what you say, deep down I know I have anxiety and not cancer but I just can't seem to shake the fear and dread and it is stopping my living my life

    I agree forums and words on a screen are a comfort, but it is just like looking at a bottle of medicine and not taking it - good way of putting it!

    I am having CBT and it is helping but it is taking time. I am just so tired of every tiny little health problem, symptom, change, fear, being CANCER to me.

    I have been taking Sertraline for almost a month now and I do feel much better on it. I have been worrying less in general, apart from the odd blip like today. I find it makes me sort of 'indifferent' to the fears if that makes sense? Like they ARE there, but bother me less.

    Thanks again

  6. #6
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(

    "I find it makes me sort of 'indifferent' to the fears if that makes sense? Like they ARE there, but bother me less."

    That's a good way of putting it. I have a chill pill I can take when needed and it does the same thing. It's like I'm still a bit stressed about things but don't quite give a !(@&^#$ ~lol~ It also lessens the time my mind fixates so I move onto other things easier.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(

    The medication really helps. For me, I find the Sertraline is helping me to ‘think normally’ but I also take Diazepam when I am in a real funk! It just takes the edge off for me, and like you put it – helps my mind move onto other things.

    I resisted going back onto an SSRI for a long time as I was on fluoxetine for 10 years and citalopram on and off for a year or two (none of this was for HA, all for eating disorder and depression) so it was a big deal for me going back onto something – I am glad I did though because I do feel (apart from the odd set back like today) that I am starting to get over it.

    Gonna try not to focus on the burning sensation now. I am convinced it is worse cause I am thinking about it too much! Its not burning enough to be a problem anyway, its just like a ‘sensation’ if that makes sense. I seriously don’t think burning down there is an indication of cancer anyway, not gonna Google it though cause I am trying to wean myself off the dreaded Dr G!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(

    Quote Originally Posted by snowflake293 View Post
    Thanks Debs

    It is a bit of both really, it burns a bit when I wee – but after I wee the skin burns a bit too.

    My labia were swollen and itchy before Christmas a few days after my UTI started and the Dr had a look and said she couldn’t be sure as it wasn’t ‘presenting’ as thrush as I’ve had no discharge, but to use Canesten Combi (pessary and cream) which I did and it settled a little then came back, was using the cream for about a week and it just wasn’t shifting. She said to use condoms with my partner for a week too which I did.

    When I saw the Dr on Monday and explained my symptoms she said she thinks the skin is irritated from the UTI and the possible thrush and has given me Nystaform cream which is a mild steroid and anti fungal cream which she said should help settle it down. She said if it isn’t better in a week to come back and she will examine me. Her saying this has worried me cause now I am thinking she will be looking for signs of cancer...

    Both yesterday and today its burned after weeing and I haven’t really drank much water so I think that could be a factor too.

    It’s a bit red/swollen down there too and I am a silly girl cause I have been having sex the last few days (it doesn’t hurt during or after at all though) so perhaps that is irritating it?

    I agree my fears are anxiety driven and I am trying as best I can to rationalise it... just sometimes the idea sets in and I can’t think of anything else.

    My HA has just got worse and worse lately and I think I imagine a lot of my symptoms to be WORSE than they are because I am focusing solely on them. For example, I woke up this morning with a lot of pain and stiffness in my back so was worrying about that, I can STILL feel the sensations there but less so because now I am panicking over my burning sensation.

    I am just scared of having tests and if they want to put a camera or there or do a swap or anything I will go to pieces. I cannot cope with waiting on test results L

    Hi again hun.

    I would lay money that the C word isn't even in her thoughts at all. If she had any notion of that, she wouldn't sit on it, and from what I understand, cancer just does not present with your symptoms.

    I did want to ask if you had been sexualy active of late, but felt it a bit too personal! The reason is that sex can DEFINITELY bring on thrush and
    also irritate and upset the labia, so it could be either or going on.

    I have had this several times after being with my boyfriend who lives abroad. Because we are infrequently 'together' ( to speak) I also suffer this kind of irritation or thrush afterwards. I have experienced the burning skin as you mention, and also have a tendency to get a UTI too, so have the burning when weeing too.....oh the joys of womanhood!

    Thrush in particular can be a REALLY, REALLY stubborn bugger to get rid of. It does often take the application of meds to be very consistent for several days, sometimes much longer to knock it on the head.

    Sexual intimacy will also make the burning feel worse, but also you can or may have JUST irritation from being sexually active, depending on how active you are, as it were.

    I would see how things go as your doc said. Keep going with the cream for the moment, as it could just be stubborn. If it doesn't calm down from the cream, it may well mean that it isn't thrush at all, but I'm absolutely certain as certain can be that you don't have ANYTHING serious or untreatable. i have had all of your symptoms, and it all calmed down, so please don't worry.

    As for the worry about any exams or cameras, that won't happen I am sure. A swab could happen if there is something to swab, but I promise you that whatever the case, this is doubtless solveable.x

  9. #9

    Re: Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(

    I'm a 12 year old boy and I get them a lot

    ---------- Post added at 20:33 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ----------

    That is not normal for a boy

    ---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

    Doctors said I'm fine and I got 2 in one week

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(

    Quote Originally Posted by debs71 View Post
    Hi again hun.

    I would lay money that the C word isn't even in her thoughts at all. If she had any notion of that, she wouldn't sit on it, and from what I understand, cancer just does not present with your symptoms.

    I did want to ask if you had been sexualy active of late, but felt it a bit too personal! The reason is that sex can DEFINITELY bring on thrush and
    also irritate and upset the labia, so it could be either or going on.

    I have had this several times after being with my boyfriend who lives abroad. Because we are infrequently 'together' ( to speak) I also suffer this kind of irritation or thrush afterwards. I have experienced the burning skin as you mention, and also have a tendency to get a UTI too, so have the burning when weeing too.....oh the joys of womanhood!

    Thrush in particular can be a REALLY, REALLY stubborn bugger to get rid of. It does often take the application of meds to be very consistent for several days, sometimes much longer to knock it on the head.

    Sexual intimacy will also make the burning feel worse, but also you can or may have JUST irritation from being sexually active, depending on how active you are, as it were.

    I would see how things go as your doc said. Keep going with the cream for the moment, as it could just be stubborn. If it doesn't calm down from the cream, it may well mean that it isn't thrush at all, but I'm absolutely certain as certain can be that you don't have ANYTHING serious or untreatable. i have had all of your symptoms, and it all calmed down, so please don't worry.

    As for the worry about any exams or cameras, that won't happen I am sure. A swab could happen if there is something to swab, but I promise you that whatever the case, this is doubtless solveable.x
    Thanks so much Debs that has really put my mind at rest

    My symptoms have gone from just a burning urethra to itchy labia now and a slight discharge so sticking with the cream the Dr gave me and going to lay off the sex for a while lol

    TMI alert... but I do have quite a lot of sex with my boyfriend (we only moved in together a few months ago so we are in that stage lol!) will find it tough keeping away from him for a bit but have given him strict instructions to remind me of how I feel right now next time I pounce on him

    Worrying less about it being the C word now, thank you so much for helping me put it into perspective.

    Saw my friend tonight which helped take my mind of things, back home now in my PJs with a cuppa about to watch a film with my fella so feeling loads calmer. Thanks


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