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Thread: 'Steve McDonald' in Corrie covering Depression!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: 'Steve McDonald' in Corrie covering Depression!

    I'm not sure where the fine line begins and ends with the psychological trauma.
    All I know is, I can't drive any more and that restricts me BIG-TIME, especially with a Housebound Mother and a disabled Mother-n-Law. And my partner is also waiting for his treatment for a Cancerous lump, so it causes HUGE problems and worry.
    I've lost my independency, my wellness, confidence, energy and basically my LIFE. I can't go anywhere that is unfamiliar, crowded, Medically orientated; without getting panicky. I spent two hours today rearranging my Mum's Hospital appointments so I don't have to be alone. I have to say that they were quite understanding about it, when I explained about my Anxiety and Panic Attacks. (I felt the Medical person may have suffered from them himself?). Basically, I have to be chauffeured here there and everywhere as I can't even use Public Transport. That alone hinders any employment, let alone the rest of my Mental damage. Sleepless nights, exhaustion, adrenaline surges, crying, frustration, depression, muscle twitching, hot and cold rushes etc., etc., etc.
    I have another Assessment with another Doctor, so we will see.
    The problem is I try to appear normal. I look normal, but inside, I am screaming!!!

    I know that you are suffering too at the moment and there is no magic wand, but I do think that when Spring is here, it will help us to feel a lot better. The Sun is a very good healer. I know that you go for walks, but have you tried 'Tree Hugging'?
    It may sound silly, but they give off good energy and supposedly it is recommended by Therapists treating Mental Illnesses. You are probably laughing now, and if you try it, you may get arrested, but in the Spring, you could go for a walk and sit by a tree and rest against it and you will feel more at peace with yourself. Honestly

    Back to 'Steve'. Do you think that is why they have chosen him to play out this story? He surely could not have needed the extra money with a claim. It's probable that Ken Barlow must be a Millionaire by now?? All I know is, that it's not very believable and it's a waste of a good story. It's just going to annoy me and get my goat.

  2. #32
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    Mar 2014

    Re: 'Steve McDonald' in Corrie covering Depression!

    I'm not sure on this one. If its not something taken into account by insurance agencies then it might be a private solicitor issue eg "accident at work? Where theres blame". It should say in your insurance policy whether your fully comp status covers purely physical trauma and loss of earnings ot whether it allows for mental ill health.

    I can't say as I've ever hugged a tree but I do touch them in the normal sense that anyone looking at them might. I did consider getting a bonsai for my bedroom or maybe a peace lilly or something. I didn't know therapists recommend it, I will have to look that up!

    I would imagine I could avoid the 's in my local park as its well covered in places...unless I was protesting of course, they would be all over me then!

    I wouldn't mind spending some time meditating in the park like that. Its tricky though with the idiots around and other people walking past but I do know the odd fishing spot that, other than cars going past some ducks & moorhens, cattle and the occassional donkey, usually has no people about.

    It will be good to get some warm sunshine. I really did miss most of it last year though with my sleep pattern issue as I'm upside down and its later afternoon when I'm waking up so I miss most of the true day.

    Steve? Hmm? Well, he's been grumpy and a pain in the arse for the last 10 years so I guess it wouldn't mean too much extra acting for him! If its going on life experiences, then I dread to think what Ken's next big storyline might be...with a guest cameo from his buddy Stuart Hall

    It probably will annoy me, it certainly does with the therapist being accessed so quickly, especially since the zelebs tends to use these things as a vehicle to wine on about 'their depression' which so often isn't anything like how the rest of the non celebrity world suffer. Like all these actresses & singers that suffer from anxiety & panic yet do all this stuff live and on the spot...come on...
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: 'Steve McDonald' in Corrie covering Depression!

    I watched tonight's episode and have to say that it annoyed me as much as the others. They seem to be cramming in as many sensitive story lines that they can find.
    We now have a Anorexia/Bulimia story brewing, Roy with his grieving and guilt about Hayley, Chesney's Girlfriend suffering Trauma and Disability after the Bus crashed and Steve with his very unconvincing Anxiety and Depression.
    I'm normally a Big Corrie Fan, but this is really putting me off of watching it. I'm Depressed enough as it is without watching it in a Soap.
    They mentioned Emily tonight and I haven't seen her for months; wonder if she is ok?
    And, it will be interesting to see how they write out Deirdre???

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: 'Steve McDonald' in Corrie covering Depression!

    Its a little like Eastenders where Sharon was assaulted in her bar. She had some form of PTSD (it was never explained), but one day she decided to just get over it and has been fine ever since. It too often feels like tokenism.

  5. #35
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    Mar 2014

    Re: 'Steve McDonald' in Corrie covering Depression!

    Eastenders tends to be the worst for anything really, how many times do people get away with murder or very quick sentances?! Sharon is a recovered drug addict too so you would have expected some struggle related to that but...thats all gone away too after the odd meeting she attended.

    Steve seemed pretty good to me. He seemed more depressed at his actual therapy session. He did mention he was taking medication and that there were side effects...not that he seemed any worse for it since he seemed pretty happy earlier in the day!

    Emily is getting on a but and she's not been in it as much recently so perhaps she's feeling the strain.

    Perhaps Deidre will finally leave Ken? Or the ghost of Madge will scare her away!

    Coronation street is getting a bit closer to the other soaps nowaways when in the past it was more down to earth. Its a slippery slope before you become Eastenders, Emmerdale or Hollyoaks!

    Some of the recent storylines have been a bit pointless eg the hooligans that just disappear, Nick's older woman who added nothing to it anyway, the pointlessness of Shaun (although I'm sure a gay vicar will bring some trouble).
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  6. #36
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    Mar 2014

    Re: 'Steve McDonald' in Corrie covering Depression!

    Well I watched this again tonight. It seemed to me that Steve was avoiding being in the bar but this seems to be because of what others may think of him due to the crash. Whilst we tend to dread what others may think and also believe they can see things in us that they really can't, the same attitude would be present regardless of depression given his actions in the crash as we would likely feel guilt & shame.

    Prior to even going into the bar, after a push from his mum, he seemed pretty upbeat to me. He seemed very interested in watching TV...I could never be bothered with anything personally and when I could, it was because my mood had lifted. So, his depression is kind of there one minute and gone the next. I don't buy that, its not like he's had any therapy yet and the medication is less than a week in action so thats more likely to be making it worse than better for most of us.

    In the weeks leading up to the crash, his depression seemed more plausible because he was retreating, lieing in bed, in tears, etc. His current behaviour is not too far removed from his normal grumpiness which begs the question, how will his therapist (and us) tell when he's better?
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  7. #37
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    Re: 'Steve McDonald' in Corrie covering Depression!

    Yes, I totally agree Terry.
    When I was in the height of my Anxiety/Depression, my Bed was my only companion.
    I was in tears constantly, not eating very well, constantly on the phone to 111 and The Samaritans and I definitely could not face anyone! I was like that for nearly 3 Months.
    And, when I did start to venture in to the real world, I definitely was not capable of being on my own and could only manage certain tasks.
    I really don't know where they are going with this Story, because Steve should be in the 'Heart' of his illness and it seems to have passed me by????

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: 'Steve McDonald' in Corrie covering Depression!

    Yes, I agree. Part of me thinks that maybe by discussing it, he is experiencing a shift but I don't know how plausible that is as I always find it short live and it didn't 'magic away' things. Since he has now overheard some negativity from Michelle (it wasn't bad but he will interpret it that way I reckon) then perhaps his behaviour will change again.

    Michelle is playing it safe and being supportive, his mum is just the daft old scragend she always has been and if anything even Tony is doing well with him and was before which was unexpected! Personally, I think it was a bad move taken poor Steve off to Spain to see his brother Andy, who was always an even bigger woeful winger than Steve! That would depress anyone!

    I remember he had at least a week where he was in bed and crying, on either side of that though I would see his clinical depression as quite mild.

    If this is all they plan on doing, its going to be a non starter as a storyline and they should have just not bothered.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: 'Steve McDonald' in Corrie covering Depression!

    Watched the episodes of 'Corrie' tonight. Can you tell me what 'Pressing the Pressure Points' refers to? I have never been told anything like this.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: 'Steve McDonald' in Corrie covering Depression!

    I saw that Carnation and wondered what he was doing.

    I could only think of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or accupressure. He appeared to tap it so I assumed EFT.

    If it is, I find that a bit strange given he's gone through a NHS referral for depression which we all know if going to end up as CBT and to be honest, CBT would work for his issues of self esteem and distortions of the views of others about him. So, why exactly is his therapy using techniques that are not considered 'evidence based' hence the NHS won't agree to using them?!

    I would love to know how a quick couple of taps negates anxiety! Its always been my understanding that EFT is more of an exercise and would need a bit more activation than a couple of miracle taps? I want to know the wonder treatment Steve has learned in a matter of a couple of weeks!
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

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