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Thread: Its just occurred to me, what scares me the most!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Its just occurred to me, what scares me the most!

    Okay, so i'm agoraphobic therefore going out isn't great, but i can manage it when i have my mother with me. However, when i am travelling alone, although i don't travel barely any distance at all, what i am scared of the most is panicking BEYOND the half-way point.
    (I don't expect i am making much You realise that to get home is further than the place you are heading to, but you just want/need to get home because that hideous wave of hot/panic/dread/fear/dry mouth/nausea/shaking has already hit and you ****KNOW**** that if you don't turn round something "terrible" WILL undoubtably happen (or at least thats what your mind is telling you!). [Duh!]
    Does anyone else have or has had these feelings of "BEYOND THE HALF-WAY POINT"

    How the heck do we over come this little issue...?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    I undrestand where you are coming from sarah,you do make sense.

    Ellen XX

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    HI Sarah,

    I understand you too, i had this problem for years, but i have learnt by going a little futhur each time it gets easier, its a matter of getting away from your comfort zone, at one stage i didnt leave the house for 2 years, but i have worked on little steps and now i am doing big ones !!

    Im sure you will get there too !



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Sarah, totally understand where you are coming from, I had this problem not so long ago, I just forced myself to go through with the journeys, by train, plane you name it, I talk to myself and tell myself how silly I am being and believe it or not it works for me. Try not to think about getting home, always make sure you have something to do on the journey, if you are in a train where you have to stand just look up to the ceiling and blank your mind, you can do it, do not watch the other passengers as this will only make you feel more anxious!!!

    Take care,

    Polly x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I can understand this as I used to live in Sheffield and travel to see my mum in Surrey which is a long way!

    I would drive down the M1 and at each junction say to myself that I just needed to get to the next one without getting off and going back. Before I knew it I was closer to continuing to my mum's than going back to Sheffield so then I concentrated on getting to her house.

    Do it slowly and little by little you realise that you can go beyond the halfway point and nothing bad happens atall!

    If you think about it logically it is just as far to go back to your house as it is to carry on! The reason you think that it is not so scarey is cos you see your house as a safe place and you want to head back there.

    However, you can transfer that safety place to anywhere you want to so for example, I would drive to work and in between was a nightmare but once there I felt safe again and then did the same going home again at night.

    Each time go a little further and stay with the feelings. Reassure yourself that you won't die and nothing terrible will happen and it won't. It is just your mind believing that it will.

    Small steps and you will get there in time trust me.

    Not sure if that helps or not?

    People will forget what you said
    People will forget what you did
    But people will never forget how you made them feel


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    We have all had something similar tailor made to our own quirky thoughts.

    As Nic says you have to train yourself very slowly to think in a more rational way and set yourself manageable goals that you can manage and prove to yourself day after day that you can beyond point C .

    You do need to do it regularly and not just once a month or our minds write any sucess off as a fluke


    proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

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