I agree, Davit.

There is a difference between intrusive thoughts that come out of nowhere and a more cognitive thought based on the evidence presented to the conscious mind.

The conscious mind can review all the negatives and decide that suicide would be the best option. This way there isn't anxiety because I suspect it just feels as normal as decided what to have for breakfast!

Intrusive thoughts on the other hand are scary. They are reviewd by the conscious mind and rejected as bad, hence all the infighting causing the anxiety.

CBT has its models but disorders & conditions are not determined by CBT, they are determined by a greater separate model from the medical manuals. CBT has to accept them as they are accepted by the medical community at large. They are central.

Not fitting something is common anyway otherwise treatment wouldn't need to be bespoke. My OCD doesn't completely fit as I can feel the opposite to the ecpect outcome but if you read more comprehensive literature from experts, this is found to be accepted.

I think its just a poor therapist in this regard.