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Thread: Do not ask for medical advice on NMP!!

  1. #21
    SarahH's Avatar
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    Re: Do not ask for medical advice on NMP!!

    I am hoping this will be "bumped up" the site for all to read


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Do not ask for medical advice on NMP!!

    Is this still the case? The majority of threads seem to be against this. People discuss medication combinations all the time on the Medications board but then this post is here, not there. The same issue here should also be applied to the Symptoms board so wouldn't it be appropriate to have the rule in the t&c's as well otherwise it appears that there is no issue with the rest of the forum?

    I'm not sure what constitutes medical advice is clearly defined because we talk a lot about therapy and no one here is able to professionally practice (maybe one of two but not without Nic's permission) so the same could be said about discussions on CBT.
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  3. #23
    SarahH's Avatar
    SarahH is offline Most Naughty-ish Member Ever
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    Re: Do not ask for medical advice on NMP!!


    My reading of this thread was that if people ask say " I have A,B or C this cancer/heartfailure etc?" "we" on NMP are not qualified to diagnose. Advice regarding peoples experiences of medications or therapies is a different matter... that's an "opinion" and I think that is clear to most who come on NMP. I suppose there is a danger of members giving incorrect advice on medical matters which really should be discussed with a Dr.


  4. #24
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    Re: Do not ask for medical advice on NMP!!

    Hi Sarah,

    Its all opinion really. I'm very guilty of advice when it comes to therapy.

    I understand what they are trying to say but I don't see anyone paying attention to it so I question whether this needs its profile lifting or the alternative is the write it off as unenforceable. I've raised a similiar question to Nic over the t&c's covering OCD which even the admins have been seen not enforcing so I have questioned whether that is an old rule that needs changing to match the current climate. I wonder if this issue is the same because even when people say something is anxiety, its not following what Venus has said in this thread.

    Given its old, was this put here to try to stop the issue when it was developing? Is that why it seems so defunct now as the forum has changed? I know that this board looks no different to me 12 months ago so it must be long before I joined.

    On the medication issue, we do have people asking direct questions about combining things but most of it is more about how to use medication to treat which seems more acceptable since the GP has full control in place.
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  5. #25
    SarahH's Avatar
    SarahH is offline Most Naughty-ish Member Ever
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    Re: Do not ask for medical advice on NMP!!

    I think this has been an on going issue on the board since I joined over 2 years ago. It crops up sometimes and then there is a lot of debate and then it dies down again.The board was initially set up for support of anxiety sufferers but has now grown........ personally I ignore the "here's my symptom... have I got cancer questions" as I believe people should see a Dr not ask Dr Google.

    Just my opinion of course


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Do not ask for medical advice on NMP!!

    Also there are a lot of people seeking reassurance for symptoms, but when I wanted some positive, proactive support for stopping reassurance seeking i.e. Something that I can do to really tackle health anxiety, I didn't get any replies. If you want support for symptoms, like "I am sure you are ok but go to the doc" etc., you get inundated.

  7. #27
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    Re: Do not ask for medical advice on NMP!!

    This is a major problem with the HA board, I'm afraid. People love to compare notes, seek reassurance and unwittingly fuel their HA with loads and loads of emotive information. Anything remotely helpful gets ignored in the sheer volume of posts.

  8. #28

    Re: Do not ask for medical advice on NMP!!

    The thing about Anxiety is that it has the ability to make us feel in different ways. Not everyone will have the same symptoms. The fight or flight response may make people feel different from others. When I was going through my Anxiety years ago I decided to put all the sensations or symptoms under one category and told myself it would go away when Anxiety would go away. This kept me from over analyzing everything I was feeling. Just a thought for people with health Anxiety.
    I suffered for years until I finally overcame anxiety and panic attacks. I share my experence and knowledge.

  9. #29
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    Re: Do not ask for medical advice on NMP!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cerridwen View Post
    Also there are a lot of people seeking reassurance for symptoms, but when I wanted some positive, proactive support for stopping reassurance seeking i.e. Something that I can do to really tackle health anxiety, I didn't get any replies. If you want support for symptoms, like "I am sure you are ok but go to the doc" etc., you get inundated.
    I know, because I answered your thread. Perhaps you didn't go back to it? (if you mean the thread about how staying off forums didn't help you)

    But I know what you mean and I think your question is a less common one. Most of the time it's about how staying away from forums like this helps, but that's only a short term thing anyway as that's avoidance of a possible trigger and this is known to keep people anxious anyway hence why therapists then get people to expose themselves again to triggers to ensure they are free of them.

    Sometimes it seems to take a bit of kick starting to get a debate going on here as people are swamped under their symptoms. If you can get some responses, you will probably get a few more but beyond that it can be harder, I think, for newer members.
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 21-01-16 at 09:07.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Do not ask for medical advice on NMP!!

    One thing I think people should definitely NOT do here; and which is very WRONG is the excample of someone posting pictures of their own eyes etc. There is one such thread here; and it reinforced immediately an obsessive fear I have had for pancreatic cancer for almost a year now. And it happened on a holliday. I mean; it is very inconsiderate to post such things on a forum catering to people with anxiety; I mean; such is triggering anxiety for the worst. There are forums where people are posting pictures of their eyes or even their stools for medical opinion but I dont think that is OK here.

    As for reassurance; it depends on what people write. Sometimes people write about symptoms that really could be something and then it should be the docs to give opinion about what it is. But other times; when someone is convinced they have rabies becuase they been breathing in the same room as their non-rabied puppy; yeah; then it is safe to tell people they are OK and will not die a horrible death from rabies. This summer there has been quite a few rabies posts and of course they are based on irrational fear. But I wont comment on someone who discover that their eyes are turning yellow or constant burning pain in chest. Then they should go to the doctor ASAP.
    Last edited by paranoid-viking; 03-08-17 at 06:34.

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