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Thread: anxious about uping dose from 50mg to 100mg

  1. #1

    anxious about uping dose from 50mg to 100mg

    Hi everyone, as the title said I am extremely worried about uping my dose worried that things may get worse. I have been on sert for a year now and after the initial side effects I have felt much better up until 6 weeks ago. I have noticed that my anxiety is getting alot worse and also my depression:(. I have been to the doc and they have suggested that I up my dose but this really worries me as I am just coping at the moment and the thought of getting worse is more than I can bear. I should also mention I have got a four month old, I love him to bits but i think adapting to the big life changes that a baby brings has managed to set me back mentally somewhat. Would be very grateful for some kind advice rigjt now, seriously feel like im losing it!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: anxious about uping dose from 50mg to 100mg

    Hi destiny
    I would suggest upping to 75mg, cut one pill in half, I did this and suffered no side effects as it's not such a big jump up, I also felt quite alot better straight away. Stay at 75mg for a couple of months and then maybe up to 100mg if needed? Hope this helps. Gav

  3. #3

    Re: anxious about uping dose from 50mg to 100mg

    Thanks I will give that a try x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: anxious about uping dose from 50mg to 100mg

    Hey Destiny,

    I increased from 50 to 100 about 12 days ago. Everyone is different - its been a bit of a rollercoaster for me I'll admit, the first 2-3 days post increase I was shakey and jittery, and the last week I have been quite anxious, but last night I saw a brief window if brightness which gave me hope that sertraline is working

  5. #5

    Re: anxious about uping dose from 50mg to 100mg

    Just gone upto 75mg for now so see how it goes, feeling a little brighter today so hoping it will carry on hope you continue to feel better x x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: anxious about uping dose from 50mg to 100mg

    Well done Destiny!
    See how you get on?, it maybe enough for you and you may not need 100?
    Good luck.x

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