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Thread: Hobbies and other positive activity.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Hobbies and other positive activity.


    I read your blogs with interest. It helps me to know what people elsewhere have available for free help. It appears to be little in the UK. Not so in this part of Canada. Talk therapy can go on for years every week. And it is free. You don't hear us quoting books because we have no need for them. There are a few good books, but they are outweighed by therapies that are outdated, don't fit todays lifestyle or take forever page after page to give you nothing but another coping skill and nothing cognitive. My grandmother could lecture me on just do it, but she is from a different era. Back then you could bull through things because there was only a fraction of the stressors there are today. I'm 64 and badly physically disabled. I could not get to a course or sit through it although My Therapist wanted me too. So I have been using the internet, but not blindly. And that takes a lot of reading to sift the wheat from the chaff. You can say anything on the internet. But also there is some very good information. A large part of my information came by way of my therapist over five years. Some of it as recommended sites. Some very technical. Some was very eye opening and some was too close to home and needed days to absorb. I found a connection to how the brain works and mental conditions. I also found it does not malfunction, it can not. But it can use the wrong information to function. Garbage in, garbage out in a way. The exception is schizophrenia and bipolar and psychopaths. There the brain is wired different from normal. The first two can have relatively normal lives on medication.
    These no help outdated books are not making what I am trying to do any easier. They lie about only one thing. CBT, coping is not CBT it is only behavioural. It is only a small part of CBT. It cures nothing.
    I write but find little time to. At the request of a friend I put all she needed to know in a book and sent it to her. 47 pages, 25000 words but it covers anxiety and panic pretty thorough. It has information that is not on the net too.

    I like what I am doing but often get frustrated and feel I should give up. It is hard to get people past coping, since so much of life is coping. But then I remember how I was and how I am now and push CBT, real CBT, some more.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Hobbies and other positive activity.

    I'm going outside to face the mosquitoes and weed. Rain made the grass grow too.
    I've spent too much time on here and my garden and house have been neglected. I need to change that. My carrots are thick as dog hair and need to be thinned. Strawberries are turning red. Out of the three varieties I planted last year I now know which I want. There will be lots of sucker transplanting. Going to get hot and dry again so I will be back to using the sprinklers.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Hobbies and other positive activity.

    I can see what you mean that the old theraputic approaches are old-fashioned, but psychoanalysis is very different today than it was when Sigmund Freud practiced it, as it is with CBT from Ellis and Beck and humanistic approach from Perls- who literally argued with his clients! But what I have learnt is that the different approaches has different uses. I feel more in control with my anxiety and panic attacks than I ever have been, thanks to CBT, but I now know that I need psychoanalysis to explore my childhood in regards to my depression, which is far from controlled. Humanistic and person-centred counselling is the most popular, by far, and has fantastic results because it allows the person to explore their own world and their own problems without being prodded and poked by their therapist, which does happen in psychoanalysis and CBT.

    My theories on what causes mental illness is far more broad than just neurological, I believe there is biological influences (inflammation, endocrine), sociological influences (relationship with society) and psychological influences (how you think and feel about things, how you see yourself in your world). I think I have touched upon them in my blog but it has yet to be of benefit to somebody. If I found out that my depression was caused by psychological issues it would not make the depression go away.

    Thank you for reading and taking interest in my blog.
    __________________ <<< My Blog Site. Please visit, have a browse and leave feedback

    ERB 14/01/2016 Forever missed, forever in our hearts, my baby angel girl

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Hobbies and other positive activity.

    I think the problem with CBT is that people think it is one thing and doing one thing will cure them. It is in fact many things dealing with many things and six to eight weeks doesn't even touch the surface. I believe like you there are many things influencing it not just thought, thought is just the conveyance to get it where it does it's damage. Feed back is one of these thoughts. Hypothalamus sends pituitary instructions. Feed back sends back the reaction. It becomes an update directing the next reaction. Hypothalamus tries to make a correction with the information it has. It can only use what it has.
    It can get stuck in a loop of "this is what we did last time". (panic) You have to consciously break into the loop and say try something different. But you have to have a reason to because core beliefs are directing it (along with mood)(mood picks the core to use)
    Since so many cores (spin offs) come from cores built in childhood a self search can reveal some damaging thoughts you are not aware you have. At three years of age I built a negative core and it and it's spin offs directed my life for fifty years. Some of the spin offs though negative had a positive effect. EG: I have to be the best I can be gave me a good work ethic. It also got me to look for the right answers when dealing with my anxiety, panic and phobias. It could have turned into OCD but didn't. No short cuts, a lot of study and cross reference. A lot of what doesn't work anymore to discard. And I won.

    Analyzing your life and your thoughts is going to open some surprises but also give you answers you need. It certainly helped me.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Hobbies and other positive activity.

    I know I had issues as a child and a teenager that I carried with me in to adult life.
    I turned to music from an early age and created a fantasy world for myself to keep bad thoughts and sad moments at bay.
    I have spent most of my Life trying to please others, especially my Parents to no avail. I now try and do what I want to do as much as I am able.
    I have always had a problem with refusing or saying NO. I hate arguments and I tend to think my thoughts rather than voice them and I have had a problem with expressing how I feel, especially when I am unhappy. I don't think anyone listens anyway. (Not on here, I am referring to people in my Life).
    I have always been creative and I tend to put my emotions in to my creativity.
    Like playing an instrument. Playing the 'Blues' on guitar can be very satisfying.
    Drawing a picture, writing a poem or story, landscaping a garden, making a sculpture and so on.
    I actually feel like two people. The real me in my fantasy/art time and the robot type with normal day to day life.
    My goal is to eventually move by the sea, to be able to feel free and breath healthy air and live my fantasy and become the real me, all of the time.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Hobbies and other positive activity.

    Do they have mosquitoes by the ocean, I just brought a whole bunch into the house with me. They are bad this year.

    Country is expensive but worth it, I'm sure it would do you a lot of good. I was weeding onions but it started to rain so I'm going to make chilli in the slow cooker. I still have onions from last year. Almost out of garlic.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Hobbies and other positive activity.

    Davit, you are always so busy. Do you ever get any rest?

    My tomato plants are looking good, thanks to your tips.
    My lettuces look better too. Celery has been no bother, I just keep giving it loads of water and it is happy. (I think it is an alcoholic!)

    They have lots of May bugs in Norfolk. They are really big and quite frightening.
    I used to have a nest of them in my old garden and they used to keep head-butting the kitchen window when I was washing-up at night.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Hobbies and other positive activity.

    No wife, I have do do my own cooking and cleaning. Laundry practically does itself, dishes aren't many and I try to keep something in the freezer for tired days. Lasagna, shepherds pie, chilli, spaghetti sauce, soup. Some other stuff. Mini pizzas are handy. I slice my bread and freeze it too so it is always fresh. Biggest chore right now is watering flower beds. Garden has sprinklers on a pump out of one of my ponds.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Hobbies and other positive activity.

    This is a past garden in the fall.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Hobbies and other positive activity.

    Wow! That's a big piece of land. I bet it also looks stunning in the Winter.

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