Terry - Thank you so much. That's exactly it, just because I know how my son feels that doesn't mean I can treat him. It's terrible but CAMHS do have a very bad reputation.

Thank you for your kind message. Yes the links would be most helpful.


---------- Post added at 12:14 ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 ----------

Thank you

Yes they are useless aren't they Pulisa. Why are they there if they won't help your child? How bad does a child have to be?

My daughter was taken into hospital last night and I feel terrible. They suspected appendicitis but it isn't. They have kept her in and my husband has been with her. She is still there now and I feel such a terrible mother for not being at her side :-(

My anxiety and stress levels are so high I feel terrible. I have barely slept and I feel close to panic. Hubby told me to rest today and not wory about not being there but I keep thinking i should jump in my car and go to her but I can't drive 30 minutes alone and walk into a hospital. I feel such immense stress on my body right now that panic attacks keep happening? I am terrified of one happening there and I know it would with how ill I feel right now.

I keep worrying this stress causing high anxiety will kill me so it's one big vicious circle I am in

I haven't stopped crying all morning since my boys went to school.

Thank you for your kind reply.

Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
Bonnibelle, I just wanted to say that I think I can empathise with your situation and it is certainly very challenging getting through the day battling your own issues let alone caring for your children who have given you such cause for concern.

From my own experience CAMHS was a waste of time. I'm not surprised at the "advice" you were given. You probably are better equipped to help your son than they are but obviously you need some decent professional support to help you manage your son's significant anxieties. If you can afford it it may be beneficial to get a one-off psychological assessment for your son and then this would set in motion NHS provision should you choose to accept any recommendations? Both my son and my daughter have been through this "mill"-you need to do some research as to which "expert" you choose to assess your son though.

As for your own symptoms I would expect to get them by the shedload whilst you are under such pressure. So long as your thyroid and other bloods related issues are being monitored I'm afraid it's inevitable that physical symptoms of anxiety will rear their ugly heads.

I try to carry on as best as I can and this means not pushing myself too much when symptoms are overpowering but still trying to deal with the routine stuff. It's not easy especially when there is no support from significant others.

I really hope you can get some professional attention for your son and that your daughter's health concerns get sorted too. You have a lot on your plate.