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Thread: Natural remedies help

  1. #1
    Jem27 Guest

    Natural remedies help

    Can anyone advise me on natural remedies, vitamins etc...... that can benefit someone with health anxiety? to keep calm in stressful situations etc...?


    Ju x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Ju

    Vit B complex is very good for the nervous system, also omega3.
    Rescue remedy is a good thing to carry around with you and I also used to have a Tisserand Lavender oil oil stick which I used to put on my wrists and temples and it always used to help, I also always used to carry a bottle of water with me.
    Knowing I had these in my handbag used to be quitea comfort to me.

    Hope this helps

    Take care

    Elaine x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    here you go..

    Natural Remedies


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    im using st johns wort, its quiet good

    mandy d

  5. #5
    Jem27 Guest
    Thank you all:-)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jem,

    I'll tell you all the info I have found on supplements, what I've tried and what I feel has worked!

    Firstly, for me St Johns Wort made the biggest difference. I have been taking this since April, and now I am starting to reduce my dosage. Even though this is a "natural" product, it is still potent and needs to be detoxified through the liver, so is not something I am happy to take for the rest of my life. I have been told by a doctor that by now it has probably done all it is going to do to readdress the chemical balance in my brain, so I can start reducing the dosage (from 1 capsule 3 times a day to 1 capsule 2 times a day) with a view to eventually coming off it. SJW helped me cope with day to day life when I was at my lowest - those days where I could not function, just sat in a chair and wasn't able to motivate myself to do anything - I have never been as low since taking it, although like everyone I have had good days and bad days.

    A good quality vitamin B complex has helped too - for me it has reduced the mouth ulcers I have been getting . I feel it has also affected my mood in a positive way and gives me a bit more energy possibly.

    I take magnesium, and this I feel helps with muscle tension.

    I have recently started taking Evening Primrose oil to help me with PMT and worse anxiety around this time. I've only been taking this a short time so I can't comment on this yet.

    And Rescue Remedy, which I keep with me at all times and take as needed - just when I am extra anxious or nervous about something. I think it is great!

    I have tried: Quiet Life tablets (didn't feel any difference with these despite taking for a month, but maybe at that time I was needing something a bit more than these gave me). I have also tried Relora (again I didn't notice any difference with this) and Valerian (no positive changes to report here either).

    I have read a very interesting book by Patrick Holford called Optimum Nutrition for the Mind. He recommends an amino acid called GABA - I found out this is only available on prescription and I was keen to try it as it apparently gets rid of "mental chatter" but when I spoke to my GP she said she had never heard of it being used for anxiety, only anti-seizure, she looked it up and it wasn't licensed for anxiety so she wouldn't advise or prescribe it, which was fair enough. He also recommends Kava Kava but this has been banned in many places including UK, and although it sounds great I have steered clear of it as I am not confident (a) about its safety and (b) about where and how internet companies are sourcing it if it is banned.

    You will also see on here that many people recommend omega 3 fish oils - I plan to include these in my supplements soon (I try to introduce a new supplement and then leave it a good few weeks before introducing the next one so that I can see what works for me and what doesn't); however I also make sure I eat oily fish at least twice a week.

    I do feel my supplements have worked well for me to a point, but they are never going to be a complete cure. I believe for that you need to do some kind of thought therapy or counselling or something.

    I would also recommend Reiki (see my recent post in therapies!) and massage to help relieve tense muscles. Plus any kind of relaxation or meditation and breathing exercises.

    I'm no expert here, but this is what I feel is working for me right now. I hope this helps.


  7. #7
    Jem27 Guest
    Thanks so much C,

    When you say good quality vit b, what make do u mean?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    My nutritionalist friend tells me that quality is very important with supplements, and she recommends Solgar as a good quality brand. Also I am told Bioforce is good. There are probably lots of others, but these are her main two brands of choice. There's loads of online companies that stock them.

    I guess it's like buying branded baked beans as opposed to shops own - nothing wrong with the cheaper ones but you do get better quality ingredients with the branded ones!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi guys - I've just come across this forum, not sure I'm writing this in the right place but:

    I'm having a relapse with anxiety at the moment which is always pretty hard. I'm currently taking B vitamins, lemon balm, valerian, omega 3, rescue remedy and drinking the relaxing teas. Are they working? I honestly don't feel like they are, but I'm taking them just in case.

    But I swear, more than anything, the best natural remedy has to be exercise. Since this period of anxiety came on, I've forced myself to do half an hour a day first thing (swimming is good if you feel disorientated when on your feet with anxiety like I do - or get that yoga DVD on if you're anxious about leaving the house). I've gone from being agorophobic and terrified to walking on my own outside everyday and actually doing a full week at work this week. The anxiety is still there in certain situations, but the improvement in the last two weeks means that I'm feeling 'normal' for at least 90% of the day, which is a welcome relief. If you've got adrenaline rushing around in your veins, the exercise really does clear it away for a good few hours.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    i find kalms take the edge of the anxiety for me have you tried them??

    really enjoyed readin it and it was very interesting,and helpful thank you,


    better to fight for something than to live for nothing

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