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Thread: Top Trump: A Poem

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    You are exactly right about him... People are drawn in because he says what they want to hear but he has no actual plans or policies other than make Mexico pay for a wall. ?????? It's mind-boggling and has shown people's true colors who support him. The KKK actually has supported him, you'd think that would be enough to turn people off him. I'm hoping similar happens during the general election ... All talk and noise now, but when it comes to the vote for the actual election and not primaries maybe he will crash.

    Debate last night the republicans were literally shouting over each other at the same time like children. Actually children are usually more respectful.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    It's like that in our House of Commons all the time. Watching them is embarrassing. You couldn't act like that at work, jeering and catcalls. It's calmer in the House of Lords but that's because most of them are asleep whilst someone is speaking...or maybe even deceased.

    Have you ever seen that Denzel Washington film The Siege? Remember when they round up all the Muslims and put them in a camp? Trump & co remind me of that.

    Anyway, I don't mind him getting in swgrl, (wait for the joke ) as I'm setting up a ladder making company and I reckon I should be pretty well on exports to South America.
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  3. #13
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    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    I'm with ya, FMP. I am on the first flight out to Canada if he wins.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    That's an interesting experience.. I've been in CT since I was born, with the exception of one year at a school in New Hampshire (after which I transferred back to CT... too woodsy for me!) ... CT is through and through a blue state. But we do have some people who fly confederate flags and I really don't understand it.

    I did spend some time in Charleston, South Carolina in the fall and it was a beautiful city, but definitely could tell it was much more conservative than I was used to. When I was down there, my cab driver was telling me how he supports Trump because he wants to line up all the Muslims and register them until we can figure out what is going on with terrorism. Now - if I was not alone in the cab and at this man's mercy, I would have said something, but I was too chicken on my own. Looking back, I wish I had said something. It's really shocking how much prejudice there is in this world.

    We are a country of immigrants... Unless you are of Native American descent, we all came from immigrants at one point. I get really disappointed in people nowadays.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    Quote Originally Posted by swgrl09 View Post
    We are a country of immigrants... Unless you are of Native American descent, we all came from immigrants at one point. I get really disappointed in people nowadays.
    Exactly and not even they are truly indigenous since none of us are in countries outside of where mankind originally formed.

    It could get even worse too because support is building for Boris Johnson as our PM. Whilst I love him for all the gaffs he makes that give our comedians so much material, as PM is another thing but then weren't we all saying the same about his campaign for London mayor...and he got that?!

    The thing that makes me laugh of people who harp on about "the good ole days" is there was never any such thing. Anyone who had read their history knows unless you were rich, you were fodder. The US opened up new opportunities and the ability to shoot anyone who annoyed at certain points in history when over here people were still being hung for stealing or living in filth or the streets, children barely our of nappies dying in workhouses and lots of people dying of consumption.

    Oh year, and military tactics were based on the common man marching into musket fire because there were so many to replace him.

    So, they can hang their Confederate flags all they want, life wasn't so rosey back then for them unless they had plenty of money.
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  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    why would the UK/USA want a bumbler for head of state, Boris or Donald ??? why o why ?

    George W Bush was bad enough with his theatrice but Donald Drumpf or Boris Johnson, I dont think I understand humans ???
    Dudley Moore: Do you feel you've learnt by your mistakes here?
    Peter Cook: I think I have, yes, and I think I can probably repeat them almost perfectly.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    Quote Originally Posted by mezzaninedoor View Post
    why would the UK/USA want a bumbler for head of state, Boris or Donald ??? why o why ?

    George W Bush was bad enough with his theatrice but Donald Drumpf or Boris Johnson, I dont think I understand humans ???
    It's all going a bit mad in world politics. Trump, Boris, Berlusconi, Sarkozy, Ed Milliband and now Corbyn! Add to that Germany and how the right winger party is gaining ground (shouldn't that be a warning sign to us ot? ) and it's looking bizarre.

    Boris & Trump. Imagine the "bunga bunga" parties.

    ---------- Post added at 07:21 ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 ----------

    I see Trump has taken some states in the vote.

    Trump won Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia,

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  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    i think its evens maybe even odds on that it will be
    Trump vs Clinton
    Dudley Moore: Do you feel you've learnt by your mistakes here?
    Peter Cook: I think I have, yes, and I think I can probably repeat them almost perfectly.

  9. #19
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    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    I saw a news report on Trump and the violence he is "inspiring" at his rallies.

    Any serious public figure would be appealing for calm and trying to distance themselves from these idiots yet he seems to be all for them! It said he was even providing legal aid to a guy that attacked a protester, which was shown, and in the next clip was a guy dressed the same (same guy?) saying 'we might have to kill him next time'.

    How can anyone vote for someone with loonies like this?
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  10. #20
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    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    It's pretty awful ... I can't believe the people who are willing to vote for this man. I keep hoping that at the general election (instead of the primaries) there will be enough people voting against him.

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