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Thread: Worried about my 2 year old

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Worried about my 2 year old

    My daughter has had a cold for a couple of weeks and the gp gave her antibiotic . Then last week she started to get a cough the last couple of nights have been sleepless and she's been really bad coughing constantly but early hours this morning we attended out of hours and the doctor said she looked OK but sounded like she had fluid in her lungs and an infection in her chest. But I've read that these symptoms can be leukaemia so now im so worried.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Worried about my 2 year old

    I know you're worried but it's natural as Mum to do so. That being said, a cold/infection to leukemia is huge leap! If it persists, call her GP.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Worried about my 2 year old

    Hi, I know it's worrying especially with them being so small but there are a lot of nasty colds going around at the moment. My 5 year old had scarlet fever last month then a week after came down with a rotten cold. This week is the first week she's seemed better but all of the mums are saying the same about these horrible coughs and colds, they are lingering and real lying knocking the stuffing out of the little ones.

    I hope she feels better soon it's horrible seeing them poorly

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Worried about my 2 year old


    A cough/chest infection is not the first and most obvious sign of leukaemia. Not in my experience.

    What is the likelihood that this is something like that rather than directly all tied in to her illness, coughing, cold, etc.?

    It sounds possibly like she started off with a viral illness (cold) which developed into a now nasty chest infection. This is very common in children her age, especially after a cold. I assume that having listened to her chest that the doc you saw prescribed further antibiotics?

    Another thing that helps with a child's cough is a humidifier in the room or a steamy bowl of water to add moisture to the room (out of your daughter's reach of course)....this helps loosen any phlegm and mucus, plus the usual stuff like lots of fluids.

    I hope she gets better soon. x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Worried about my 2 year old

    I had tons of colds that turned to chest infections when I was a child and they were just like how you describe this. Antibiotics will soon sort it out and she will feel much better.

    My GP's always told me to see them if I was coughing up yellow/green mucus because I have asthma so would need antibiotics to help get rid of the infection.

    Dose her up with vitamin C too as it will help her immune system to fight it and is totally safe.
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