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Thread: May time blues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    May time blues

    I'm feeling very down today, and feeling down isn't normally my thing.

    I've got a family event, though only very casual, and I'm struggling.

    The only person who can help me is me, but does anyone else have issues at this time of year? Last year I was fine, but historically I've noticed low mood until end of June.

    Many thanks.

    Ps, enjoy lovely weather, fellow Brits.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: May time blues

    This year I am having the same issues Littlemissalone, not sure why, usually I love May and look forward to the warmer weather. This year feels different though for me and I'm struggling with low mood. Sorry I can't offer any advice but just wanted to share with you, hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: May time blues

    I'm actually feeling pretty positive but some years I have found the start of summer difficult as I tend to miss daylight with my sleep patterns and I can start having negative thoughts about missing out.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: May time blues

    Thanks for these responses.

    Started the thread 3 days ago and the weather broke yesterday. Crazily my mood has lifted!

    I've noticed other people saying their anxiety has worsened since the beginning of May, though they haven't made any kind of connection.

    Great you're feeling positive Terry! Incidentally, do you find that when you are well coming on nmp brings you down again? I head away when I'm feeling alright, sounds selfish but as you know we've got to do what suits us.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: May time blues

    I guess it does a little but it's not the subjects that bother me, my anxiety plays on the fact everything is a bit of a task/chore, it's what happened to me when I had my breakdown because I was someone who worked in project environments. So, coming on here can increase my anxiety because it can associate to a work environment. Like in exposure though, sticking through it and getting stuck in can help to cause this to reduce or dissipate.

    I do take breaks off here at the weekends now and log on later and it can help too.

    Occasionally if I am really anxious, a subject may cause a twinge but I deal with it as I'm long past the stage where I'm shocked by anything someone may say they are worried about.

    I know some years I do find I have a couple of weeks where I dip when the seasons seem to change. So, when it goes cold I feel a bit down and unhappy with the weather. Long before my anxiety I've also had spells or itching and my asthma worsens for a couple of weeks when the seasons change and then it completely disappears. Weird.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: May time blues

    Yes, you're right, running away from nmp is perhaps running away from anxiety and that is not helpful.

    Also, if I think I can help someone that will make me feel better too.

    As for the heatwave bringing me down, that was probably a blip. This time last week I was drained and that's gone now too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: May time blues

    It depends on what is going in your life. I'm not working so I can be on here more but when I am working again, I just won't have as much time. And besides, if you are have a good period and are busy enjoying your life, that's not running away at all, it's living. We mustn't feel guilty for that. It's avoidance when we can't come here out of fear but in overcoming that it doesn't mean we should commit to staying here either, it means removing that fear only through exposure and changing how we think about it. Some people then choose to work in these areas, some set up or work in charity settings and some go back to their lives BUT even those who choose not to be involved will run to help a sufferer if they find one and I think that is excellent!

    It does help me to help others but I've always been like that. In some ways, helping someone else is a distraction from my own issues too so I can benefit that way but there is a trap in there too if it becomes that it's stopping me doing something.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: May time blues

    Quite. I'm here at home when I should be out! Makes me wonder if the epidemic of mental illness is to do with our isolated online lives. I'm in my mid 40s so I spent until about 30 with no internet. While I have always been anxious it's been worse only very recently. It's only this Jan that I've been on line at home, prior to that I had to go to libraries. I worry about the young with social media, with them it's all about numbers of friends and likes. Stress they don't need with everything else.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: May time blues

    My anxiety has worsened since beginning of May but I'm sure thats just because of other things happening in my life. I used to love May when I was younger, it's the start of the warmer weather usually, I do get anxious when it gets hot though so May was always a nice inbetween month, if that makes sense. I come on NMP even when I'm well, as its one of the few things that distracts me without causing added anxiety.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: May time blues

    Sometimes we just have to accept that this is how we are. I always think it could be so much worse!

    I hope things have picked up for you, Almamatters.

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