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Thread: One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period

    I came off the pill about 10 months ago (I had been on it for about 7 years)

    I am 25 and usually have regular periods (get a lot of pain with them and always have done hence going on the pill to try to help which it did a little)

    I have noticed recently that my cycles have been getting a little longer.

    I had my first smear test at the end of last month which came back ok (I am agoraphobic/housebound but have started to take small steps outside my house and getting to the drs was a big deal for me)

    The week before I was due on I was getting bad cramps which I have been getting recently before my period. On the day I was due on I had brown blood and a little more throughout the day, the next day i used a tampon and nothing was on it after a few hours.
    I carried on getting cramps and started to get really nauseous, I have also had lots of bloating.

    I know lots of people may think ... pregnant, but I know I am not!

    I have had severe anxiety since I was tiny but have never missed a period or had a weird day one with what seemed to be more so old blood. I know a lot of people will probably just assume it's anxiety, but having lived with very severe anxiety and agoraphobia to the point of being completely housebound for many many years, this is very odd for me to have missed or had an odd one day period.

    I have also noticed that my skin has gone a little crazy over the last 3-4 months, I have never had a real issue with spots but I have had constant breakouts on the side of my face up by my ear/jaw (doesn't come as far as my cheek very much to the side of face) and also on my chin. I am wondering if somethings going on with my hormones, but more so of course I have convinced myself I am somehow dying or am infertile or something!

    I know I can't get a diagnosis, but has anyone else had this happen? I am really scared and will be booking a drs appointment soon but I probably won't be able to get an appointment for a while.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period

    Lots of things happen when you start and end birth control. Hormones have a big effect on the body. Your cycle will change, and you may miss a period or two. All of that is expected and should normalize in the next serveral months. And yes they can even effect your skin/breakouts as well. Nothing you described seems to be cause for any alarm.

    Do you use conditioner in your hair? As a teen I got breakouts on the side of my face next to my ears because I don't realize I wasn't rinsing the conditioner I was using off the side of my face completely. My mom pointed out that I may be doing that and it cleared up within a week.

    But going off birth control can definitely cause your skin to break out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period

    Hi Nicholebear,

    do you think it could happen about 10 months after stopping the pill though? Hopefully my next period will be fine, fingers crossed. However I am worrying so much about it all that it will probably affect my next one!

    I have made sure I have kept my hair up and off my face ever since breaking out on the side of my face and have made sure I have completely rinsed out my shampoo and conditioner every time I wash my hair (I have been a bit OTT with running lots of water through my hair after washing it so I don't miss any conditioner etc) in case that was causing issues, but it doesn't seem to be the issue. I have also been washing my pillow cases often too.
    I've never had this issue with breaking out until the last few months, I only ever really got large under skin spots around my period and would only ever get one or two at the most.

    Hopefully it's nothing to worry about and is just birth control related!!

    Thank you for your reply!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period

    10 months sounds within bounds of your hormones still adjusting. My mom told me once that when she was trying to get pregnant with me, it took seven months for the hormones to be out of her system so she could get pregnant.

    I'm not saying that's the case for everyone, because people get pregnant on BC all the time, but it will take a while for everything to get back to normal.

    Irregular periods happen sometimes, spotting in place of a period is perfectly normal, especially if you are under high-stress.

    Also you said you just had a pap that came back normal, that's great news!
    Cervical cancer is a very verrryyyy slow disease and extremely curable because of this. As long as you have a pelvic exam yearly and a pap every 3-4 years you should be all good

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period

    I'm 27, my periods were always VERY heavy, until I hit like 24 and then they stated getting light. I FREAKED OUT.
    I don't know why they changed but my Dr said it was nothing to worry about. And now I'm used to them being pretty light. To be honest I'm relieved!
    If you're really worried maybe ask for a phone appointment with a nurse?

    I'm agoraphobic too, although I'm able to leave the house and stuff now, I spent a long time indoors and I know what you mean about stress and stuff but sometimes your body does just change how it reacts to things.

    I get those kind of spots sometimes too! I tend to get some around my cheekbone as well and I have no idea why it's so annoying. I've noticed that the more I drink (water or juice anything really) the less they come up. Not had many at all lately. Could be diet related? Or make-up?
    Raised by wolves and other beasts.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period

    Hi HalfJack,

    I have never missed a period or had a period for one day so it's really freaked me out, it seemed more like old blood too than new so I am not sure what's going on!

    I will definitely get an appointment to discuss it just to put my mind at ease. I have been very stressed recently so that could well be messing with my body even though I am usually pretty stressed!

    It's so annoying with the spots as I have never had an issue with that kind of thing, it's not even just one at a time it's a cluster of them up by my temple/cheekbone area and only on the one side which is bizarre as I have made sure i change my pillows all the time etc

    I have recently cut out milk. I drink a lot of water. I don't drink any fizzy drinks or anything. I am going to incorporate more vegetables into my diet too. I was thinking about makeup products, I haven't used anything new but perhaps something isn't helping. It's just odd its only on the left side and then on my chin too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period

    Do you tend to rest your head in your hand like this?
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period

    Could be using foundation in general rather than the product itself?

    I've had depression for like 20 years and in that time a lot has changed about the way my body handles it. Not to say that's the same for you of course but it's possible.
    You're handling this really well though! When I was housebound things like this would really knock me down but you seem to be pretty level headed about it.

    Any chance it's left over from your last period or something? That happened to me once and I got my period a few days later.

    ---------- Post added at 02:19 ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholebear View Post
    Do you tend to rest your head in your hand like this?
    That's a good point!
    Raised by wolves and other beasts.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period

    Nicholebear I am not sure I am not aware of myself doing it, but I could well be!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period

    That can definitely cause a break out in that particular spot for sure

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