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Thread: Prostate/Groin Pain

  1. #1

    Prostate/Groin Pain

    Hi my name is Ryan and I'm happy to join your community.

    I've been struggling with health anxiety since I was teen(now 28) and coping the best I can.

    For the past 4 years I've been having groin pain on my left side. Basically perineum where your prostate is but on the left side. It's a dull ache and normally pretty unnoticeable at it's best. It also seems to coincide with a tingling in my left foot. It never seems to go away completely. If I lean more on my left when sitting it definitely puts pressure on it and the tingling/ache is much more noticeable.

    The pain sometimes radiates into my left testicle and a doctor did sense it was epididymitis at the time or at least tenderness in the cord connecting my testicle. But this seems to come and go as well.

    Extended sitting/walking seems to exacerbate the problem.

    Went to the doctor again about a month ago and she said it could be a ligament issue. But she did not inspect much. (When the pain started I was working a job that required me on my feet for long hours moving boxes. So I feel I could have done some damage back then.) She prescribed muscle relaxers but they didn't seem to do anything. I will be having a blood test taken tomorrow the 4th so I will see if there are any abnormalities.

    I'm scared of the worse of course...googling my symptoms yields awful results. Thanks again google... I will be shaking myself to sleep.

    Thank you for any input you can provide. I'm tired of having this nagging ache that keeps my anxiety on high.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Prostate/Groin Pain

    I don't know why nobody has answered this. Maybe they don't know the answer. I too have this issue but on the right side almost exactly . I haven't asked my doctor about it because it hasn't happened when I was going to the doctor regularly but it does seem to happen mostly when sitting. Just wanted you to know that you aren't alone and for whatever its worth hope someone answers this for both of us. Have a good day and hope you feel better soon.

  3. #3

    Re: Prostate/Groin Pain

    Thanks for the reply.
    To update from my last post. I had a urinalysis and a blood test that covered anything nefarious. Everything came back clear and I'm healthy by all accounts. No swelling in the area. No trouble urinating or burning.

    My doctor mentioned it could be a ligament issue that may never go away. Considering I've had it for 4 years and nothing seems to be worsening this makes sense. She also mentioned it could be a lower back issue from poor posture. Sitting hunched over at a computer definitely would correlate to that.

    I have my good days and bad days. Anxiety does seem to make it worse so sometimes I feel like it's in my head.

    If it's really bothering me I found riding a bike helps or pedaling on a stationary bike. I would think this would have the opposite effect but it does seem that once you get blood flowing it disappears. However walking on a treadmill doesn't seem to have much effect other than when I'm bothers me less.

    What may help and what I've been doing is also doing a bit of yoga. If you search the artofmanliness website(I can't post links) for undoing the damage of sitting that may help you. Perhaps it will have long term benefits that will alleviate this ache.

    Good luck and I hope you find some relief!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Prostate/Groin Pain

    Hey guys,

    I also get groin pain, I'm 26. It is not persistent, but happens from time to time. I think it might be pretty common. I wouldn't worry about it. Google will tell you anything is cancer basically from farts, to burps, to anything.

  5. #5

    Re: Prostate/Groin Pain

    Yeah it's definitely nothing serious. For the first time in years I've felt like I've had control over it. I started doing leg stretches. Just a few times during the day. I also try not to sit for long periods of time(moved to standing desk).

    My theory is it comes from stress/sitting/exerting too much or a combination of all 3. If I stop doing the stretches it slowly starts to creep back in.

    Just glad I've finally gotten some peace! Best of luck to everyone else out there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Prostate/Groin Pain

    Thanks for posting Ryan, I'm 47 and going through what you described now. It made me feel better to see I'm not alone. Welcome to the forums btw I joined in 2010 and love the ppl here , they are wonderful and supportive!


    Quote Originally Posted by chiasm View Post
    Hi my name is Ryan and I'm happy to join your community.

    I've been struggling with health anxiety since I was teen(now 28) and coping the best I can.

    For the past 4 years I've been having groin pain on my left side. Basically perineum where your prostate is but on the left side. It's a dull ache and normally pretty unnoticeable at it's best. It also seems to coincide with a tingling in my left foot. It never seems to go away completely. If I lean more on my left when sitting it definitely puts pressure on it and the tingling/ache is much more noticeable.

    The pain sometimes radiates into my left testicle and a doctor did sense it was epididymitis at the time or at least tenderness in the cord connecting my testicle. But this seems to come and go as well.

    Extended sitting/walking seems to exacerbate the problem.

    Went to the doctor again about a month ago and she said it could be a ligament issue. But she did not inspect much. (When the pain started I was working a job that required me on my feet for long hours moving boxes. So I feel I could have done some damage back then.) She prescribed muscle relaxers but they didn't seem to do anything. I will be having a blood test taken tomorrow the 4th so I will see if there are any abnormalities.

    I'm scared of the worse of course...googling my symptoms yields awful results. Thanks again google... I will be shaking myself to sleep.

    Thank you for any input you can provide. I'm tired of having this nagging ache that keeps my anxiety on high.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Prostate/Groin Pain

    Lately I've been suffering will groin pain and a burning sensation on the left side of my inner thigh which feels like someone is digging a hot knife into my thigh for the last 7-8 weeks I have been suffering with chronic health anxiety (not due to what I'm going through with the groin\thigh issue) unfortunately I have been diagnosed with every illness and disease possible......... By Dr google yet have been reassured from all the issues i had from real professionals ranging from (tc (had ultrasound), rectum C (examination from oncologist), subungal melanoma (a form of skin C) brain C (tension headaches) and so on I know a tad extreme but health anxiety does that to you. now as for the groin\thigh issue I was fearing the worst again since I started prodding around in my inner thigh and groin area and noticed these lumps which set me off again making emergency appointments to the doctor only to be reassured again that they were nothing but lymph nodes and were perfectly normal. I ended up going to a physio\chiropractor that thought the problem I was having was due to trapped nerves in my lower back from weeks of bad posture from all the stress and HA and after a spine and neck adjustment the pain is not as extreme but milder. Hopefully after 1 or 2 more sessions I should be good. Weather the storm and don't rely on Dr google Im not going to say stay of the internet because that does not work you will always find a place and time to make an appointment with it just don't rely on it and you will find that you will no longer need it. All the best wishes

  8. #8

    Re: Prostate/Groin Pain

    Hi my name is James I'm 37
    Started about 5 days ago pain right lower ab . Plus pain in groin right testical . What to doc today had uti test a clear no lump found . Doc said epididymis . But I'm worrying it's my prostate or testical cancer . I do suffer from health anxiety due to dad passing away 4 years ago from lung cancer. The pain ain't bad just dull and been put on antibiotics for four weeks if anyone can relate please do

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Prostate/Groin Pain

    Late post, but just saw it.
    Most if not all these posts seem to relate to a term called "pelvic floor syndrome". Now most cases are reserved for women but, rest assured it is now been discovered men can suffer from it. The muscles in that area are numerous and once they "spasm" or lock up, they can stay. It is typically caused by stress and anxiety. There is a pelvic massage for men, rather a personal approach, but a few places do it. You can actually do it yourself and it does work.

    My problems started and it was 6 weeks before I found a urologist that had actually seen this in men. The others had me on 6 weeks of antibiotics for prostatitis, which was incorrect. Once I found the real problem it removed in days.

    This may not be the cure all for everyone, but I assure you it's worth exploring.

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