Hi everyone. I'm new to this site but have been using it over the past couple of weeks to try help me get through the hell i'm currently experiencing. I have a baby 4 months old and gave been diagnosed with GAD and post natal anxiety and depression. I was started on fluoxetine 20mg 26 days ago (3 and a half weeks) and I feel only slightly better. No more panic attacks now but I am having very bad 'down' days where I feel so tense, angry, irritated, sick etc and just really anxious and I get intrusive thoughts and have random crying spells. Basically I feel terrible for a few days and then i'll have a good day of hardly any anxiety but then a few days later i'll feel like i'm back to square one again. Is this normal for fluoxetine and my time scale upto now? Fed up of feeling great and then going back downhill. Especially when i've been on them nearly 4 weeks and i've got a baby to look after!
Any words of advice or encouragement would be hugely appreciated!