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Thread: raised CA125 -scared

  1. #1

    Exclamation raised CA125 -scared

    Hi everyone. Would love some advice if possible please.
    A week ago I had a CA125 blood test because of lower abdominal pain.
    I have had scans showing benign cysts on my ovaries in the past but I was never asked to have a blood test. My result came back as 44( normal is 35 or under)Doctor rang today and has arranged urgent scan within two weeks. I am really frightened. I think he said it was a precaution because I am nearly 50 and have the raised CA125. I also have an appointment with the gynae consultant after the scan. Do you think there is something they are not telling me? Is it possible for a benign cyst to change to a cancerous one? Please help me if you can. It's really hard to sleep��

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: raised CA125 -scared

    No, they are being on the safe side and getting you in for a scan on your ovaries just to check there is nothing sinister. Please try not to worry too much as raised CA125 can indicate other things such as endometriosis, and some women have naturally high CA125. Please keep us informed x

  3. #3

    Re: raised CA125 -scared

    Thankyou so much Pepperpot for your kind reply. I go for the ultrasound next Thursday and will keep you posted.

  4. #4

    Re: raised CA125 -scared UPDATE

    Hi everyone.
    I went for my ultrasound scan today after receiving an urgent 2 week appointment. Previously I'd had a CA125 blood test (because of lower abdominal pain) and the result was 44 (normal is 35 or under). I have been really worried about ovarian cancer as I am 49 and had heard a raised number could mean a serious problem.
    I was given a standard ultrasound scan and also an internal scan ( internal didn't hurt at all and I was having my period but this didn't seem to be a problem). Afterwards I saw the consultant gynaecologist and he said my scan was fine.Relief! He said I had no cysts either benign or cancerous. I had a very small fibroid and possibly some endometriosis. Because of my raised blood test I have to have another blood test in 6weeks time. If it hasn't gone down he will give me another ultrasound. I am pleased the appointment went well although still a bit worried as to whether the reading will go back to normal. The consultant said he wasn't too worried as the rate can be raised because of many conditions not just cancer. This is why the CA125 test should not be used alone to diagnose cancer but just used as a guide alongside ultrasound etc.
    My Gp had also mentioned to the consultant that I had a small polyp on my cervix( found during smear test). Apparently. They are 99% harmless but they still like to remove them just in case. When I was examined the nurse suggested they removed it immediately as it was so small. I have to say I only felt a slight sting which was over in less than a minute. They didn't give me any local anaesthetic as it was small. They told me to wear a pad as there would be slight bleeding and cramping (similar to period pain) for a couple of days. I'm pleased I got it sorted. I think some people have them removed under a general anaesthetic if the polyps are large or inside the uterus. All the nurses were amazing and explained everything.
    Afterwards I was asked if i would take part in a study with Birmingham University. They are trying to develop a more accurate test for ovarian cancer. All I have to do is go for perhaps a couple of extra scans and have a blood test plus fill in a questionnaire. I agreed as the results of the CA125 test can cause so much worry and aren't always accurate on there own. Would encourage others to help with this if asked. Anyway,I hope this info helps someone. It's awful waiting for tests and results! ��

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: raised CA125 -scared

    I am so pleased that the news was so reassuring. This test is the cause of so much stress and a lot of docs insist on doing the transvaginal ultrasound alongside it anyway to rule out unnecessary anxiety if the blood test comes out elevated.

    Hopefully your levels will have come down at the next blood test anyway. I hope you don't have too much discomfort following the polyp removal but it was a good thing to have it removed there and then.

    You must be very relieved!

  6. #6

    thanks pulisa��

    I am Pulisa. Thankyou for your post. Its after midnight now and still a bit sore and crampy from polyp removal but hopefully should improve tomorrow.��

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: raised CA125 -scared

    This is great news! I'm pleased for you x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: raised CA125 -scared

    So happy for you!!! There's nothing like that feeling of relief!
    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

  9. #9

    Re: raised CA125 -scared

    Thank you so much for your post. I too had a raised ca125 test and had to go for an urgent scan. Was told it was a small fibroid and not to worry. Had a repeated blood test last week and have been called back to gp again as test has come back borderline, which is in 3½ hours - which is going so slow! After doing so well with my anxiety, this has got the better of me. I do hope you are doing well now.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: raised CA125 -scared

    Hi Bartonbeachhut. Is your scan in 3.5 hours? Or another blood test? I hope it goes well for you! I can’t imagine it showing anything different than your last scan! I’m sure you will be fine Keep us updated! Hugs

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