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Thread: A day in the life of Brian

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Unhappy A day in the life of Brian

    Let me preface this: For the last week I have a mystery skin burning in my left shoulder, neck, and chest, with a slowly developing lumpy rash. Also aching muscles in the same area. I have seen two doctors this week, both gave me cream, but it still continues to get worse, more rash, and more painful.

    2:00am Slept in my armchair as I usually do when I'm very anxious.

    8:00am Called 111, was told to see a doctor.

    9:00am Doctor was puzzled by my rash and burning sensation, gave me steroid cream.

    Spent all day fixated on the worst possible outcome/cause of my rash.

    5:00pm Visited my nephews, on the way had chest pains, and some while I was there. Once there I became very depressed and angry(not outwardly) at my constant illnesses, felt like I could lose my mind at any time. Felt like couldn't breath through nose and was light headed for quite a while. Spent practically the whole time trying not to have a panic attack.

    9:00pm Had to leave after fighting the urge to do so the entire evening, I felt sad I had to, they kept asking me to stay.

    Driving home started of with a manic feeling of anger and depression which eased off by the time I got home.

    Here I am.

    Unfortunately this is a fairly typical day for me, apart from the going out part, I'll be in the chair again tonight.

    Last edited by lifeofbrian; 27-08-16 at 12:43.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: A day in the life of Brian

    Didn't the Doctor give you any suggestion what's causing the rash and burning sensation? You could be allergic to something. It seems that you feel sort of safe at home because the anxiety eased of when you get home. Why do you sleep in your chair when your anxious Is it like a safety net something you feel safe in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: A day in the life of Brian

    The first doc said that she thought the rash on my chest looked like an allergic reaction but gave me moisturising cream, the second doctor said she was puzzled by it and gave me steroid cream.
    My anxiety can be so extreme that I feel I may need to "escape" or seek help so sometimes I don't even get undressed and get in bed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wales View Post
    Didn't the Doctor give you any suggestion what's causing the rash and burning sensation? You could be allergic to something. It seems that you feel sort of safe at home because the anxiety eased of when you get home. Why do you sleep in your chair when your anxious Is it like a safety net something you feel safe in.
    Last edited by lifeofbrian; 27-08-16 at 06:10.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: A day in the life of Brian

    Sending hugs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: A day in the life of Brian

    What does the rash look like?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: A day in the life of Brian

    Smooth red raised patches. And all around were is no rash it feels like I have bad sunburn, this started first.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phuzella View Post
    What does the rash look like?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: A day in the life of Brian

    Hi lifeofbrain,

    Just wanted to let you know that my OH gets something like this and it is a stress rash. It is hot and the rash is sometimes raised and can cover nearly all of his thighs and sometimes parts of his torso and neck. It is also hot.

    You can also get rashes and burning sensations through anxiety.
    I've had it too. It feels similar to a burn.
    Could you ask your GP whether it could be stress related?
    You can get some cream for it and it went away within a few days.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: A day in the life of Brian

    Hi and thanks for the reply. I hope it's something as simple as stress which I have been under a lot extra than usual over the last month having gone bankrupt and having to move out of my rented apartment for 2 weeks in to the landlords horrible smelly dirty house. My anxiety, depression and agoraphobia have gone through the roof. We'll see when Monday comes, if it hasn't improved, back to the doctor I go.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnation View Post
    Hi lifeofbrain,

    Just wanted to let you know that my OH gets something like this and it is a stress rash. It is hot and the rash is sometimes raised and can cover nearly all of his thighs and sometimes parts of his torso and neck. It is also hot.

    You can also get rashes and burning sensations through anxiety.
    I've had it too. It feels similar to a burn.
    Could you ask your GP whether it could be stress related?
    You can get some cream for it and it went away within a few days.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: A day in the life of Brian

    Don't estimate the power of stress lifeofbrian.

    I had a very similar situation to you 6 years ago when I lost everything, career, business, money and home and partner in hospital.
    The stress came out in the form of blood shot eyes for 3 months!
    And then the anxiety symptoms followed on as the stress piled up.
    I thought I could cope. I was strong and focused, but what I needed was 'time out'.

    The pain we feel and the symptoms of anxiety are a warning us to take it easy.
    Get plenty of rest, eat well, exercise and relax our body and mind.

    It may not seem like it now, but you can get through it.

    If it is stress causing the rashes, it is a body reaction from all your worries.
    Ask the GP when you go about a 'stress rash' and explain what has happened to you. x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: A day in the life of Brian

    As my rash was getting steadily worse I saw an out of hours doctor tonight who diagnosed shingles. He gave me these huge pills, I nearly choked on the first one, lol, I'll cut the rest in thirds. Unfortunately they seem to have the side effect of making me feel sick which I hate more than anything. I was very nearly sick, I got that feeling of "ok, here it comes", but on the way to the bathroom it subsided, my heart was racing at 108 bpm, 2 mins later it was back down to 74, just have a dry mouth now.

    Now I'm waiting for the doctor to call me with advice. All part of the fun...

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnation View Post
    Don't estimate the power of stress lifeofbrian.

    I had a very similar situation to you 6 years ago when I lost everything, career, business, money and home and partner in hospital.
    The stress came out in the form of blood shot eyes for 3 months!
    And then the anxiety symptoms followed on as the stress piled up.
    I thought I could cope. I was strong and focused, but what I needed was 'time out'.

    The pain we feel and the symptoms of anxiety are a warning us to take it easy.
    Get plenty of rest, eat well, exercise and relax our body and mind.

    It may not seem like it now, but you can get through it.

    If it is stress causing the rashes, it is a body reaction from all your worries.
    Ask the GP when you go about a 'stress rash' and explain what has happened to you. x

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