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Thread: Worst fear of all fears...

  1. #1

    Worst fear of all fears...

    Forget about fear of spiders, thunders , fear of flying or fear of people.. I have the worst fear and this is ruining my whole life... i have a fear of having diarrhea in public .. It never happened, no accidents or whatever... i dont even know where i get this phobia but EVERYTIME i go outside i have this fear that i try to control..but it's still in my head.. i CAN'T ENJOY EATING ANYMORE ! Can you believe this ? I DON'T HAVE APETITE FOR EATING AT ALL... i think because this fear had entry my subconscious :( .. I want to gain weight because im a skinny , ugly boy but EVERYTIME i try to eat more i think .. what if this will give me diarrhea and crap myself? sounds funny i know but this is my whole life.. this is my main problem.. i can't enjoy life anymore.. It's funny but it's messing my head pretty severe. The thing that annoys me it's that this never happened but still i have a fear that may happen and i will not recognize the signs that my body tells. F*** my life NO FEAR OF DEATH , BUT FEAR OF GETTING STOMACH UPSET :|

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Worst fear of all fears...

    Have you had diarrhea before? You must have.

    You usually get plenty of warning that something "bad" is about to happen.

    I've had it a few times. The last time was about 2 weeks ago. I'd had lunch at a restaurant, and few hours later, I knew something wasn't quite right.

    A bit later again, my Dad was driving me home, and I said... "Dad... we need to step on the gas, as I need to s**t real bad."

    From the point where I thought...

    "Oh my god, I really need to s**t so bad..." the point where I actually shat... it must have been about 8 minutes. (and I could have held it longer)

    You are never more than 8 minutes away from a toilet. If you are in public, it is perfectly normal to excuse yourself to use the bathroom. And if you feel unwell, its perfectly normal to apologise and say "You'll have to forgive me, I need to go as i'm not feeling great."

    The morale of the story. It's impossible to shit yourself in public. You are always near a toilet, and people are polite enough to excuse you if you need to leave.

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    “Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.” ― Seneca

  3. #3

    Re: Worst fear of all fears...

    Thanks for the answer! I've never had it , so that's why im afraid i will not recognise the signs that my body give me, thinking i can hold it but actually my time is ticking. Damn it man , this is the worst fear of all.. it comes with you EVERYWHERE ! And if i analyse with my brain and thinking a little, it's extremely irrational .. other fears, like fears of spiders , fear of crossing the street, fear of flying they have some sort of danger , for example a spider can bite you , crossing the street and someone can kill you with car, plane can crash..but to fear something that body do in order to protect me it's stupid...Yes , i can type all day, but when it really comes to face my fear i feel like something is taking full control, it's a mental battle between me, and the fear that keeps saying in my head ,, you gonna get diarhea if you eat this and that and you'l shit urself,,'s funny but it is what it is.. I appreciate you SLA for trying to help me.. You personally aren't afraid of this thing? Especially it happened to you ? I dont know how the f*** i'm gonna solve it..

  4. #4

    Re: Worst fear of all fears...

    What are you afraid of? I’m sure that like almost everybody else you are afraid of something.

    Charles F. Haanel defines fear as “…a powerful form of thought.” I think it is a very good definition, because mostly fear is in our minds. Phobia is abnormal fear. We are often afraid of things which we have no reason to be afraid of. This is because most of the fears and phobias are only the creations of our minds.

    For example some people are afraid of flying. Why? Probably because they have heard about some plane crashes and that all of the people died in those accidents. Of course plane accidents do happen, and usually all of the people who are in such accidents die. But the same people who are afraid of flying are usually not afraid of traveling in cars and on buses. Cars accidents cause many more deaths than airplane accidents. The probability of dieing in the car accident is much higher than in plane accident. Flying is the safest way of traveling. So, why people are afraid of flying? Like with most phobias the reason is that they do not control their minds.

    When we listen about different tragedies and unhappy news, a subconscious mind accepts everything which comes from a conscious mind. The subconscious mind is a creator, it makes things happen, but it does not have the power to differentiate between what is good and bad for us. The conscious mind has the power to differentiate, but most of the people often do not use this power.

    So, when you listen to news or a story your conscious mind accepts the news and makes a fearful picture of the situation. Maybe even you or your loved ones are in this picture. If the feeling of fear is there and it gets to your subconscious mind, it gets deeply rooted in your sub consciousness and it will be very difficult to get rid of that fear.

    Of course there are some techniques to get rid of different fears and phobias. But first you should be careful to not allow any fears or phobias to get to your subconscious mind. Avoid dwelling on any pessimistic and negative feelings. Try to cultivate positive feelings. Be optimistic. Even if you are not happy at the moment, thinking about your unhappiness will not make you feel better. It will make you feel worse.

    Think about something that would make you happy, about something you want very much. Close your eyes. Try to visualize yourself in a happy situation, in your perfect environment. Think of the reasons why you want what you want. See yourself as already possessing what you want. Try to really feel it. Let the feeling excites you. Hold on that feeling.

    If you do that you cannot feel unhappy. It might be difficult at first, but if you practice often it will become easy and natural for you. You will not only feel better but you will start attracting the things you really want. And by concentrating on positive feelings and by being charged with positive energy you will become immune to any fears and phobias. You will start manifesting the life you want. Now you are what you thought mostly about in the past. Do not allow your negative thoughts to create the unhappy future for you.

    To learn how to manifest life you want

  5. #5

    Re: Worst fear of all fears...

    my wife crapped her pants once. She was stuck in a car and got the squirts and while frantickly driving home just exploded. I wasnt there but i heard about it. She pulled over and had to pull her pants off, throw them out the window and wrap her coat around her middle to make it home.

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