We all knew what it was like when we were children; A day seemed like a lifetime and we didn't care about time passing.
Now, time is my fear, and I really need help. I've been trying to find someone else that feels the same way as I do, but with no luck. People just don't get it. Anyway, I'm gonna try to explain how I feel.
This started about 2 months ago, when I moved out. I really don't know why it started, it's kind of wierd... anyway. I can't stop thinking about time passing, and it freaks me out. Like, how can it already be 4 p.m?? Or where did the last 10 minutes go? How on earth is it already the middle of September? This leads to me almost always having stomachpain and sometimes even freaking out. I can't enjoy the fun things I do beacuse I'm always thinking about time passing, or something like "oh this fun thing is going to end soon". Now, I know there's no way to stop time. I just want to able to not think this way, I want to be able to think in the way I did before... This is a serious issue for me. I don't want answears like "You have to live in the now" beacuse that's what I'm trying to do, I need advice on how to not feel the way that I do...