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Thread: My Duloxetine Diary

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: My Duloxetine Diary

    Day 14 on Duloxetine and day 15 off the Citalopram, I've been a bit emotional the last couple of days and cry very easily. I'm assuming this is the cit withdrawal.
    Had some calmer times. I find I get wound up and agitated rather than anxious about it all at the moment. Still have to keep reminding myself I'm only on 20mg and just at the 2 week mark so not to expect miracles. Still having some anxiety here and there though. I'm going back to work today after 2 weeks off as I think being at home on my own all day gives me too much time to think and wind myself up. I just need to pass the time and let the meds do their job. Not sure how today will go but I'll update later.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: My Duloxetine Diary

    Not updated for a while, been on the 20mg for 4 weeks now and just increased to 30mg tonight! The 20 has helped but I wouldn't say I was back to normal yet! It has helped with the anxiety but I'm finding I'm very flat at the moment, not depressed but can't be bothered but not that bothered about it kind of thing! Still having some jaw clenching issues and still stuck on the hamster wheel with my thought process! I'm hoping the 30mg will help with all this. I didn't expect too much from the 20mg so the help with the anxiety has been good! I hope I don't get the side effects back from the increase but I'm expecting them to an extent. Here goes!!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: My Duloxetine Diary

    I've realised that i've not updated here in quite awhile so i thought i'd post an update.
    Today is exactly 4 weeks on the 30mg, the increase from 20 to 30 was quite rough but i found it settling after a couple of weeks. i can certainly say i'm not obsessing so much in my mind anymore and the anxiety is calmer than it was but i still feel very flat and no motivation and little energy. Getting quite wound up about it all. Doctor has increased my dose to 60mg as that is the theraputic dose and the one that i have been aiming for. i also have a referral to a phych but not contacted him yet as i think i should give the 60mg a chance first. i have some diazepam for the increase, i've not taken any since the first couple of weeks on the 30mg and my doctor said its ok to take upto 3 x 2mg per day if i need to although i only take them when i really need to.
    So i start the 60mg tonight at 8.30pm, very nervous about this but i'm not going to get any better unless i try so i'll update soon.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: My Duloxetine Diary

    Hi Jem, that exactly how I felt on Citalopram and my GP has changed me to Fluox to see if I get a lift from it.

    I feel fed up, not depressed as such, with no motivation and its then that my anxiety thoughts try to get in. But have been reading a book on sleep and how affects mental health, plus things which I thought were not normal, turn out to be very normal.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: My Duloxetine Diary

    Hi Jem! I hope everything goes okay and you get through the updose without too many problems. I have just gone up to the max dose of Sertraline (200mg), which is double what I was taking when I came in here. I am shitting myself. I hate med increases. Think I will just lay in bed and curl up into a ball today. Hope it all works out and let us know how you get on. Xx
    The other side of every fear is FREEDOM

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: My Duloxetine Diary

    I hope you both feel better.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: My Duloxetine Diary

    Today is day 10 on the 60mg, had a few side effects with the increase but not needed any diazepam which is a plus.
    Anxiety is fairly minimal, little bit when I wake up, also need to remind myself to eat some days! The main side effect is jaw clenching and muscle tension in my arms and an overall feeling of tension where my body won't relax no matter how hard I try. I also feel very flat with no motivation. Nausea is on and off but not much of a problem. I'm making sure I keep busy and doing things even though I don't want to! I'm hoping that things improve more as I've read it can take a while longer yet! I have an appointment with a pdoc on the 17th so I'll keep going as by then it will be almost 4 weeks on this dose and he will be able to advise.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: My Duloxetine Diary

    Thought i would add an update, after doing a month on 20mg then a month on 30mg followed by 17 days on 60mg and then a month on 40mg i think i've done a fair trial to be able to say that cymbalta just isnt for me.
    Mood wise it's been good, anxiety wise it's also been fairly good but it came at too much of a cost side effects wise.
    It caused severe jaw clenching which tensed up all my arm muscles and then all my muscles became weak and it never stopped the whole time i was on it. It has also messed up my hormones in a big way, i started bleeding after being on these for 2 weeks and i havent stopped since then (coincidence maybe but i dont think so)
    My doctor has done a straight swap with me from 40mg cymbalta to 50mg sertraline.
    I have heard these are hell to come off and i must say, i did a night with nothing then started the sert last night and this morning i feel horrific.
    I have a banging headache and feel so sick and nothing is helping. I know i need to ride this out so fingers crossed.

  9. #19

    Re: My Duloxetine Diary

    This thread is old but thought I would write a comment anyway as it may help others.
    I was on Cymbalta 60mg about 8 years ago for a couple of years and for me it was like a wonder drug. It just seemed to work where so many others failed. From being a nervous wreck and housebound I was able to leave the house and gradually got my life back.
    I came off them gradually (gave myself about 6 months to do this) and had no major problems doing so.
    Had a blip with my anxiety a few years later and was given Sertraline 30mg which helped some but once again, once I felt better, I reduced it gradually and came off them. This was about 5 years ago.
    Now facing another blip with my anxiety at an all time high. Health anxiety for me is triggered by stress, but this time am trying to manage it through meditation and other methods. I may go back to the doc for medication if I find I can't cope but want to make it the last option. I would certainly consider taking Cymbalta again if I found it to be necessary.
    Last edited by WhiteFairy; 09-03-17 at 09:10. Reason: spelling mistake

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